At this time, in the Angel Nebula.

All the angels felt that this video was indeed not as simple as they thought.

Angel Zhixin:"Next, won't there be a famous scene that even we are shocked by?"

Zhixin couldn't help but say.

Angel Leng:"Haha, how is that possible? We are the strongest angels in the universe! Even the strong ones in other worlds are definitely not as strong as us. If you ask me, the number one is definitely Queen Kesha."

Angel Leng has always been proud and looked down on other humans. She even admired Holy Kesha.

However, on the throne, Kesha herself actually had this idea before.

But seeing this, even Kesha had to admit.

These few shocking scenes.

Maybe it will really be...It was beyond their imagination.

If one of their angels could make the list, that would be a good thing.

But if not, Kai'Sa thought it was quite normal.

After all, when she learned that there were other universes,

Kai'Sa was already scared.

As for the fourth shocking scene, the final bond between Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, the angels were slightly moved.

But like the audiences in other worlds, they soon began to look forward to the fifth shocking scene.

In the world of One Piece,

Sengoku, Garp, and Kizaru watched the last scene of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke slowly disappear.

After sorting out their thoughts, they all began to fantasize.

What would the next shocking scene be like?

Sengoku remembered Ulquiorra and Ichigo Gyuto.

The duel between Uchiha Madara and the Five Kage. Kaido the Beast and Luffy the Straw Hat.

And the current Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

These people, without exception, are very powerful.

Sengoku did not expect that his Great Buddha form would have a chance to be on the list.

To be honest, Zhan Guo knew it very well.

The shocking degree of the appearance of the Buddha was"643".

Compared with the collision between Indra's arrow and Yin Yang Release Rasenshuriken, it was not a little bit different. Zhan

Guo thought that if he was also in the explosion at that time, he might not be able to stand up and continue fighting after falling from the sky....Directly killed by the explosion!

There is no way, the explosion is really amazing.

As for Kaido, Whitebeard, Shanks and other four emperors, they quickly forgot the so-called bond between Naruto and Sasuke.

They don't have much sense of substitution.

For these audiences, what they are more looking forward to is the fifth shocking scene!

To what extent can it reach.

In the world of Ling Cage, Demon Slayer, and One Punch Man, there are many audiences who think that such a scene is also quite touching.

Tanjiro:"I didn't expect that Naruto and Sasuke would have such a bond! I am so moved."

Inosuke:"So awesome! I want to learn the three-sword style and learn ninjutsu! I want to summon Susanoo!!!" Inosuke doesn't have so many emotions. He just danced with joy at this moment, and felt extremely yearning for those powerful forces. Agatsuma Zenitsu:"I also want to learn the Thunder Release! It's too strong! And if it can be combined with my Thunder Breathing..."

Even Zenitsu, who is usually lazy and cowardly, is very interested in those moves that wantonly control thunder.

In the world of Fairy Tail, people like Natsu, Gray, Erza, etc.

who value the feelings of their companions, are deeply touched.

Natsu:"I really hope to meet them!

Naruto, Sasuke!


They must be two very interesting guys.

" Natsu's face showed an expectant look.

He thought that since everyone is in the group , there might be a chance to meet them later.

In the world of Naruto, in Konoha Village, Naruto and Sasuke have great feelings about this ending.

Especially when Naruto said in the video that he felt that this battle was not a real battle.

It was purely to wake up his best friend who was dizzy about his life.

This made Sasuke a little enlightened.

In fact, he knew in his heart that for revenge, he would eventually become another terrible person.

When Sasuke's desire for revenge was too strong before, he subconsciously felt that even if he became a monster, as long as he could get power, it didn't matter.

But seeing that the future Naruto was so persistent in himself.

as well as

...Sasuke also saw that in the video, he finally said:"I recognize you...Naruto!"

"it's me...Lost!"

He even shed two lines of tears.

This made Sasuke feel a little socially dead.

Naruto laughed and said,"Hahaha, did you see that? Sasuke! I won! The future me will be stronger than you!" At this time, the bond between Naruto and Sasuke was not that deep.

But in fact, they had noticed each other since they were young.

Because their experiences were very similar.

Although Sasuke had been taken care of by his brother since he was a child.

But he experienced...The tragic experience of being exterminated.

Naruto has never experienced this kind of pain.

But because of the existence of the Nine-Tails in his body, he was ostracized and bullied by the people in the village.

Therefore, they are all very lonely.

The only difference is probably that

Naruto has Iruka's guidance and his personality is more cheerful.

