At this time, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, all the angels were already stunned.

Even they, seeing this scene

, couldn't help but feel that they were not dreaming.

Just now, Saitama was knocked to the moon by Boros's knee.

Then...And he jumped back instantly? ?

It only took a few seconds?

The angels said that it was too exaggerated.

They were thinking before.

It took Boros decades to reach the earth from a far place.

The speed of this voyage was indeed not fast.

Especially Boros's spaceship looked ordinary.

But their physical attributes were strong, not inferior to angels at all.

Now seeing Saitama's power.

The angels knew very well.

This was not only not inferior to angels.

It was simply crushing the perfect bodies of angels.

Angels, including the holy Kesha on the throne.

They used to think that the body of angels was the most perfect in the universe.

Whether it was speed or strength, it was crushing other civilizations.

But at this moment, their concepts were completely overturned.

Saitama only took a few seconds.

To jump back to the earth from the moon.

This operation was simply too amazing.

Even the so-called main gods such as Kesha, Hexi, and Morgana were completely dumbfounded.

The most important thing is!

They knew very well that this might not be Saitama's limit.

He just wanted to return to the earth.

Perhaps, let Saitama jump to a farther place.

He can do it, too.

Because, when Saitama landed on Boros's spaceship, he only knocked Boros's spaceship to the side.

This shows that Saitama was definitely holding back!

A strong man like him can do it.

Otherwise, with Saitama's explosive power

, wouldn't he have made a big hole in Boros's spaceship?

To be honest, seeing this scene, the angels couldn't help but think wildly.

They thought, let alone extremely.

It seems that even if Saitama wanted to knock through the earth, it would be possible, right? With his bald head and terrifying strength, it would definitely be harder than the earth.

Although Kaisha also has a way to destroy a planet, compared to Saitama's power, she felt at this time that she seemed to be far behind.

And this...Is this just the fifth shocking scene?

Even Holy Kesha couldn't imagine it.

What kind of amazing creature will appear next?

Could it be that it can destroy stars or even black holes?

If such a creature really appears, then Kesha, Hexi and others' previous worldview will be completely overturned.


The angels had no idea how terrifying the god who would appear next would be.

But that was not important to many viewers.

The strong men from all the heavens and worlds were all shocked and immersed in Saitama's amazing operation in the world of One Punch Man.

Atomic Samurai, Bang, Tornado and others were completely excited at this time.

They even couldn't wait to find Saitama and let him lead them in training.

Are you kidding!

None of them could withstand Boros' kick.

Even Blast, who was ranked first in S-class, felt a lot of pressure.

But Saitama not only easily withstood the kick, but even when he was kicked to the moon, he had a blank expression on his face.

After that, he jumped back directly from the moon? ? ? Atomic Samurai, Bang and others couldn't imagine.

If they were at the scene and could witness such a scene with their own eyes, what would it be like? It felt

...It will be awesome!

These S-class heroes were very worried just now.

Will Saitama be able to defeat Boros?

After all, the power of Boros in the meteorite explosion form is really exaggerated.

The scene of the impact like light, where any building is directly annihilated, is still engraved in their minds.

But now, seeing Saitama's performance, even if Atomic Samurai and Bang are worried, they feel that Saitama will definitely win this battle.

For some reason, they suddenly think that Saitama should not lose.

In the Avengers universe, Tony, Captain America, Banner and others also have this idea.

Tony couldn't help but complain:"Is this bald guy still a human? Is this really something a human can do???" Tony originally thought that a superhuman like Steve, who was frozen for seventy years and still alive, was already exaggerated enough.

Later, he saw the horror of Hulk with his own eyes, and the so-called god from Asgard.

Later, he even saw aliens.

Tony said that this world is becoming more and more magical.

However, he can transform into Iron Man and fly freely in the air.

It is incredible that technology has made such a breakthrough.

So, Tony can still accept it.

As a result, I was browsing the Zhutian Forum today.

I was originally happy.

Suddenly I saw this video.



Tony's worldview was completely refreshed.

If he could still accept the strength of Kaido, Gear Fifth Luffy, Uchiha Sasuke and others before, then now, the terrifying power of Saitama's punch made Tony a little panicked.

