Moreover, his arrogant character is particularly prominent!

Even the Kai King God of his universe has warned him many times to kill him!

But he is still lawless!

Now he has set his sights on the already panting Kame Master!

This makes everyone feel that this guy is really despicable!

Kame Master has experienced three earth-shaking battles.

Now he has no strength left and is dying.

Sun Wukong put him here, but he wanted to rest.

Unexpectedly, this guy can actually come to the door!

Marvel World.

Iron Man Tony, Spider-Man Parker and others all expressed contempt for this guy.

Although this guy's strength must be stronger than theirs.

But he thinks this person's character is really too low!

863 If it were them, they would never send this guy to the stage of such a universe competition!

Isn't this embarrassing?

Captain America and others also frowned.

They didn't expect that there would be such a despicable character on the stage of this Tournament of Power!

It really hinders the viewing experience!

But some villains think so.

What Frost did was absolutely right!

As the saying goes, take advantage of his illness to kill him!

Now, isn't it the best opportunity to eliminate the players of the seventh universe?

Pirate World.

Blackbeard, who saw this scene, danced with excitement!

He felt that this guy's behavior was exactly the same as his own.

Before, Blackbeard wanted to get the Dark Dark Fruit.

He did not hesitate to kill his partner of many years with his own hands!

Just to take away the fruit!

And this also created a powerful Blackbeard!

Now, the top war has not happened yet, and Whitebeard has not died.

But he has already planned for the next action!

Maybe soon, he will provoke Whitebeard and want to seize his Tremor Tremor Fruit.

Blackbeard believes that as long as he can achieve his goal, then any means are good means!

What is despicable and shameless, that is empty!

History is written by the victor!

However, with Blackbeard's character, even if he won the final victory.

He will not praise himself in history!

He will record it truthfully and let everyone know his evil!

He doesn't care about these at all!

As long as he can become the Pirate King, he can give up everything!

From this perspective, Blackbeard is a qualified Pirate King! (To read the novels of Baoshuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He is more suitable to be a pirate than Roger, Luffy and others!

Because pirates are originally a kind of robbers who burn, kill, rob and commit all kinds of evil!

Luffy and others are even more strange among pirates!

Although most (bjch) navy are not good.

But they are much better than most pirates! []

Super God World.

Morgana, who is also a villain, despises this guy's behavior.

She thinks that demons must have a bottom line!

If it were her, she would never do such a move to bully the old, weak and disabled!

Morgana continued to watch the video.

I hope that Master Roshi can burst out his last potential to achieve four consecutive victories!

Let this guy swallow his own bitter fruit!

Dragon Ball Universe.

Sun Wukong and others saw that this guy was so despicable.

They all widened their eyes and their eyes were about to burst!

Several people wanted to rush in and beat him to death.

Sun Wukong knew that this battle was about too much!

The survival of the universe was controlled by the players on the ring!

But this guy was too shameless!

After all, everyone had seen the battle that Master Kame had experienced before.

They also saw that Sun Wukong put him in a safe place!

Let him rest for a while, and no one took action.

Because they are all super soldiers and have their own pride!

But this Frost, he has no such concerns at all!

Krillin also clenched his fists.

He secretly swore that if the Power Conference really started in the future.

His first goal was to knock this despicable Frost off the ring!

Let him, there is no chance to use despicable means!

But things don't go as planned!

The expected reversal did not appear!

Everyone saw that Master Kame, who had experienced several battles, was severely crushed by Frost!

No matter what means he used, he was not Frost's opponent! (Second update today! Here comes a 1,500-word chapter! Please subscribe! Please give me a monthly ticket! My goodness! My results are very poor! Please support me! Thank you! Your support is my greatest motivation!).

: ❂ᴳᵒᵈTSAསℭᴳᵒᵈ☪

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