After some explanations, Pandora finally understood the definition of the dimensional store.

"So I can get out of here and go outside?"

She looked surprised, her golden ponytail swaying like a puppy's tail.

Although when I chose this path, I already had the consciousness of being trapped in this gray space for a lifetime.

But if it was really possible to go out and play, Pandora would naturally not refuse.

Rather, she was looking forward to it.

It's been thousands of years, but I didn't expect to get out of this boring life one day.

"It's better to say now. "

Lu Yu nodded.

"Wow! Ha-chan, Mommy loves you!"

Pandora cheered, then pounced.

"It's all said don't call yourself mom!"

Lu Yu stretched out the goddess who adhered to his own skin plaster with a look of disgust.

After a long while, the goddess finally stopped.


"Dori, I'm back!"

Lu Yu directly opened the door of the space and took Pandora to prepare to go back to the dimensional store to have a look.

Although he could directly choose to return at the moment of leaving, Lu Yu originally meant to pass the time this time, so he chose to delay it for three days.

In other words, I chose to return three days after I left the dimensional store.

"Welcome back!"

Dorily is feeding Pikachu at this time.

"How's it going, have any guests been here these days?"

Lu Yu asked.

"Not at all. "

In the past three days, except for the bee-eating exercise, there has not been a single guest.

It's deserted.

Taoli shook her head, and then looked at the girl beside Lu Yu suspiciously.

"Who is this?"

She also thought that Lu Yu would come back alone, or take Miss Aisha with her.

Unexpectedly, it was a woman I had never seen before.

The store manager's opposite-sex relationship is really terrible!

"Hello, I'm Pandora!"

The blonde goddess said hello happily, and the two got to know each other.

"Is this Ha-chan's dimensional store, is there anything I can buy?"

After looking at the dimensional store, Pandora asked curiously.

"It's okay to claim to have everything, but that's a matter of luck. "

Lu Yu introduced Pandora to the jar.

Then asked.

"Is there anything you'd like to buy?"

"Jar ......"

Pandora shook her head, she wasn't interested in power or anything.

Although something from another world sounds interesting, compared to this-

"I'd rather buy some nice clothes or something!"

Although it's a god.,But after all, it's a girl's heart.,I prefer beautiful clothes and jewelry to other things.。

She often saw these things in the secluded world, but she never got her hands on them.


Lu Yu paused.

There are still a lot of goods in the Dimension Store, and he really hasn't collected clothes or anything, let alone women's clothes.

But it doesn't matter.

"There's no such thing in the dimensional store.,But the school city should be able to buy it.。 "

"The store manager is right.,There are quite a lot of places that sell clothes in the school city.。 "

Dorily chimed in.

Her friend Bee Eater often goes out shopping, and she's familiar with them.


Pandora's eyes immediately became shiny and shining, and she looked at Lu Yu coquettishly.

"Don't speak in such a sweet tone. "

Lu Yu knocked Pandora's head.

"I didn't say I wouldn't take you there!"

"Eh, hey~~ Yu-chan is the best!"

Hearing that he agreed, Pandora, who was like a dogskin plaster, immediately stuck to it again with joy.

Because it was a clone and needed to see the store, Taoli did not follow Lu Yu and the others to the store.

After marking the store she thought was good on the map on her phone, Dori watched the two leave.

Lu Yu himself has no Xi of shopping for clothes.

Generally speaking, it only takes him ten minutes to buy clothes, and when he thinks it is appropriate, he will pay and leave directly, and he will not pick and choose at all.

However, if Pandora wants to buy it, it's okay to go shopping with her.

After all, he prostituted the other party's magic power in vain, why is he embarrassed not to agree to this little request?

"Is this the city of the future, it's amazing!"

Looking at the cleaning robots and police robots in the school city,Pandora couldn't help but sigh.。

The technology of the world of the Godslayer is not so advanced.

"After all, it's the base camp of the science side. "

Lu Yu chuckled and agreed.

In his mind, the real thought was that if only this was really the "scientific side".

It's a pity that the secret in the depths of the school city is something.,It's actually a product of the magic side.。

But there's no need to talk to Pandora.

"It's a more famous commercial street in the school park city in front.,Taoli recommended a fashion store called the Seventh Mist.,We can go and see!"

Lu Yu took Pandora and introduced.


Pandora was happily taken around by Lu Yu.

She really enjoyed being with her special child.

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