At this time, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, the angels watched the shocking scene in the video.

Even they thought it was a bit awesome.

This human being could use ninjutsu to create such an amazing explosion.

It was indeed very unusual.

In the Avengers world,

Tony, Captain America, Banner and others were even more shocked.

They obviously didn't expect to see such a scene.

In any case, the collision between the two people in the video was extremely terrifying.

If it appeared in their world, in their city, it would be a disaster.

The most important thing is!

They all knew that this might...It's just the beginning.

In the world of Demon Slayer,

Tanjiro, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Inosuke and others were also completely confused.

They couldn't imagine at this time what level of strong people they saw fighting.

Tanjiro said that their previous duel with the demons seemed to have become like playing house.

In fact, even the pillars were wide-eyed at this time.

They were all stunned.

Uzui Tengen���He was a little excited.

He said,"Is the ninjutsu I learned so powerful?

"...Is it possible for me to learn such ninjutsu in the future?

Uzui Tengen is not greedy. He does not need the power of Sharingan, Samsara Eye, or Nine-Tails.

It is cool enough for him to learn the Shadow Clone Technique.

The most important thing is that

Uzui Tengen knows very well that there are more ninjutsu in that world.

Since there are so many strong people in that world, there must be many powerful ninjutsu.

In addition, there are chat groups now.

So...Uzui Tengen swore.

Later, he must find a chance to ask.

See how to learn this awesome ninjutsu.

If he has a chance to learn it, Uzui Tengen will definitely beat all those upper rank ninjutsu.

Of course, the group is muted during the video playback.

This is why many viewers in the world can watch the video patiently.

Otherwise, if this scene is not muted, the chat group will definitely explode.

For example, now, 01 Naruto is already cheering in the village.

He and Sasuke didn't pay attention to why the two of them fought. Anyway, it's not the first time.

Sasuke and Naruto are now immersed in the scene of their powerful burst.

Naruto:"Damn it!! I will become so strong in the future! In this form, even Uchiha Madara will not be my opponent, right? Hahahaha! When I become so strong in the future, if Uchiha Madara dares to attack again, I will definitely beat him to a pulp!"

Little Naruto danced with joy.

Sasuke standing by did not hide his excitement at all.

Sasuke:"Itachi!! You are dead!! When I master this kind of power in the future, I will definitely make you pay the price!"

Sasuke was immersed in his own second-year world.

He watched the video, showing himself with the Mangekyō Sharingan on one side and the Rinnegan on the other. He could not suppress his excitement at all.

Sasuke even hoped that he could obtain such a powerful power right now.

Then he would find Itachi and complete his revenge!

What a pity....Not now.

Fortunately, Sasuke is also very smart.

He knows that if he waits for a while, the Zhutian Forum should give him rewards.

After all, he has made it to the list and become the protagonist.

When Sasuke thought of this, he became even more excited.

As for Kakashi, who was watching the two little guys making such a fuss next to him, he couldn't say anything at this time.

Because even he felt that it was a bit too exaggerated.

The most outrageous thing was on the other side.

Gaara, Kankuro, Temari and others who came to the village and met Sasuke and Naruto.

Temari was previously complacent about her participation in the Ninja World War and the fact that she slapped Uchiha Madara away.

Gaara also saw the scene of his battle with Madara in the previous video.

He was a little dazed.

As a result, now he sees Naruto and Sasuke.

In the video, such a powerful force erupted.

Temari and Kankuro were both stunned.

Temari:"That's...The yellow-haired kid from before? ? ?"

Temari was numb.

She could never have dreamed that such a kid would be so strong in the future.

And if Naruto and the others were unsure, then Temari had a very deep impression of Uchiha Madara Sasuke. He was so handsome since he was a child.

It was hard to forget him after just one encounter.

But...The way he looked in the video.

This made Temari feel a chill on her back.

Temari said that if the future Sasuke wanted to kill her, he might just need to look at her.

Kankuro:"They are so strong, and they look...She's not that old...."

Kankuro was stunned.

He immediately thought, are they sure they want to carry out their plan to destroy Konoha?

If this one is not done well, the entire Sand Village, no, the entire Wind Kingdom will be in trouble in the future, right?

If those two behemoths want to attack together, who in the ninja world can stop them?

But that is all later.

