"What a tough statement!"

When Salvatore Tony heard this, he was not annoyed, but showed a smile full of war.

"Then I'll rest to my best and beat you with all my might!"

- This kind of warrior posture is what the King of Swords really looks like.

- However, Lu Yu's crown will never lose!

Liliana thought.

Just when Tony's image changed from a husky to a brave warrior.


From his stomach, there was a loud noise.

"I haven't eaten in a day, do you have anything to eat?"

Tony tossed his sword aside and stared at the crowd.

The image that was originally a little taller was deflated in an instant.


This contrast left everyone speechless.

"There's a lot to eat. "

The maid, Karen, brought a large pile of food from the yacht's room.

Hungry Tony is not picky, and high-calorie foods such as chocolate peanut candy are poured directly into his mouth.

Although before the official battle, he had always had a Xi of not eating.

But the exception is when you are too hungry.



By the time the yacht sailed back to shore, Tony had already filled his stomach with those snacks.

However, in order to adjust your mental state to the best.

He held a standard sword and warmed up on the beach for a long time.

Tony's swordsmanship is indeed good, and he knows the three keys to being fast and ruthless.

According to his description, he has been trained to the point where he can cut any drop of rain from the middle with a single sword in a rainstorm.

No matter what world you are in, this is the level of a sword hero.

"Beautiful swordsmanship!"

Lu Yu took a sip of frozen juice, and then praised it.

Unlike Tony, who was warming up, Lu Yu was lying on a beach chair enjoying the sun.

With the power of the sun, he is able to draw power from the sun.

It's not much, but it feels very comfortable.

"I don't know why, I always feel a little angry. "

Tony looked at himself who was warming up in the sun, and then at Lu Yu, who was comfortably lying on a beach chair drinking juice, and felt a little unequal.

"If you're dissatisfied, let's vent it in the battle later!"

Lu Yu responded.

"After the fight, I have something to introduce to you, I hope you won't be overly disappointed because of failure, after all, life is normal ups and downs......"

"Hahaha! You're talking a lot. "

Tony felt that he couldn't defeat this guy verbally.

"But the same words for you, as a senior, I think I still have a good chance of winning!"

The number of powers of the godslayer affects their combat effectiveness to a certain extent.

Marquis Voban is an example, Tony's swordsmanship matches the power of [Tearing Silver Hand] so well, and the magic sword attack released is also extremely strong.

Coupled with the defense of [Steel Protection], it can be said that there are almost no shortcomings in one attack and one defense.

But he was still taught by the lightning of the old man Woban.


According to the intelligence, Lu Yu in front of him only killed two disobedient gods.

That is, only two powers.

That's a lot.

So Tony has a lot of confidence in himself.

For his self-confidence -

"It's still daytime. "

Lu Yu gave a taunt without any emotional fluctuations.

"Talk in the dream or something, save it for the evening. "



Not far away, Liliana, who had brought back juice to Lu Yu, looked a little worried.

"Aisha-sama, do you think the king is too devoid of a sense of crisis?"

She asked Aisha beside her.

One is seriously warming up and practicing Xi swordsmanship, while the other is lazily basking in the sun.

On the surface, the level of seriousness is completely different.

So even though she knew that Lu Yu's strength was extraordinary, Liliana couldn't help but be a little worried.

"No nervousness?"

Aisha was busy building sand sculptures at this time.

Hearing Liliana's worried words, she looked back at the two on the other side of the beach, and she smiled heartlessly.

"It's okay, after all, it's the store manager, and you won't lose!"

In his words, he was very confident in Lu Yu.

Liliana didn't know where Lady Aisha's confidence in Lu Yu came from.

The God Killer is a recognized monster, no matter how strong he is, he can't be so devoid of a sense of crisis!

In addition to this, there is another question that she has always cared about.

"Store manager?"

Liliana looked puzzled.

"Why do you keep calling him that, and does he have any shop?"

According to the search of the Magic Society, they had no trace of Lu Yu before he killed the gods.

"Manager Lu Yu!"

Aisha thought about it, and Lu Yu didn't seem to tell her that she couldn't tell others about the dimensional store.

However, the store manager didn't take the initiative to tell Liliana, is there any deep meaning?

Just when she hesitated.

"But it doesn't hurt to say it!"

Lu Yu's voice came into her ears accurately.

Hear this.

Aisha must be in her heart.

And then—

She stood up, her right hand over her head, clenched into a fist, and struck in a threatening stance.

There was an exasperated cry.

"Don't eavesdrop on girls!"

The girl protested.

"What can I do if my ears are good......?"

Lu Yu muttered.

Although it was overheard, there was no room for such a thing to be reasonable.

So he threw up his hands and surrendered in French manners.

Insulting the law today.

Aisha saw that he had a good attitude in admitting his mistakes, and the self-proclaimed generous girl forgave him.

Since Store Manager Lu Yu just said that she could communicate, she naturally had no scruples.

"The store manager is the manager of the dimensional store!"

Said an introduction like a tongue twister.

"What is the Dimension Store?"

Liliana was confused.

"It's the kind that, it's the kind that's very special...... That kind of mystery shop that spans countless worlds!"

Aisha danced and described, posing out of sand in the shape of a dimensional store on the spot.

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