At this time, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, all the angels were stunned.

They were immersed in what the group of masters said before.

The powerful water droplets were just detectors. But the next second, the group of masters described that in that universe, there was also a weapon called light particles.

It was just a small ball.

But after being launched through a certain force field and accelerated to the speed of light, the small ball was like the hand of death to the planet.

It only took a moment to destroy an entire planet.

This power surpassed the nuclear bomb, the Fiery Judgment, and so on by tens of thousands of times.

Even the strongest antimatter bomb of Taotie seemed a little weak in the face of such an attack. The audiences in other worlds were also shocked. Especially those in the world of One Piece, the world of Naruto, and the world of Fairy Tail. Some of them also have some star-blasting abilities. For example, when Naruto fought against Toneri in the later period, Toneri Otsutsuki used the Golden Wheel Star Explosion to directly cut the moon in half. But

...Compared with the light particle, it is still a far cry from that.

The audiences of the Avengers Universe, DC Universe, and the Spirit Cage World, who have a deeper understanding of the universe, were also stunned.

Tony, Banner, Master Wayne and others were all dumbfounded. They simply could not imagine how awesome the technology of that universe was. And, a planet was destroyed just like that? ? At this moment, Tony was more and more grateful. Fortunately, the Chitauri Legion did not have this kind of technology. Otherwise

...There is no need to fight.

The Earth is probably destroyed now.

But this also makes Tony curious.

Is that universe so cruel?

What is the purpose of destroying a planet directly?

This thought came to many people's minds.

However, they did not think deeply about it.

Because it does not seem to be a big problem.

As for the purpose...Maybe it's just a war.

If it's a war between two civilizations, then there's really no need to think too much about it.

Just like in the Super God Universe, the Taotie civilization later

, under the instigation of Sumali, also planned to destroy the earth.

And in the chat group, the scene of the seventh shocking scene and Su Chen's description made many viewers very excited.

Although they were shocked by the power of the light particle weapon, they hoped to see something more awesome!

Yes! For strong men like Frieza, Vegeta, and Boros, this power to destroy a planet in an instant is indeed powerful, but it's not up to the level of the seventh shocking scene, right?

Not to mention, everyone has just seen the power of Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3.

Many strong men know that it's not enough to just destroy the planet.

But fortunately, what makes them excited is...

Facing everyone's expectations and doubts, Su Chen smiled and said,"Of course, this light particle weapon is not that awesome. Weapons like this are very common in the universe. For those powerful civilizations, each of them will have tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of light particle weapons."

"It is just like an ordinary ball, cheap to make, and then used by a group of people called singers."

"These singers, like cleaners in the universe, drift aimlessly, and once they find a marked planet, they destroy it with light particles."

"How about it? Is this kind of weapon very common? In comparison, the water drop is really nothing."

Su Chen spoke silently in the group.

His tone seemed very calm.

But when the audiences from all over the world heard this, they were all stunned.

At this moment, they all stared with their eyes wide open.

Some were frightened by Su Chen's words.

Frieza:"That singer is the cleaner of the universe, cleaning up the exposed civilizations everywhere! ? This...What on earth is this existence?"

On Namek, Frieza was a little shocked.

He had never thought that there was such a universe.

Could it be that those civilizations did not even check whether there were any valuable things on those planets?

They just destroyed them directly?

Frieza was shocked.

In the Avengers universe,

Tony, Captain America, Banner and others were completely dumbfounded.

When they understood the meaning of the group leader's words, they were all stunned.

Tony had comforted him before, saying that the planet was destroyed because of war or other factors.

There must be a reason, right?

But now it seems that......No reason is needed at all?

However, strictly speaking, Tony, Bruce Wayne and others seemed to have noticed something.

Auras seemed to float through their minds.

But there was too little relevant information.

They couldn't figure it out.

In the Ling Cage World, little Loli Xia Dou, Bai Yuekui, Fatty Shan Da and others felt a little dry in the mouth after listening to Su Chen's words.

None of the audiences in the heavens and all the worlds expected that this group of big guys would suddenly describe a kind of cleaner called the singer.

The key is, the job of this cleaner is to clean the planets in the universe? ?