He couldn't help but think, what if there were such powerful creatures in their universe? It's okay with Saitama.

He doesn't look like a bad guy.

But what if an evil guy like Boros appears one day? Fortunately, Tony's sense of justice was not so strong at this time.

What's more, there is such a wonderful video now.

Tony is too lazy to think deeply.

In fact, in his universe, there is indeed such a terrible guy.

That's Thanos!

People nicknamed him Purple Potato Spirit.

And the most amazing thing is that he is also bald!

If Thanos has six Infinity Stones, his strength will be hundreds or thousands of times stronger than Boros.

Just kidding

...Just a snap of the fingers can destroy most of the creatures in the universe.

If you want Boros to die, isn't it just a matter of minutes?

But at this time, even Thanos was actually stunned.

Yes, when he has the gems, he is powerful.

But he needs gems.

If it is Thanos without gems, he will be a little panicked when facing Boros.

If he faces Saitama , even Thanos thinks that the ending will not be too good.

And the audiences of low-level martial arts worlds such as the Soul Cage World, Demon Slayer World, and Under One Person Plane.

At this moment, they have all seen it and are stunned in place.

Tanjiro, Zhang Chulan, Bai Yuekui and others.

The shock in their hearts is full!

These people all have the same idea.

That is...Saitama is the real god, right?

No, he should be the so-called universe overlord, right? He is much stronger than Boros.

Bang, Atomic Samurai and others have the same idea. Bai Yuekui and others also feel that this battle is......Saitama is sure to win.

With such an awesome move, no one knows how he can lose.

However, when the audiences from all over the world were immersed in it, they didn't dare to jump to conclusions.

Because Boros' aura was equally strong.

It seemed that he still had a trump card that he hadn't used.

This battle still made many people look forward to it.

Whether it was whether Boros would continue to explode or whether Saitama would show his true strength, all the strong men from all over the world were happy to continue watching!

And the most exciting one was probably Boros himself in the One Punch Man world. When other audiences were shocked by Saitama's strength, he could even jump back from the moon. Boros, who saw this scene, was so excited. He was now absolutely sure that Saitama was the person he was looking for. He was the one who could fight him as the fortune teller said. How could Boros not be excited after learning this fact? He had been waiting for decades just to wait for such an evenly matched opponent. No

...It should be said that it is an existence that can allow him to release all his strength.

Boros is very clear.

The person in the video has not reached his limit.

Although...He has already used many methods.

But there is more.

Boros knows that he can continue to fight.

This duel can reach an even more shocking level.

Boros really wants to see.

When his final power is released.

This Saitama...Can he bear it? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In fact, whether he can bear it or not.

Boros felt that it didn’t matter.

He only hoped that he would have a chance.

To use that ultimate skill on others.

And at this time, when the audiences of all the heavens and the worlds continued to watch.

They saw in the video.

Saitama jumped back from the moon.

A calm smile appeared on his face, and he said:"Ah? I'm here~."

He seemed to be celebrating.

This jump did not hit the ground crooked, nor did it go off the track.

But in the video,���Boros was talking to himself, thinking he had won.

He saw Saitama jump back from the moon in an instant.

He widened his eyes.

The most amazing thing was that there were several comments floating on the video.

【Big eyes full of doubt】

【Who is the villain after all?】

【Come on, big brother who drives a spaceship.]

Everyone didn't know whether this was set by the author or someone else in the universe.

But when they saw this, they all felt the same way.

At this moment, whether it was Sengoku, Garp, or Uchiha Madara and other strong men, they all said that after this battle, it felt like Saitama was more like a villain.

Boros tried his best.

As a result, it was like the second stage was opened.

However, this kind of detail.

The strong men didn't bother too much.

They also saw that Boros soon showed a fierce look in his eyes.

And said:"But! For this man, I am willing to go all out!!"

As he said that, Boros rushed towards Saitama again.

The steps were extremely firm.

The back was very lonely.

Bai Yuekui, Xia Dou, Tanjiro and others all had an inexplicable urge to cheer him on.

