At this time, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, all the angels were watching with excitement on their faces.

Yes, even they had their heartbeats speeding up.

All the angels were looking forward to the shocking scene that was beyond imagination.

The battle between Saitama and Boros.

Boros was about to blow up the entire surface of the earth.

Now, the Emperor of the Universe Frieza appeared. He even destroyed a planet with a wave of his hand.

Then, the battle between him and the Super Saiyan Son Goku would definitely be more shocking!

All the angels were watching intently.

No one wanted to miss such a wonderful scene.

Even the Holy Kaisha on the throne was watching intently.

In the Pirate World,

Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru and others said nothing.

They were already fascinated at this time.

The most important thing was!

They would certainly not resist seeing such a god-like existence.

They didn't want to miss it at all.

Are you kidding? Frieza could explode a star with just one finger.

This kind of battle between strong men is like a gift from God to many viewers in the pirate world.

At this moment, whether it is the Four Emperors Whitebeard, Kaido, Shanks, or Mihawk, Doflamingo, Crocodile and others, they all watched without blinking.

They thought the same as many viewers in other worlds.

They all believed that it was possible that they could get some inspiration from the battles between these gods, imitate their moves, or collect some information.

Who knows, they could rise directly? This is a rare opportunity.

What's more, just increasing their knowledge has made them feel that this is very valuable.

In the Avengers universe, even Thanos watched attentively.

In fact, Thanos did not expect that the power of organisms alone could be so strong.

The duel between Frieza and Super Saiyan Son Goku is totally worth watching carefully.

This decisive battle is absolutely very exciting!

As for the miserable Krillin, Little Gohan and others in the Dragon Ball universe.

They were not in that kind of expectation mood.


They were in despair....Why? What sins did I commit in the future? 07.. I actually ran into Vegeta, and that terrifying Frieza! ?"

Krillin could never have imagined it in his dreams.

The title says that Goku fights Frieza. It's okay that Frieza is from our universe.

But at the beginning, it's him and Gohan. What does that mean? Krillin's legs feel weak when he thinks of Frieza's terrifying power, the powerful power that can destroy a planet with just one finger. And Master Roshi, Ajirobe, Bulma and others on the side began to rejoice. Fortunately, this battle should have nothing to do with them. But

...What happened to Krillin and Gohan still made them worried.

But in comparison, although Gohan was afraid inside.

But this is something that will happen in the future.

So, Gohan was actually quite excited to watch it.

And in the universe, in a circular spaceship.

Vegeta's injuries recovered very quickly.

And he was still angry.

Why did this Super Saiyan become that Kakarot?

Vegeta:"In the future, I will definitely become a Super Saiyan!!"

Vegeta gritted his teeth and swore in his heart.

As a result, when the video started playing, he saw himself appear. He immediately became interested.

Vegeta:"What's going on? Aren't those two little ghosts on Earth? And......Frieza? Oh...I understand! Is this what happened on Namek?"

Vegeta was very smart and his mind worked very quickly.

He analyzed it immediately.

The scene in the video should be after he recovered.

He went to Namek to look for Dragon Balls.

However, the two little devils from Earth also came.

Especially when Vegeta saw Dendy, he was even more certain.

Because the green-skinned child was actually a Namekian!

In other words, this battle took place not long after?

After Vegeta figured it out, he felt even more upset.

Vegeta:"Does that mean that Kakarot will be able to transform into a Super Saiyan soon! ? Damn it!!!"

Vegeta never expected that this would happen.

But...As the video continued to play,

Vegeta's mood suddenly changed.

Because he saw that in the video, he said,"Haha, Frieza, don't be so arrogant. If I join hands with those two brats, we may still be able to defeat you.""

"You may not know this yet? The kid next to him has great potential that he himself doesn't even know about."

"The bald man's power is getting stronger and stronger"

"The most important thing is! I am about to become the Super Saiyan that you fear the most!!"

When Vegeta said this in the video, countless strong people in the heavens and the worlds became even more excited!

They don't know yet that the person who spoke is called Vegeta.

