"How dare you say it!"

Hearing Lu Yu's words, accept them as a provocation.

Perseus showed a fierce expression and slashed directly at him.

With feathered shoes that walk through the air, he can fly through the air at will.

It was an all-out blow from the Fullmetal Hero God.

In the face of Perseus's exquisite sword skills, Lu Yu, who possessed the god-level martial arts from Chiyou, blocked his sword with just a slight swing.

The moment the swords clasped each other, the clouds were shaken.

"What a lot of strength!"

Perseus struggled with a knife in both hands.

It was obviously the side that took the initiative to attack, but at the moment it had to go all out to maintain a defensive position.

"Are you a monster?"

Seeing that Lu Yu on the opposite side was just holding the sword with one hand easily, and he didn't even have a serious posture, he couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

Could it be that this god-killer in front of him usurped the power of Hercules?

"How can any god say that others are monsters, I just have a little more strength. "

Lu Yu said as if I was just an ordinary person.

"I believe in you!"

Perseus wasn't that easy to fool.

"And, by the way......"

When the sword reached the nearest point, Lu Yu smiled.

"Weapons are useless to me!"

The massive mana extended from his hand to the blade, and then spread directly to Perseus's knife through the intersection of the swords.

The power of the [Lord of Soldiers] was activated, directly depriving Perseus of the ownership of the long knife in his hand.

So Perseus suddenly flipped the long knife in his hand and slashed at his former master.


Perseus was caught off guard and was directly slashed in the abdomen by the long knife.

If he hadn't run fast, he would have almost died on the spot.

"What kind of mess is this power that can seize control of a weapon just by the contact of a sword?"

He couldn't help but complain.

"I don't know if you say that, and this power is not like this when it was in the hands of the original owner. "

Lu Yu felt that he was very innocent.

Who knew that in Chi You's hands, it was just an evolved version of the knight's ability not to die with his bare hands, and in his own hands, it would completely change?

Speaking of which, there is a greater or lesser difference between the power of the godslayer and the original owner.

Depending on each person's mood and thoughts, power can be used in a variety of ways.

Lu Yu was a little disgusted that the [Lord of Ten Thousand Soldiers] had to come into contact with himself in order to seize control of the weapon, so he developed the ability to plunder the weapon out of thin air by intersecting swords.

This isn't a basic operation for godkillers, but it's common.

- After all, there is also the King of Swords who has always fought with the all-powerful magic sword as a razor-sharp sword for pure chopping and chopping.

"It seems that power also follows the master's temperament. "

A flash of fire flickered on Perseus's body, and the wound was roughly healed.

He looked at Lu Yu who was holding the sword and scratched his head.

"I can't use weapons, it's a big problem for a duel, can I apply for hand-to-hand combat?"

For a hero like him, as long as the enemy is defeated, the use of stratagem is just the norm.

If it is an extremely arrogant warrior, it is possible to agree to his request.

"I don't have a reason for you to choose how you fight. "

Lu Yu didn't eat him at all.

He was a realist.

"Besides, are you sure you want to fight me hand-to-hand?"


Perseus remembered the amazing power that Lu Yu had just shown, and suddenly stopped talking.

"It seems that the power of heroes alone really can't compete with you!"

Perseus sighed and acknowledged Lu Yu's difficulty.

It sounds like a towel, but it's not.

A brilliant sun wheel rose behind him, and the divinity of the sun was unmistakable.

It was noon, and the sun overhead shimmered the same light as the sun in mid-air.

"Then, O sun of the east, give me strength!

He recited the words of the sun god.

The sun wheel in the sky, like a falling star, has a flowing fire falling, pointing directly at Lu Yu.

Spread out, able to burn the entire country's Yang Yan, targeting Lu Yu alone, falling from the sky.

Although he came as Perseus, he also had the identity of a man from the east, an alien god.

Helios, the god of the sun in Greek mythology, and Mithra, the god of light and contract in Zoroastrianism, are among his vests.

So he can also use the power of the sun.

"It's actually Yang Yan?"

Lu Yu looked at the falling firelight above his head, and his expression was very subtle.

Is this a karmic reincarnation or what, all along, it was he who smashed others with a nuclear explosion of Yang Yan, and this was the first time he was attacked by Yang Yan.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that –

"Do you use a massive attack?"

Lu Yu sighed.

"Watch out for the people who live on the earth!"

He knew why Liliana was so afraid of him and the Disobedient God here.

If a big move falls in the city, hundreds of thousands of people may be killed or injured.

It seems that a quick solution is coming.

Lu Yu's expression froze, and he finally clenched his fists with all his strength.

"It's ——?!"

Perseus sensed a great threat.

He was ready to flee the area, but ......

"It's useless!"

Ignoring the sun in the sky, Lu Yu appeared in front of him in an instant.

This is the ability of the Lord of Space, and even if Perseus is fast, he can't keep up with the speed of teleportation.

"Open the sky!"

There are no bells and whistles.

Lu Yu clenched his fists to raise his qi, and with the purest strength and god-level fist technique, he bombarded Perseus with a punch.

The ultimate strange power that can shatter mountains and seas and shake the planet is all borne by the body of Perseus's disobedient god.


After a short pause, like an exploding watermelon, Perseus exploded directly into a point of light, completely disappearing between heaven and earth.

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