The feeling coincided with what was expressed in the barrage.

And what excited the heavens was that this time, Saitama finally stopped choosing to be beaten passively.

The strong men saw it.

When Boros launched a new round of offensive, suddenly, in the video, Saitama punched out fiercely.


With just one punch, Boros' eyes became bloodshot.

He flew backwards.���

A lot of blood spit out of his mouth.

Obviously, the power of Saitama's punch was much heavier than at the beginning.

But everyone also saw that Boros was not annoyed, but even more excited.

He raised his head and grinned fiercely:"Yes, Saitama! That's right, it's worth it for me to defeat you!!"

As soon as these words came out, the audiences in the heavens and the worlds felt more and more that Boros had a tragic feeling.

But in the world of One Punch Man,

Boros himself saw such a scene.

His reaction was exactly the same as Boros in the video.

Yes, he was excited.

He didn't know how long he had been longing for this kind of battle.

Boros' hands began to itch, and his heart was very restless.

He now hoped very much that he could have a good fight with Saitama right away, so that he could feel the fierce battle, instead of just solving the opponent with a few punches.

That would be too boring.

Boros even felt that if there was no one in this universe who could fight him fiercely, then it would feel meaningless to live.

All lonely.

But, interestingly, this video should be very good for Boros. Because he soon saw that in the video, after Saitama punched, he did not stop this time. Instead, he punched countless times in an instant. The move was called: continuous ordinary punches! When such a scene appeared, countless strong men in the heavens and the world were shocked. They knew that this

���Yu's previous punch was already very impressive.

This was a continuous punch....

In the Hero Association, the S-class heroes' evaluation of Saitama has increased again.

At this moment, all the heroes know that

Saitama's strength cannot be inferred by common sense.

He fought with Boros for so long.

The moves he used were still ordinary punches.

This means that Saitama should have other levels of punches, right?

For example, a fatal punch? The ultimate punch?

Bang, Atomic Samurai, Tornado and others couldn't help but have their minds blown.

They have been in the S-class for so long and have dealt with countless monsters.

But it is the first time they have seen a human as strong as Saitama.

He is already so strong that it is beyond common sense.

Even Blast, who is the first in the S-class, is known to everyone. In front of Saitama, he is probably not good enough.

And the audiences in the heavens and the worlds soon saw it.

In the video, after Boros was hit by these continuous ordinary punches, his body gradually turned red.

The next second...It actually exploded directly and turned into blood foam?

Such a scene (Wang Nuo Zhao) shocked countless viewers.

In the world of pirates,

Sengoku, Garp, and Kizaru could not imagine what level of battle this was.

Even Kaido, Whitebeard, Shanks and others were shocked.

They could no longer predict how powerful the strong people in other worlds were.

In the past, they thought that the strongest in the world was only at that level.

Whitebeard, Kaido and others had seen

Roger, Rocks, Garp and others.

Later, after seeing this video and the first few shocking scenes, they understood that the powerful people in other worlds, such as Uchiha Madara and Uzumaki Naruto, also had Susanoo and Nine-tailed Demon Fox.

But they never expected that when it came to the fifth shocking scene,

Saitama and Boros made them feel that they had seen the so-called gods!

This is the real god! It is many times stronger than Uchiha Madara and others.

When such a battle scene appeared, even in the world of death.

Aizen was stunned in his position.

He couldn't say a word.

The Ten Espadas next to him were even more stunned.

At this moment, whether it was Stark, Bylergan or Grimmjow, they were all dumbfounded.

They felt that this was really a bit too exaggerated.

Are the strong people in other worlds so strong?

Are there any more powerful beings above this?

Aizen, Ulquiorra and others couldn't imagine it.

They felt that their three views were completely refreshed. Their cognition and judgment of other universes were also directly reset to zero.

The strong men couldn't imagine how powerful that more powerful existence was.

But their curiosity and expectation for this video were directly maxed out.

Especially when the strong men saw that in the video, after Persia was beaten into blood foam, the next second, it suddenly gathered again! ?

When this scene appeared, the entire heaven and the world were boiling directly!!.

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