Yes, after seeing such an amazing scene, even Kankuro, Temari, Gaara and others don’t want to miss it.

What’s more, it seems that the future Naruto and the future Sasuke are fighting for life and death?

Many strong people don’t know the reason between them.

They only know that this battle and the shocking scene that will appear next are absolutely beyond imagination.

That’s enough.

In particular, the audiences of all the heavens and worlds soon saw that in the video, after Naruto and Sasuke hit each other, the future Sasuke said indifferently:"This level of attack can’t kill me!"

When these words came out, all the strong men were stunned.

Xia Dou:"What do you mean by......Is that the extent?? I'm going...This is too outrageous!"

Xia Dou said directly���She couldn't accept it.

She felt that if she was there, she would have turned into ashes.

But for the handsome Sasuke, it was just...To this extent?

Bai Yuekui on the side was also ashamed.

Although she knew it in her heart.

Indeed, for that kind of strong man.

This level of explosion may not be a big deal.

But from their point of view, the impact of this sentence is too great.

In the world of pirates.

Kaido, Big Mom, Whitebeard and other strong men.

Are also a little excited.

Kaido:"It looks like this battle will be very exciting! Hahaha!"

Kaido is not panicked.

Anyway, he has been on the list once.

Now he just has to wait for the reward.

He is also very curious about the shocking scenes that will appear in the video later.

And Whitebeard, Roger, Shanks and other strong men.

Although they have not appeared yet.

But they are not in a hurry.

These viewers all thought that the video is still very long.

And...The group leaders are all here.

It's hard to say what the situation will be like next.

Now, it's enough to watch the video carefully!

They all watched it very seriously.

In the Naruto world, over at the Akatsuki organization.

Uchiha Itachi was quite pleased to see this scene.

And the other members.

Kisame, Deidara, Sasori and other strong men.

After seeing the strength of the two people in the video.

They all felt a lot of pressure.

Kisame:"Really, each of them is as strong as a monster."

Deidara:"The explosion just now was quite artistic! It seems that I have to work harder to practice, and I want to continue to improve my ultimate art!!"

Obviously, no matter what.

The appearance of this inventory video.

Has changed many things in the heavens and the world. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

And at this moment, the strong men saw.

In the video, the future Naruto replied:"I said, I don't want to kill you at all..."

In response, Future Sasuke interrupted and said,"Enough!"

After that, everyone saw Sasuke raising his hand.

In the distance, nine huge stone balls formed by countless stones flew towards Sasuke.

Until now, many viewers noticed that there were nine huge stones in the scene.

The strong people from other worlds were very curious about this.

Mihawk:"What is that?"

Sengoku:"It looks like something is sealed inside..."

Zhan Guo said this based on his intuition.

But no matter what the stone is, all the strong men are clear about one thing.

That is! This thing is definitely very useful!

However, compared to the calmness of other worlds, in the Naruto world,

Nagato was not so calm.

He looked at the stones and recognized them immediately.

Nagato:"This...Is this Chibaku Tensei! ?"

As the owner of the Samsara Eye, how could Nagato not see it?

That stone was obviously the product of someone casting the Chibaku Tensei.

Now, the guy called Uchiha Sasuke has the Samsara Eye.

So there is no doubt about it.

But the key is

Nagato:"He���Can you release nine Chibaku Tensei at once? Wait, nine...There are nine tailed beasts sealed inside? ? ?"

Nagato was almost numb at this time.

Their Akatsuki organization was desperately trying to collect the tailed beasts.

Although each monster in the organization had power comparable to that of the tailed beasts, it was not an easy task to subdue the tailed beasts....Did Sasuke subdue the nine tailed beasts by himself?

Nagato said that he couldn't accept it.

He called himself a god. But his power was nothing in front of Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Sasuke, and Uzumaki Naruto....

Nagato's self-confidence was hit.

And in the ninja world, other ninjas also analyzed this point.

Whether it was Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, they all knew very well that there were definitely nine tailed beasts sealed in there....

Sarutobi Hiruzen:"Then where did the Nine-Tails on Naruto come from?...How did one more appear?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know either.

When Minato Namikaze sealed the Nine-Tails, he actually sealed it in two parts.

In the world of the dead, Minato Namikaze, who saw this scene, immediately guessed that it was possible that he would be resurrected in the future.

