"Oh, not really?"

Erica happily teases her friend and nemesis.

"It seems that Lily you are still too timid! Although you can't see your figure, but if you only look at your face, the king should not refuse you, do you want to inform your maid Karene to send you to the king's bed after you are unconscious?"

"What do you mean by being unsightly!"

When Liliana heard this, she looked like a silver hamster with fried hair.

"Not everyone has the same nasty ideas as you! As a knight, I'm obviously just the right size!

Although her figure is slightly slender compared to Erica, she is not barren.

"Uh-huh~ It's suitable for fighting......"

Erica's tone was meaningful.

At the same time, I was relieved.

Naturally, she made a special call not to mock her opponent, but to inquire about the relationship between Liliana and the new king.

If Liliana had become the new king's knight, or had a more intimate relationship with the Bronze Black Cross, Erica would have lost the competition between the two.

After all, the current leader of their Southern European Magic Society is a very unreliable guy.

"What's that tone of voice!"

Liliana was unhappy with Erica's tone of indication.

After a few words of protest, she finally remembered that the Stone of Gorgon was currently held in rotation among several magic societies in Italy.

Thinking of this, she let go of her argument with Erica.

"By the way, the she-fox, there is something urgent and important now, so don't say those stupid things again. The Stone of Gorgon is still in your hands, right?"

Infected by Liliana's serious tone, Erica listened carefully to her words.

"The Stone of Gorgon is indeed with us, and now it is in the custody of the Magic Society 'Female Wolf', what's wrong?"

At the mention of this, Erica suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"No, let me guess if the new king knows about the Stone of Gorgon?!"

Clever and good at interpersonal relationships, Erica quickly deduces the only reason that will put her opponent in such a tight spot.

Although she didn't want to know the bad news.

"Yes, when the king found the Pillar of Hera, I accidentally said that I had leaked my mouth, and he told me to report the situation later!"

Liliana was honest.


Erica didn't blame Liliana, because there was no point in blaming either.

She frowned and tapped on the table.

"This is not good, the seal of the Stone of Gorgon has been loosening recently, and I don't know when it will be approached by the disobedient gods. "

"Why don't we just give the Stone of Gorgon to the king?"

Liliana suggested in a panic.

Something that is targeted by the Demon King, but there is no one who is not gotten his hands on.

"With the strength of the king, I think we will be able to quickly eliminate the disobedient god without causing losses!"

Liliana, who watched Lu Yu's killing of Perseus throughout the whole process, has full confidence in Lu Yu's strength.

It would seem good if the Stone of Gorgon was handed over to Lu Yu to deal with.

And yet—

"Stupid! that's not the problem!"

Erica hated iron and said: "The problem is that our magic association is a subordinate of the King of Swords, how can we dedicate the divine tools to other demon kings, which makes the King of Swords know about it, and it will be troublesome!"

This involves the issue of loyalty, and the god of disobedience is a rare prey for any godkiller.

"Hmm~ What should I do then. "

When Erica said this, Liliana was completely out of ideas.

Erica was curious about Liliana's words.

"You said that this king was able to quickly eliminate the disobedient god, is the news from the Magic Society in Napoli true?

Due to the short interval, she has not yet received exact information.

"It's true, I saw the battle of the king with my own eyes. "

Liliana muffled and said, "It's exactly the attitude of the game, but the battle is over in about a minute." "

"A minute—"

Hearing this news, which was even more outrageous than expected, Erica was speechless.

Even Marquis of Woban or Luo Hao Sect Master, these two veteran god killers, can't do such a fantastical thing, right?

"This king's strength is indeed far beyond our imagination, but this is not the point now!"

Liliana sighed.

"The point is the Stone of Gorgon, how can I report it to the king?

The Stone of Gorgon is nominally under the control of Tony, the King of the Sword, and if the new king takes it by force, it is bound to conflict.

The conflict between the two god-killers is no different from a natural disaster in itself.

"I don't know the temper of the new king, but if it's the king of the sword......"

Erica smiled wryly.

"That guy who is an idiot except for fighting will definitely not give up a rare fight!"

That's what I said.

"Ding Dong!"

Erica suddenly receives a summons from her own magic association, the "Bronze Black Cross".

"What's wrong?"

Liliana asked curiously.

"Just now, the King of Swords has disappeared......"

Erica scanned the message, her voice suddenly rising higher.

And Andreqing didn't find him. "

"That lord will disappear every once in a while. "

Liliana didn't think anything was wrong.

"The question is...... The King of Swords just read the information about the new king's god-killing before he disappeared!"

Erica's tone was heavy.

"That is to say......"

Liliana's mouth opened wide, too.

"That lord has gone to find the new king!" X2.

Both maiden knights realized that the inevitable disaster was coming.

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