At this time, in the pirate world, there were many strong men with smiles on their faces.

They all saw that Ulquiorra's speed became faster.

The fierce attack made Ichigo a little overwhelmed.

But the man called Ichigo was not defeated so easily.

The strong men saw that a black flame suddenly emerged from his sword.

The ability called Getsuga Tensho was not released.

Instead, it was used as an enchanted power.

It made Ichigo's own attack more fierce. This scene shocked Ichigo Kurosaki in the world of death. He couldn't help but say:"Will I, in the future, fight with such a strong guy? And......Inoue is also there....What happened?"

Ichigo Kurosaki is not a belligerent.

Every time he draws his sword, it is to protect his companions.

But now seeing Inoue there, Ichigo immediately thought that

Inoue might be in danger at that time.

He should fight to protect Inoue.

So, can he win this duel?

Ichigo couldn't help but clench his fists.

He could see that the one called Ulquiorra was very powerful.

Even his future self might not be able to deal with him.

"I have to become stronger!"

Ichigo Kurosaki thought to himself.

In the Naruto world, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and others couldn't help but open their mouths wide.

Naruto:"This...This is too powerful, right? Where are these two ninjas from? No, what they are using doesn't seem to be ninjutsu."

Sasuke:"Are there such guys in this world?"

Sasuke felt complicated.

He was a little scared. He thought that the demon Zabuza was scary enough.

Unexpectedly, there are such monsters in other places.

Sasuke felt that his self-esteem was hit.

Moreover, this is only the first shocking scene!

How shocking will it be after that?

Sasuke couldn't think of it.

But in fact, it's not just Sasuke.

Even Kakashi, Might Guy and other senior ninjas in the Naruto world.

All looked serious.

Kakashi:"It's really interesting. It turns out there are such people, but the one named Ulquiorra doesn't seem to be human."

Kakashi has also dealt with many strong men, and some time ago he even defeated the powerful ninja known as the demon Zabuza.

If a slightly weaker person saw the look in Zabuza's eyes, they would feel fear just by looking at each other.

A chill would rise from their hearts.

But Ulquiorra's eyes made people more afraid.

That look without any ripples was as if...Like looking at a dead person.

The most important thing is that Kakashi, Might Guy and others also noticed it.

In the video, when Ulquiorra received the Getsuga Sky Strike after the enchantment of the next magic.

His expression was still calm.

This shows that

Might Guy:"This Ulquiorra is probably far from using his true power."

Guy also rarely put away his playful personality and said seriously.

Xiao Li, who was watching from the side, didn't dare to say anything and even forgot to blink.

He was afraid that he would miss any scene.

Xiao Li didn't want to miss this opportunity to observe the confrontation between strong people up close.

Especially when he heard Teacher Gai say that Ulquiorra still had some strength left.

Xiao Li was even more shocked.

This world...It was really too big.

Beside them, Neci and Tenten were also watching nervously.

Even though Neci was known as a genius, the arrogance in his heart was gone at this moment.

Compared with the two powerful beings in the video.

Neci felt that he had no qualifications to fight with them at all.

Neci:"It’s simply too powerful!"

And it’s not just the world of Naruto.

Many viewers from other worlds were also watching nervously at this moment.

And, at this moment, all the strong men saw.

In the video, after a fight between Kurosaki Ichigo and Ulquiorra.

Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly said,"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Ulquiorra"

"Let's get started, this is what you're looking forward to..."Hollow out!!"

As he said this, Ichigo put his hands on his face.

A black aura emerged around him and continued to condense.

The aura on Ichigo Kurosaki's body was also growing rapidly.

And when he put his hands down, a white hideous mask suddenly appeared on his face.

At the same time! Ichigo in the video also let out a roar like a beast.

The powerful aura also broke out at this moment.

The audiences in all the heavens and worlds were suddenly shocked.

Demon Slayer World.

Tanjiro, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke and others were stunned.

Tanjiro:"This...What kind of power is this! ?"

Inosuke:"I've never seen it before....This guy just said hollowification, right? How can I get this power? I want it too! If I have this power, it will be so easy to kill demons in the future! I want to kill one demon with one sword!!"

Inosuke was a little excited. Agatsuma Zenitsu was scared.

Similarly, on the other side, those powerful pillars.

At this time, one by one, they were not calm.

Whether it was the Snake Pillar, the Wind Pillar, the Butterfly Pillar or others.

At this time, their faces were full of shock.

And it's not just them.

The world of One Piece, the world of Naruto, the world of Spirit Cage, the world of Fairy Tail...

Many strong men were shocked.

Obviously, they were all surprised by the power of Hollow that suddenly erupted from the young man.

(Sixth update on the first day! As long as the first day of the book has more than 3,000 flowers, more than 300 evaluation votes, 20 comments, and 5 chapters of monthly votes, the author will immediately update 20 chapters! There are enough manuscripts in stock! Please support!! Your support is my greatest motivation!)

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