Either the tailed beast in his body was extracted and sealed, or the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body was extracted and sealed.

Then the Nine-Tails in his body was divided into Naruto.

It has to be said that Minato's brain is very good.

In addition, the audiences in all the heavens and worlds also saw it.

At this time, another scene appeared on the video.

It was the scene of Sasuke sealing the nine tailed beasts.

The strong men only saw that Uchiha Sasuke just glared.

With a sound of Chibaku Tensei!

Suddenly! The nine tailed beasts present were all sealed.

Turned into the current stone appearance.

Such a scene made many viewers call it awesome.

Kaido:"It turns out there is such a ninjutsu! It's so interesting!" Whitebeard

:"Gulala, I don't know what kind of amazing scene I will see next."

Many people were watching with great interest.

In the ninja world, the ninjas were even more shocked.

Raikage Ai, Tsuchikage Ohnoki, Mizukage Terumi Mei and others once again felt the gap between them and the peak of the super-kage. Damn it....Ai said that his father could fight the Eight-Tails badly back then.

He was a tough guy.

If Ai was asked to deal with the tailed beasts, he would not dare to say that he could win.

But now, these tailed beasts are in front of Uchiha Sasuke.

They are like pets.

In fact, it is not only Sasuke.

Naruto, Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, these super shadow peak existences.

They can easily control the tailed beasts.

A long time ago, Hashirama showed the Nine-Tails that he could kill it by patting the head.

But now Sasuke has indeed surpassed Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

In the video, he himself also said:"Now I am the strongest in the ninja world!"

Hearing this, the Konoha village.

Little Sasuke was so excited.

Sasuke:"The strongest in the ninja world! Hahaha! Great, this is my future self! Naruto, you can't beat me, give up!!"

Sasuke said directly���Little Naruto said.

Naruto was of course not willing to be outdone:"What did you say? I will definitely win this duel!!"

Sasuke:"How is it possible! You are a loser! How can you win!"

Although it is not clear why the two of them fought in the video.

But Sasuke at this time was not rebellious or a middle school student.

He could even block the knife for his companions.

It was not until he met Orochimaru that Sasuke began to become more twisted.

Of course, it was also related to the fact that he was from the Uchiha clan.

In short, little Sasuke and little Naruto had a big fight.

Sakura next to him was a little embarrassed.

She even had a low self-esteem.

Unexpectedly, even Naruto has become so strong.

From then on, Sakura would no longer dare to look down on Naruto.

Even Hinata, Shikamaru, Kiba and others looked at Naruto with admiration.

However, compared to this, other strong people in the heavens and the worlds.

They are more concerned about Uchiha Madara and Sasuke....What do you plan to do with these tailed beasts?

Fortunately, they soon got the answer.

Everyone saw that in the video.

After Sasuke performed the spell, a huge amount of chakra emerged from those stones.

The next second, it all flowed into Uchiha Sasuke's Susanoo.

When such a scene appeared!

The heartbeats of all the strong men in the heavens and the worlds accelerated.

Kaido:"Oh? It seems that something extraordinary is going to happen."

Sengoku:"Use that Susanoo as a container to absorb the power of those so-called tailed beasts? I can't imagine how strong Uchiha Sasuke will become after absorbing it."

Although it is still unclear how powerful these tailed beasts are.

But looking at their appearance, you know that they are definitely not easy to mess with.

What's more, there are nine of them.

In the ninja world, many ninjas were stunned.

At this moment, whether it was Jiraiya, Orochimaru, or Kisame and other strong men. They all couldn't believe it.

They said that this was too exaggerated!

This scene even interested Uchiha Madara in the undead plane.

Uchiha Madara:"Interesting, Uchiha Sasuke, my descendant?"

Madara was not too panicked.

His eyes rolled, and more plans emerged in his mind.

In terms of wisdom, Madara was no worse.

It can only be said that Black Zetsu was better in the end, and there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, even Madara could not have thought that there would be an alien in his team....

But this is not important.

The audiences in all the worlds continued to watch.

Soon they saw that

Sasuke, who had absorbed the power of the tailed beasts, had an aura and power bursting out of his Susanoo.

It became even more terrifying!

His strength can be felt with the naked eye.

This form of Susanoo is completely different from the previous one.

And such a scene also made many strong people look forward to it. How amazing will the shocking scene be next!!

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