The strong men in other worlds are similar.

They all know it in their hearts.

The few people who appear now should be the remaining Kage.

Sengoku:"Five Kage? I have never heard of them. I don't know how strong they are. Their opponent is Uchiha Madara...."

Sengoku felt that this must be a strong man from another world.

Otherwise, in their world, if there is a person like Uchiha Madara, they have never heard of it.

That is 100% impossible.

At the same time, Sengoku was also somewhat fortunate.

He felt that compared with Uchiha Madara, troubles like Kaido and Big Mom seemed to be better.

At least, let Sengoku choose an enemy from them.

He would definitely not choose Uchiha Madara.

This guy looks evil and scary.

In fact, even Kaido, Big Mom and others.

After seeing the strength of Uchiha Madara, they also felt a lot of pressure.

However, they were still excited in their hearts.

Kaido:"It's so interesting! Fight, fight more fiercely, let me see the more powerful power of this ninjutsu!"

Kaido knew very well that in the world of pirates, only domineering was above everything.

So, among these ninjutsu, what about the strongest ninjutsu?

In the world of Ling Cage.

Little Loli Xia Dou, Bai Yue Kui, Fatty Shan Da and others also showed anticipation on their faces.

They also wanted to know what kind of shocking scenes would appear in the end of this battle.

How far can the five shadows and Uchiha Madara fight? Many powerful people in the Demon Slayer world, Fairy Tail world, and Bleach world have such thoughts.

And at this time, they also saw that in the video, the battle between the two sides started directly!

Everyone saw that the so-called Mizukage, Mei Terumi, performed the Dissolution Release.

The Raikage rushed up and fought hard.

Uchiha Madara also released his Susanoo.

However, the Raikage's attack was obviously not enough to break the defense.

After one blow, Uchiha Madara's Susanoo did not move at all.

Tsunade took this opportunity to quickly heal Ohnoki and Gaara.

Soon after, Ohnoki joined the battle.

With Ohnoki's assistance, the Raikage's attack power increased instantly.

"Super Heavy Rock Technique!"

The weight of the rock covered the fist of the Raikage.

With one blow, it pierced through the incomplete Susanoo.

This scene was seen by many powerful people in the Naruto world.

They were all shocked.

Naruto:"So powerful, is this a battle between Kage-level people?"

Sasuke:"It's really too strong, the cooperation is perfect, the strength is amazing, and......Did the Raikage lose an arm? I didn't expect that even with an arm missing, his attack power would be so strong."

This was the first time Sasuke saw a Kage-level duel.

He said that if it was him, he would be defeated instantly.

The gap was too big.

And the five Kage themselves.

At this time, they also saw different feelings.

In the Hidden Cloud Village.

Raikage Ai couldn't help but say.

Uchiha Madara's Susanoo was really hard.

His attack couldn't shake it at all.


"I actually cooperated with that old man, Onoki, and the effect was surprisingly good? ? Really..."

Even the Raikage had never thought that he would see such a scene in his lifetime.

After all, that old man had a very strange temper.

But when facing Uchiha Madara ,

Ohnoki did not show any airs, but took on great responsibility.

In the Hidden Mist Village,

Mei Terumi also frowned.

She was also shocked.

Her own dissolution technique was completely unable to dissolve Uchiha Madara's Susanoo.

"This guy is too exaggerated, isn't he? Although he is a handsome guy,...It's full of dangerous atmosphere."

Mei Terumi also knew the seriousness of this problem.

Because this is obviously what will happen in the future.

"Are we going to fight Uchiha Madara in the future? This is not good news. Many people in the ninja world couldn't help but think about it....What exactly will happen?

In Konoha Village,

Kakashi, Might Guy, Asuma Sarutobi and others were just fantasizing.

And the other audiences in the heavens and the worlds soon saw it.

Even though Uchiha Madara's Susanoo was broken up, he still had Wood Release to perform.

When Uchiha Madara used Wood Release: Flower Tree World Descend, flowers that can emit poisonous gas grew from the tree.

The five Kage wanted to escape, but were caught up by Uchiha Madara's Susanoo. They were hammered down directly.

Soon, they were deeply trapped in the poisonous gas.

At the same time, Uchiha Madara also breathed fire again and ignited the trees.

The scorching heat, coupled with the poisonous gas, made the five Kage seem to be in hell. This scene also shocked many audiences. In the world of death, Ichigo, Ishida Uryu, Chad Yasutora and others all widened their eyes. The horror in their hearts completely emerged. Ichigo:"Unbelievable

...This battle was so exciting."

Uryu:"Although there hasn't been any shocking scenes so far, the strength of those people is beyond imagination."

Inoue Orihime:"It's amazing!"...Where are they from? They are so powerful."

At this time, the audiences in the heavens and the worlds saw that this battle was far from over.

Next, the extremely shocking scene was about to take place.

Uchiha Madara's complete form Susanoo was about to shake the heavens!

(Today's fifth update! Please collect, please give flowers, please give ten points, please give monthly votes! Muah! The results are very poor! Please support me! Thank you! Your support is my greatest motivation!)

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