Later, he met many companions.

Sasuke is not like that.

There is no way, Sasuke wants power.

At that time, whether it is Kakashi or others, they can't help Sasuke become stronger in a short time.

Only Orochimaru is the most suitable!

However, these are too early for the two little guys.

In the future, they will slowly experience it.

And Kakashi, Might Guy, Sarutobi Hiruzen and other audiences know in their hearts that in the future, the pattern of the ninja world will probably undergo tremendous changes.

Many audiences in other worlds want to obtain powerful powers such as Susanoo and Sharingan.

But for many ninjas in the ninja world , they also want to become stronger.

Especially the members of the Five Kage, the Three Ninjas, and the Akatsuki organization.

They used to think that they were already standing at the top of the ninja world.

After watching this video, I realized that their strength is not even close to that of the Super Shadow.

Whether it is Uchiha Madara, the future Uzumaki Naruto or the future Uchiha Sasuke, they are all extremely strong.

That kind of terrifying strength.

One person is enough to destroy a country!

No one can stop it.

At this time, the audiences in all the worlds also saw that the chat group was open again!

This made many viewers immediately start to speak impatiently.

Luffy:"God damn it!!

It's amazing!

Naruto, Sasuke, you are also very powerful!

" Naruto:"Hehe, of course!

In the future, I will definitely become a Hokage!

" Naruto is not socially phobic at all and is very active in the group.

Tanjiro, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Xia Dou, Zhang Chulan and others spoke one after another and expressed their envy.

Uzui Tengen, Inosuke and others did not forget to ask them how to obtain ninjutsu, three sword styles and other moves.

Hearing this, Zoro immediately became interested.

He started explaining to Inosuke in the group.

Naruto also acted as a teacher and began to explain the Shadow Clone Technique, Transformation Technique, etc.

But those explanations were not really teaching at all.

However, Uzui Tengen, Tanjiro and others listened very seriously.

There were many viewers from other worlds.

They also felt like they had found a treasure.

However, they wanted to learn these moves across worlds.

Of course, it was not that easy.

When Kakashi, Might Guy, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others saw this, they couldn't help but hold their foreheads, saying that these little guys were really noisy.


...What made everyone hold their breath was that they soon saw several more reminders on the Zhutian Forum.

【Ding! Reward: Tsunade's Hundred Healings Technique becomes passive】

【Ding! Two days of reward will make Ohnoki 20 years younger】

【Ding! Reward: Raikage Ai's speed attribute is doubled】

【Ding! Reward: Gaara becomes a perfect Jinchūriki, who can transform into a tailed beast at will】

【Ding! Reward: Mizukage Terumi's power-enhancing ninjutsu】

【Ding! Reward: One Uchiha Madara Resurrection Card】

When these rewards appeared, many viewers in the world (to read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) were envious.

They all guessed that the rewards would appear at this time.

But when they saw it with their own eyes, they still felt that it was incredible.

In the pirate world,

Kaido was calm because he knew that he would get rewards later.

However, strong men such as Whitebeard and Shanks were unbalanced.

They also hoped that they could have a chance to be on the list!

Not to mention compared with the strong men in other worlds.

From the perspective of these four emperors, they felt that Kaido could be on the list.

Why can't they?

Especially Big Mom was the first to express dissatisfaction.

Back then, in the Rocks Pirates,

Kaido was just a younger brother in front of him!

But he was Kaido's good sister.

Now that this younger brother is on the list, she just went up to make a cameo appearance?


Big Mom is not stupid.

She knows that her time on the stage is too short.

Like Uzumaki Naruto, he also performed very well in the second shocking scene.

But he did not get the reward.

Therefore, Big Mom indicated that the possibility of her getting the reward was not high.

And the strong ones like Shanks and Whitebeard were even more so.

Marka, Diamond Joz and others from the Whitebeard Pirates also spoke up for their father.

Whitebeard couldn't help but think of it.

Back then in the Rocks Pirates.

Kaido was the younger brother, Big Mom was the younger brother, and he was the big brother!


Whitebeard:"Forget it, there is nothing we can do about it, but...It's not like there's no chance at all."

Whitebeard is also very intelligent.

Like Aizen, he has his eyes on Su Chen, the owner of this chat group.

Whitebeard:"If the owner of this group shows up later, maybe...I have a chance to be on the list."

Whitebeard thought.

Compared to the turmoil in other worlds, the world of Naruto is in chaos.