This is unimaginable to many strong people.

How high is the level of that universe?

Angel Yan:"No wonder Big Boss Su Chen said that the Saiyans are nothing in other universes...."

Angel Yan finally understood a little bit now.

Indeed, compared to the horror of the singer.

The Saiyans fought in a shocking way.

But they rarely destroyed planets.

Think about it carefully, the singers in that universe.

Every cleaner should have destroyed thousands or even tens of thousands of planets in their lifetime, right?

Thinking about it this way.

The angels felt a chill.

And what shocked the audience in all the heavens and worlds was.

Su Chen quickly described it.

In that universe, the number of singers is beyond imagination.

Every powerful civilization has its own singers.

So, strictly speaking, their number is likely to be in the billions.

This fact made many strong people open their mouths in fear.

In the world of One Punch Man.

Bang, Atom���Heroes like the Knight, Genos, etc. were completely shocked.

They thought this was a bit too exaggerated.

Genos:"So......There are so many powerful beings in the universe...."

Genos, Bang and the others immediately felt that compared to the singer, they were not even as good as bugs.

Those singers only needed to move their fingers to destroy a planet, and they could attack from a very long distance. They thought, if there were similar beings in their universe, wouldn't that be......It's normal for their planet to explode one day?

This makes Bang, Atomic Samurai, Tornado and other heroes feel lucky.

It feels like their future enemy is Naboros.

It doesn't seem like a bad thing, right?

At least...This Boros can still fight.

Even the roaring star-breaking cannon he finally released is extremely terrifying to humans.

However, compared to the sudden explosion of a planet for no apparent reason,

Bangu, Genos and the others all know what to choose.

And such a scene also makes Saitama a little excited.

Saitama knows that, from this point of view, there are really many powerful beings in the universe.

Saitama even thought that perhaps, his power, placed at the level of countless multiverses, is nothing at all? If this is the case, Saitama will not be discouraged.

On the contrary, he will really cheer up and work hard to practice in order to break through to a higher realm.

And the audiences of all the heavens and worlds know that this light particle is definitely not all.

Then the big brother Su Chen also said that the previous water droplets were in that universe.

(To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) It's just a detector.

The light particles that can destroy planets are just conventional weapons in the hands of powerful civilizations.

If it is according to the understanding of Tony, Captain America, Bruce Wayne and others.

Maybe, those creatures use light particles to destroy planets.

Just like they kill people with bullets.


This comparison also made Tony and others feel once again the power of those civilizations.

But at this moment, the audience saw that

Su Chen's words came again in the group.

"In comparison, the next thing is the seventh shocking scene. Everyone, don't miss it."

After seeing Su Chen's words, some people in the chat group who were originally talking immediately focused on it.

They watched very attentively at this time.

No one wanted to miss the next shocking scene.

However, many people were curious.

In the Naruto world,

Uchiha Madara recalled the previous shocking scenes.

Whether it was Boros's Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon, which was about to overturn the surface, or Frieza's casual destruction of planets, they were all amazing.

And now, this seventh shocking scene has also appeared, the scene of destroying the planet.

But since it is ranked here, the next one must be even more shocking.

It's just that...Uchiha Madara couldn't imagine it either.

In fact, it wasn't just him.

The other audiences in the universe were also curious.

People like Angel Yan, Angel Leng, Bruce Wayne, etc. all thought, wouldn't several planets be destroyed one after another?

They thought, maybe, wait a minute, there will be a weapon that can penetrate several planets.

Of course, the efficiency and shock level will be greatly improved.

However, what shocked the powerful people in the universe was that the shocking scene described by Su Chen afterwards was actually...Something called two-dimensional foil!

Everyone knew it after reading it.

This two-dimensional foil can actually turn a three-dimensional object into two-dimensional? ?

To be precise, it makes three-dimensional objects fall into two-dimensional objects.

It is a dimensional weapon beyond imagination!!

When this description came out, the entire universe was silent.

In the Avengers universe,

Tony, Banner, Hawkeye and others could not imagine what they saw.

Especially for Iron Man Tony, he is also a crazy scientist. He has had many wonderful and even terrible ideas.