Everyone thought that guy was Son Goku.

In the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, the angels watched more attentively.

Angel Zhixin:"Is this Son Goku going to transform into a Super Saiyan? He does look very strong."

Angel Yan:"Then Frieza looks more terrifying, but...Indeed, this battle may be beyond our imagination."

The angels all felt that just by looking at Frieza and Son Goku, they felt that both of them were very powerful.

At least, they felt that they were not much worse than Saitama and Boros.

Especially, in front of all the strong men.

When Frieza heard what Son Goku said, he was furious.

The next second, he exploded!


Terrifying power continuously emerged from his body.

The earth trembled, sand and stones flew.

Although there were not many fancy scenes and no thunder and lightning, when everyone felt that breath through the video, they all immediately concluded that Frieza's strength must be even more terrifying!

That amazing momentum was simply too exaggerated.

In the world of pirates,

Sengoku, Garp, and Kizaru all felt their breathing quicken.

Sengoku:"What on earth is this?"...What kind of power!?"

Garp:"It's just like a monster...."

Yellow Monkey:"How terrifying!..."

In the world of Naruto,

Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Nagato, Obito and other strong men were also shocked.

They felt the amazing momentum coming from Frieza in the video. They were all a little scared.

In the world of One Punch Man, the S-class heroes were even more shocked.

They couldn't imagine what level of monster

Frieza would be in their universe ? This is definitely the peak of the god level.

That level is really amazing.

In a room in Z City, Genos also opened his mouth wide.

He felt that Frieza's aura in the video was rising.

He was also shocked and speechless.

However, next to Genos, Saitama was a little excited!

This time, he was very sure.

What Frieza said was true.

He really had the power to fulfill his wishes.

Saitama:"Frieza? I will remember you!

" Saitama's heart was moved.

He was satisfied to see such a strong man.

Unlike other S-class heroes, they don't want to meet Frieza.

Saitama, on the other hand, is very much looking forward to fighting him.

Similarly, Saitama is becoming more and more focused.

He wants to see what Frieza's strongest strength can reach.

To be honest, others may think that Frieza is more powerful.

But Saitama is not afraid at all, because he knows that he should also have the power to easily explode a star.

After all, Saitama is still unclear about the upper limit of his own strength.

There is no way, because until now, Saitama has not encountered an enemy that he can let go and fight.

Therefore, it is difficult for Saitama to test it.

It is impossible to really smash the earth with one punch, right? That is absolutely impossible.

Even if he encounters a powerful enemy, Saitama will control the strength.

Of course, if he can test it on the planet.

(To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) Saitama doesn't care.

It's a pity.

...Saitama can't fly, and he doesn't have the money to take a spaceship.

Therefore, Saitama's life can only be to fight monsters every day and be a civilian hero out of interest.

However, compared to the shock of the audience.

At this time, in the Dragon Ball universe, in a spaceship.

Vegeta was excited!

Although his mind was very fast.

But he didn't think of this!

Until now, when he saw his own words in the video.

Vegeta felt as if he had suddenly realized something.

Vegeta:"Yes! Who said that only Kakarot can become a Super Saiyan? I said this in the video, so at that time, I must be about to transform, right? That's great, that's great!!"

""Haha, Frieza, just wait, I will definitely transform into a Super Saiyan and defeat you!!"

At this time, Vegeta, whose injuries had mostly recovered , was very happy.

He didn't know how terrifying Frieza was.

But after seeing that he was so calm in the video,

Vegeta was no longer panicked.

He thought that he was definitely not a fool.

He dared to stand in front of Frieza like this.

He must have something to rely on! []

What made Vegeta even more excited was that he saw in the video that after Frieza exploded, he directly launched a fierce attack.

But the next second...

Vegeta in the video actually grabbed Frieza's arm and blocked the punch! ?

Such a scene, even Frieza in the video was a little surprised.

In the real world, on Namek.

Frieza was stunned when he saw this scene.

Frieza:"How is this possible? How can Vegeta have that kind of power? What's going on?"

Frieza felt very unhappy.