The Raikage, Tsuchikage, Mizukage, Tsunade, Gaara and others were all stunned.

Tsuchikage:"I...I am 20 years younger!! ?"

After seeing this reward, Tsuchikage Ninjutsu Ohnoki immediately felt that his body became more flexible and stronger.

Beside him, Kurotsuchi and Akatsuki were also stunned.

Kurotsuchi:"This is...Grandpa, you really got younger?"

Akatsuki:"This is incredible, Lord Tsuchikage, congratulations."

These people couldn't imagine what kind of power this was.

But for the Tsuchikage, this was undoubtedly great news.

He himself was also very happy.

Two Libras Ohnoki:"Haha! I really got younger! Raikage Ai, Mizukage Mei Terumi, Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, everyone, I feel like I can beat ten of them now!!"

Onoki was too lazy to speak in the group.

He just wanted to quietly lurk and watch according to habit.

Now he can't help it.

Because he is too excited.

And the other Kages are all about the same.

The speed of the Raikage doubled.

He was also very happy.

Eight-tailed Killer Bee even started rapping beside him.

The general meaning was to praise the Zhutian Forum for being awesome, and that his eldest brother was now so powerful.

Somewhere in the ninja world.

Tsunade never thought that she would have such treatment.

It was simply a great joy from heaven.

Her Hundred Healings Technique has become a passive one with no side effects.

This means that Tsunade's recovery ability is the same as the first generation.

If injured, as long as the injury is not serious, there is no need to make hand seals, and it can recover automatically.

Although the strength has not increased.

But Tsunade is quite satisfied.

In Konoha Village, Gaara is the same.

He was also shocked. He could never have thought that the tailed beast, the one-tail, that had been bothering him.

Now it is actually...Let him control it at will?

At this time, Gaara can transform into a tailed beast at will and remain rational.

Their remarks also caused quite a stir in the group.

���Many viewers expressed envy.

Naruto and Sasuke couldn't help but say that they would definitely get a reward next time....After the joy, many people in the ninja world noticed that Uchiha Madara had obtained the resurrection card.

They all knew what this meant.

Kakashi, Jiraiya, and even Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju in the world of the dead began to feel the pressure.

Hashirama Senju:"It doesn't look good! Madara may be resurrected."

Tobirama Senju:"Madara, are you going to harm the ninja world?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi:"It looks like there will be big trouble."

Hiruzen Sarutobi knew that this problem was very serious.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the future five Kage have been strengthened.

Hiruzen Sarutobi has a good relationship with Ohnoki.

He believes that this old guy, as well as the other Kage, will know what to do.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Ohnoki, Raikage Ai, Mizukage Mei Terumi and others, after their joy, immediately noticed the changes in Uchiha Madara.

They were extremely sure that Uchiha Madara would definitely choose to resurrect after getting the resurrection card.


They also have a great chance of winning....

Two-Ninja Scale Ohnoki:"It's okay 2.2, we just need to protect Naruto and Sasuke in Konoha Village, they will be rewarded soon."

Raikage Ai:"That makes sense, we should gather in Konoha now."

Terumi Mei:"It seems that it is far from the time to despair."

Tsunade:"I have to go back too...."

These strong men are not fools.

After watching the video, they also understood.

The relationship between villages in the future will be far from being so rigid.

Not to mention, there are two strong men, Naruto and Sasuke, in Konoha Village.

After thinking about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen readily agreed.

As for whether to guard against other Kages.

That is naturally unnecessary.

Except for Uchiha Madara who is so evil. People like Raikage and Mizukage are not bad people.

They will not deliberately make ditches.

Besides, the relationship between villages now is far from that bad.

It's just that this move.

Made Uchiha Madara himself in the world of the dead a little confused.

But he didn't care

"Anyway, as long as I get the power of the Six Paths after I am resurrected, it doesn’t matter even if Naruto and Sasuke also get that kind of reward."

Madara is very confident in his own strength.

He doesn’t know the cause of his future death.

The Akatsuki organization was also dumbfounded.

All the members said.

Then how to catch the Nine-Tails?

Catch the hair!

And even Uchiha Madara is going to be resurrected.

With his terrifying power, the whole ninja world will be greatly shaken!

Many members of the organization think that it may be...The Akatsuki organization is going to disband.

But the audiences in other worlds don’t care about this.

They soon saw the title of the fifth shocking scene in the video!

When this scene appeared, countless strong people in the heavens and the worlds were all excited!!!

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