But Tony could never have imagined that there is such a technology in other universes.

The most important thing is!

Everyone saw it.

Then Su Chen continued in the group:"Once the fall of this two-dimensional foil begins, it will not stop, and the escape velocity is the speed of light."

"Theoretically, given enough time, eventually the entire universe will fall into two dimensions."

"However, that scene is more imaginable if you see it with your own eyes."

Su Chen explained it very considerately.

And in the video, that scene also appeared.

The audiences in the heavens and the worlds saw that in the video, a small, nearly transparent card flew towards the solar system at the speed of light.

And, there, several spaceships detected its existence.

But this small card, called two-dimensional foil, seemed to pose no threat at all.

It can penetrate anything.

So it cannot be captured.

Therefore, the crew members thought of a way.

That is to drive the spaceship over.

Just like that, this small card appeared inside the spaceship.

After the crew members in the video felt that the card was harmless, they began to dance and spin around it, looking very happy.

But this scene fell into the eyes of the audience who were watching the video at this time.

They couldn't laugh at all.

Of course...The crowd didn't care about the fate of those crew members.

They just wanted to see if the fall from three dimensions to two dimensions was real!

And soon, the strong men got the answer.

Because they saw that in the video.

The light on the two-dimensional foil card became weaker and weaker.

In the end, when the light disappeared.

The fall from three dimensions to two dimensions began!!

That scene was beyond everyone's imagination.

It was as if a two-dimensional black hole appeared in the space.

Everything was sucked in.

The speed of two-dimensionalization was very fast.

In just a moment, the spaceship, the people in the spaceship, and everything around them were all frozen and turned into a flat surface.���People, of course, died instantly.

After that, it was the Earth, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and other huge planets.

In front of this two-dimensional foil, they were completely powerless to resist.

It was like the real hand of the god of death, strangling all things.

At that moment, whether it was humans, birds or microorganisms, they were all captured in the painting.

This scene fell into the eyes of powerful people such as Holy Kesha, Boros, and the Emperor of the Universe Frieza.

They were all horrified.

Frieza:"I'm going to..."...What the hell is this thing!? So scary?"

Frieza was completely dumbfounded.

This is normal. After all, for Frieza

, if he encounters this thing, he will definitely die.

Even if he gets an immortal body, he must be suppressed, right?

This also made Frieza's mind open up.

It turns out that there are such outrageous weapons in other universes???

It's simply too against the sky.

In the Super God Universe, all the angels opened their mouths.

Obviously they were completely shocked.

In the Avengers world,

Tony, Captain America, Hulk and others thought they had seen God.


Everyone had to admit that compared to the powerful power of the Super Saiyan, the civilization that created the two-dimensional foil could be called...It's a god-level civilization!

Especially, the scene of the sun falling into two dimensions.

When the audiences in the heavens watched the scorching sun constantly turning into two dimensions.

The flames on it were frozen, the black flares, everything.

All turned into infinite details on the painting.

This scene shocked countless audiences in the heavens and the worlds.

They also liked this video one after another.

Even Vegeta forgot a little bit, what he wanted to see was the power stronger than Super Saiyan 3.

Because Vegeta was stunned.

He couldn't help but say that even if he obtained that powerful power.

He couldn't run away when he encountered such a thing, right?

How to deal with it? Do we have to use light waves to fight it?

Are you kidding, even the sun has been turned into two dimensions.

Their light waves are indeed very powerful.

But I guess...At the moment of contact, the light waves will also be two-dimensional, right?

Vegeta:"Oh my god!"...What is this? Is this something that a living creature can do? ? ?"

At this moment, even Vegeta felt that it was outrageous.

However, what made the audience excited was Su Chen's next words.

Su Chen:"Ahem, everyone, this two-dimensional foil is awesome, right? This thing is pretty good, but...He is still not the strongest force. You can look forward to it. The shocking scene that follows will definitely be more shocking than this."

Su Chen said this calmly.

However, he did not know that everyone in the heavens and the worlds were all shocked when they saw this....

(First update today! Please subscribe! Please vote for me! My performance is very poor! Please support me! Thank you!)

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