At this time, in the Angel Nebula, all the angels were extremely curious about this strange scene.

Angel Leng:"I didn't expect that humans could burst out such power by themselves. It's really rare."

Angel Yan:"This is the third shocking scene. I wonder what the next one will be like...."

Angel Yan felt a little uneasy.

Although he was confident in the strength of the angels, this third one seemed a bit exaggerated.

If it happened in the future, it might really happen. It was a scene that even the angels couldn't imagine.

But the other angels felt that it was unlikely.

Looking at the entire Shenhe universe, is there any civilization that could be stronger than the angels?

What a pity!...Many angels don't know.

These people are actually from other universes.

In the world of Ling Cage,

Little Loli Xia Dou, Bai Yuekui, Fatty Shan Da and others felt the breath coming from the video.

They were all a little scared.

If the previous Straw Hat Luffy's Ape King Spear was randomly hitting.

It looked very imposing.

At that time, his friends in the video.

Kidd, Luo, Zoro and others were stunned.

Even the Four Emperors Big Mom looked nervous.

She felt that the attack was a bit fierce.


The trick that Big Mom and Kaido are going to release together. It is definitely more terrifying. There is no need for any momentum.

They all abandoned those fancy things.

What they pursued is the ultimate explosion!

In the world of pirates.

Many strong people were shocked!

Even the other four emperors and admirals of the navy.

They all felt that such an attack was a bit too exaggerated.

Shanks:"The combined attack skills of those two? This is bad."

Although Shanks is strong.

He may not lose if he faces Kaido alone.

But if he faces Kaido and Big Mom together, even if the Pirate King Roger is resurrected, he will not dare to take it lightly.

In the Navy Headquarters,

Kizaru looked astonished and said lazily:"It's so scary, the combined attack skills of the two emperors, it looks very powerful."

Feeling the scene of the domineering aura flying around and the purple-black lightning roaring in the video, even Sengoku, Garp and others have solemn expressions.

And on the Merry,

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and others couldn't help holding their breath.

For them, the moves that the two monsters in the video are going to perform now seem incredibly powerful.

In fact, this may also be the most powerful move in the entire pirate world.

The two emperors mixed the domineering aura together.

Under the gaze of countless audiences in the heavens and the worlds...

"Domination of the sea!!!"

The next second...


An extremely terrifying shock wave that seemed to carry a destructive aura rushed directly to Luffy, Kidd, Zoro and others on the other side at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, all the powerful people in the heavens and the worlds were amazed.

Xia Dou:"Good!...Amazing..."

Xu Tong:"Hiss...This move will kill people, right?"

Even though they knew that Luffy, Zoro and the others were also very powerful.

But others could still feel it.

The sea tyrant released by Kaido and Big Mom together would be even more terrifying.

In the world of Bleach.

Hitsugaya Toshiro, Kuchiki Byakuya, Soi Fong and others were also shocked.

Hitsugaya Toshiro:"What a two monsters! Those two, no matter their attack or defense, seem to be maxed out."

Kuchiki Byakuya:"They are indeed rare and powerful existences."

Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes were also solemn.

He imagined, if he faced the monster named Kaido, could he win?

Maybe......Senbonzakura's attack didn't cause much damage.

That defense was really abnormal.

Kenpachi:"Great! It would be great if I could spar with this kind of monster!! Hahaha!"

In contrast, Kenpachi didn't think so much.

He really hoped to have a chance.

To fight directly with that kind of strong man.

As for the ending, it didn't matter even if he lost.

However, what surprised the audience in all the worlds was that when this move of Tyrant Sea was blasted out in the video.

The five people all realized that there was no time for them to dodge.

The terrifying domineering oppression made it difficult for them to move.

Law couldn't use his ability to transfer.

But at the critical moment, Zoro actually stood up.

Alone, he resisted this Tyrant Sea.

Although it was only for one second, it also bought Law time to transfer.

But the price was that Zoro had broken bones all over his body.

Lying on the ground, he looked very painful.

This scene surprised many strong people.

And everyone soon saw that this battle was not over!

When no one reacted.

In the video, Straw Hat Luffy rushed up again!

At the same time, a fire fist gun was fired.

This time, Kaido actually chose to dodge.

The Straw Hat Luffy in the video laughed and said,"You dodged, Kaido!"

Hearing this, Kaido seemed a little angry.

Even Kaido, who was watching the video, was surprised.

Kaido:"This kid...Growing so fast?"

Kaido frowned, thinking that things were not that simple.

He had been defeated by himself twice.

But he seemed to still have the strength to fight.

Fortunately, Kaido did not hesitate.

Instead, he thought that this was better!

Kaido:"Come on! Fight, let me see what the Sun God looks like!"

Kaido thought so.

The other audiences in the heavens and the worlds were also looking forward to the scene when Luffy appeared in the form of the Sun God.

(The fifth update broke out! Is anyone reading this book? If not, I won't write it. If anyone does, please vote for the author. Thank you!)

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