At this time, in the world of Ling Cage, the little Loli Xia Dou, Bai Yue Kui, the fat man Shan Da and others were all watching intently. For them, such a scene was really great!

In terms of the degree of shock, they were completely satisfied.

Anyway, compared to the scene of them strangling the Extreme Beast, the battle in the video was shocking.

In particular, they had not forgotten the previous duel between Ulquiorra and Kurosaki Ichigo, and the duel between the Five Kage and Uchiha Madara.

In the end, it also reached a point beyond imagination.

So now, the battle between Straw Hat Luffy and Kaido of Beasts will definitely be amazing!

In the world of Naruto, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and others were also amazed at the power of Luffy's punch.

It seems that he can already beat Kaido of Beasts, right? At least, this punch is more effective than the so many punches when Luffy and Kaido were fighting alone just now.

This should be the improvement brought about by Luffy after learning the Ryu Sakura Haki.

And in the world of Pirates, seeing this scene

���Kidd, Law and others were also very surprised.

Kidd:"A battle with Kaido? It's so interesting. I will be the strongest in the future! I will become the Pirate King!"

Kidd was very excited.

Obviously, he didn't notice that the title only mentioned Luffy and Kaido.

However, for the confident him, he didn't care about these details at all.

The same is true for Law.

Including Big Mom, many viewers are happy to see what will happen next.

And there must be many more shocking scenes.

At this time, the strong men in the heavens and the worlds continued to watch.

Soon they saw it.

When the straw hat Luffy punched down, even Big Mom, who was very calm just now, showed a look of horror.

He said a little panicked:"Hey, Kaido, how could you be knocked down by that kind of fist?"

Kaido slowly got up, his face full of astonishment.

Luffy fell to the ground and said domineeringly:"I am the man who will surpass you and become the Pirate King!"

This scene, coupled with the background music, made many strong men a little excited.

The audiences in other worlds are okay.

They don't really understand what the Pirate King represents.

But in the pirate world.

Whether it is Whitebeard, Shanks or Hawkeye Mihawk and other strong men.

All of them have smiles on their faces.

Obviously, they admire this Straw Hat Luffy very much.

His fight with Kaido is worth watching!

In Wano Country, on Onigashima.

Kaido finally became interested. Kaido

:"What an interesting kid, haha! Come on! Then let me see if you are qualified to be the Pirate King!"

Kaido knew very well that the title said.

He is fighting against the Sun God Luffy.

But it may not be...He will lose.

Strictly speaking, Kaido has absolute confidence.

No matter if that kid is the sun god or something else, he will win.

At this time, the audiences in all the worlds also saw it.

In that video,

Luffy, Kidd, and Law all attacked Kaido.

Luffy directly entered the fourth gear elastic man form.

A monkey king gun hit him hard.

Kidd and Law were not to be outdone.

"Magnetic vise!"


And Kaido didn't even try to dodge and took all the damage.

Although blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, the expression on Kaido's face became more and more excited.

He kept saying,"It hurts! I'm going to die.""

"This kind of pain is the first time since then!"

In the pirate world, Garp, Whitebeard and others watched very seriously.

They paid more and more attention to this battle.

Even in the world of the dead, Roger himself watched without blinking.

Afterwards, the audiences of the heavens and the worlds saw that Kaido, the beast, and Big Mom, the four emperors

, had an extremely amazing duel with Straw Hat Luffy and others.

The excitement was not inferior to the previous scene of the Five Kage fighting Uchiha Madara.

Whether it was Straw Hat Luffy, Kidd or Law, they all showed amazing strength

"Rubber Rubber-Ape King Spin Bomb!"

"Rubber Rubber - Rhino Howitzer!"


""Magnetic Destruction String!"

Various abilities were used frequently, and Kaido was also beaten to a bloody mess.

He said:"It seems that you have almost figured out my strength. You guys are so interesting!"

And this is far from the end.

The people of the heavens and the worlds continued to watch.

Soon they saw that Luffy used an amazing move of the Ape King Spear to hit randomly.

Every punch seemed to have extremely amazing power.

The speed was extremely fast, and the iron fist was wrapped with the domineering Ryuo.

Like raindrops, it bombarded Kaido.

Kaido's huge dragon body was slowly smashed to the ground.

Luffy bombarded like this for several minutes.

The scene made many people in the pirate world look a little confused.

In Dressrosa, Mingo was sweating a little.

Doflamingo:"What's the situation, is this Straw Hat Luffy so strong?"

Mingge couldn't imagine that they could beat Kaido to this extent.

The most important thing is that even Law has become so powerful???

Mingge was a little panicked, because the Law in the video looked only a few years older than he is now.

This is not good news. Moria, Crocodile, Rob Lucci and others were also shocked.

Obviously, they knew very well that any one of them would not be able to withstand such an attack.

And the strong men in other worlds also knew that this battle was still just the beginning....

The scene that follows will definitely be even more shocking.

And this also makes the expectations of the strong men even higher!

(The third update is explosive! Please collect, please give flowers, please give ten points, please give monthly votes! Muah! The results are very poor! Please support me! Thank you! Your support is my greatest motivation!)

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