In his eyes, even Vegeta, the prince of the Saiyans, was just a piece of trash. He only had a combat power of 10,000 or 20,000.

Frieza wanted to kill him, and one finger was enough.

But this kind of scum actually blocked his attack! ?

Frieza couldn't accept it at all.

On the side, Sabo and Dodoria.

Just now, they were still following Frieza.

They mocked that Vegeta might be crazy.

He still wanted to transform into a Super Saiyan?

But now seeing this scene, their expressions froze and they couldn't laugh anymore.

Although, both of them knew that Vegeta would never be able to defeat Frieza no matter what he did.

But King Frieza, in his basic form alone, has a combat power of 530,000.

How could Vegeta, who only has a combat power of 10,000 or 20,000, stop him? ?

These people were extremely surprised.

And the audiences from all over the world were also excited.

They were very excited to see the battle start.

In the Dragon Ball Universe, on Earth, in a ward,

Krillin, Little Gohan, Yajirobe and others were also very surprised.

They didn't expect that Vegeta would also fight with Frieza.

It seemed that they were forced to form an alliance at that time.

And seeing Vegeta blocking Frieza's attack.

Krillin, Little Gohan and others seemed to see hope.

Krillin:"That's right! Vegeta is also very powerful. Who knows, we may not lose? Ha...Hahaha..."

Krillin smiled bitterly and tried to cheer himself up. Little Gohan also laughed when he heard it.

But the atmosphere in the ward was very depressing.

Because everyone, including the audience from other worlds, knew very well that this was definitely just the beginning!

If the cosmic emperor Frieza only had this kind of power, it would be too naive to think so.

The interesting thing is that the powerful people soon became convinced that their idea was absolutely correct!!

The audience from all over the world saw that when the video continued to play, the two of them shook the earth just by competing in strength.

It was like a terrifying earthquake.

The terrifying breath kept coming!

Vegeta's crazy increase in combat power even blew up the detector on Frieza's head!

Such a scene made Vegeta, who was watching the video, even more excited.

He didn't notice that he was already out of breath in the video just by fighting with Frieza for a while.

Vegeta just felt that he might really have a chance to defeat Frieza.

According to Vegeta's idea, he might have become a Super Saiyan, and then fought with Frieza, both of them were injured. In the end, he was killed by Son Goku.

It can only be said that Vegeta was a little too arrogant.

The main reason was that he didn't expect that he could actually compete with Frieza.

This scene really made Vegeta very happy.

Even in the video, little Gohan and Krillin were slightly relieved when they saw this.

They even thought that if they joined forces with Vegeta, they might really have a chance to defeat Frieza. However

, what shocked the audience in all the worlds was that at this moment! In the video,

Vegeta said:"Transform, Frieza, you will transform sooner or later anyway."

As soon as these words came out, many viewers were a little shocked.

Aizen:"Transform!?" Kaido

:"Are you kidding? Frieza is so strong, and he can still transform and continue to increase his strength?"

Kaido has not forgotten that in their world, fruit awakening is similar to transformation.

Straw Hat Luffy was greatly enhanced when he changed into the fifth gear form.

But now Frieza is already ridiculously strong in his initial form!

In the One Punch Man world.

Boros was also shocked.

He is now completely convinced that Frieza is indeed very strong.

He, Boros, has a meteorite explosion form.

Frieza can also continue to improve.

That is a bit beyond imagination.

However, what shocked the strong men even more was probably...

In the video, Frieza did not reject Vegeta's proposal. He showed a sneer on his face....Start to gather energy!

Everyone saw that Frieza's appearance and body shape had changed.

The most important thing is that the aura on his body has become very amazing!

That huge energy, all of a sudden, shocked the audience in all the heavens and the worlds.

In the video, Krillin was even more terrified, saying that he was having a nightmare? The transformed Frieza was a hundred times, a thousand times more terrifying than the devil!

Such a scene surprised countless strong people.

They think, this should be the real cosmic god, right? It feels like it deserves it!

Many viewers were also completely excited in their hearts!!

(The second update today!

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