"Bushu-chan, it's really strange that you took the initiative to call me. "

Lu Yu teased this junior researcher and asked casually.

"Why, is it because the abilities of the Misaka sisters have been developed to LV5?"

The mass-produced ability experiment, which was delivered by Lu Yu in the hands of Bushu Xin.

So apart from the matter of Sister Misaka, Lu Yu really couldn't think of anything that would make a cold and unfrank person like Bushu Toshin take the initiative to come to him.

"Senior, please don't use the title 'sauce', it sounds frivolous!"

The customary complained about Lu Yu's title.

Bushu Toxin continued.

"In addition, the ability development of the Misaka sisters only started yesterday, and if you want to upgrade from LV4 to LV5, even if you have the spirit of the Misaka network, it will take at least a month to complete the ability development. "

After the genetic repair is completed, it is the same as Taoli.

The abilities of Misaka's sisters were quickly upgraded to LV4.

However, it will take some time to develop from LV4 to LV5.

"A month, not long. "

Lu Yu nodded.

It didn't take long for Mikoto Misaka to upgrade from LV4 to LV5.

The ability is the same, and there is Mikoto Misaka's information as a reference.

Coupled with the sharing bonus of the Misaka network, it is still very easy for Misaka sister to develop to LV5.

"And what do you have to report?"

He wondered.

“...... Senior, have you completely forgotten what you gave me before!"

Bushu was speechless.

It was obviously something that Lu Yu gave her, but why did she forget it.

"What I gave you?"

Lu Yu blinked and froze.

It took a few seconds before I remembered.

"Oh, it's a fantasy Mite!"

Previously, he specially instructed Cloth Beam to leak information about the Xi device and the Misaka network.

Later, it turned out to be just as he had planned.

After getting this information, Kiyama Haruo wanted to gain enough computing power.

Developed a fantasy device that allows ordinary people to share computing power.

A few days ago,When he took Pandora to hang out in the school city,,And he met [Absolute Constant Speed] who had used the fantasy master.

It seems that the fantasy of the royal hand,It's spread in the school city.。

"What, has there been any progress on this matter?"

Lu Yu asked.

Seeing him think about it, Bu Shu Xin didn't talk nonsense.

"Last night,All the users of the fantasy Mishu were unconscious.,Now they're being treated in the hospital of the school city.,I haven't woken up yet.。 "

"I'm already unconscious...... It's all come to this. "

The coma of the users of the fantasy master.,Will expose this device to the light side of the school city.。

In this case, Kiyama Haru couldn't hide it.

In the original book, after being exposed, it was the escape of Haru Muyama and the birth of a fantasy beast.

Lu Yu pondered for a moment, and then asked.

"How many users are there in the Fantasy Master?"

"Judging from the number of comatose people, there are 20,000!"

Bushu replied.

In the original book, the fantasy Mite was only spread to 10,000 students.

It seems that without the full investigation and participation of Shirai Kuroko and their branch of the Discipline Inspection Committee, the spread of fantasy Mitsute would have increased a lot.

"Twenty thousand, I'm afraid the computing power is enough LV5, and the fantasy beast is estimated to be a lot stronger. "

Lu Yu judged.

The fantasy beast in the original book, despite its large size, is able to use a variety of superpowers.

But due to the bloated action, the highest level of each superpower is only LV4, so he was directly killed by Mikoto Misaka of LV5.

However, if the number of users of the Fantasy Mitsute doubles, the ability of the Fantasy Beast will also increase.

With 20,000 people combined, you should be able to reach LV5.

An opponent of this level, coupled with a difficult regeneration ability, is difficult for even Mikoto Misaka to solve.

"Fantasy beasts?"

Bushu Toxin wondered.

"Senior, what do you mean?"

- Looks like this thing hasn't appeared yet.

Lu Yu shook his head and said.

"Nothing, that's something else. By the way, where is Haruo Kiyama now?"

"Researcher Haruo Kiyama is now facing off against the guards at the park of the Seventeenth School District, and she has shown versatility that would not have existed!"

The latest information is reported.

She was very surprised by this information.

There is only one superpower for a person, and this is the only one.

Versatile abilities, that is, plural superpowers, have long been considered impossible.

I didn't expect Haru Muyama to be able to make it happen.

"The war has begun......"

Then the birth of the fantasy beast is not far away.

Thinking of this, he said to Bushu Tenxin.

"Send me the exact place of the battle, and I'm going to go there. "

The fantasy Mito plan was originally planned by him.

Now it's the end of the day, and it's time for him to reap.

In addition to that, he can't let Haru Kiyama really be locked up.

After all, the two had known each other before, and they still guided her in this direction by themselves.

Although he was suspected of using the other party, he never intended to leave it alone.

"Yes, Senpai!"

Bu Shuxin heard Lu Yu's seriousness and immediately hung up the phone.

Then the address recorded in the intelligence was sent directly to Lu Yu.

"Fantasy Beast ......"

After hanging up the phone, I remembered the core of this monster's brain in the original book.

Lu Yu whispered with interest.

"If it's really that nature, it's not just the angels of science...... The composition of LV6 can also be clarified. "

In this way, Aresta's superpower system has no secrets for him.

He can even directly use the Misaka network to cultivate a stable LV6.

In addition, Lu Yu can directly mass-produce LV5 or even LV6 in other worlds with the help of the superpower system.

"So...... Aresta's superpower system can be used to create a group of gods. "

No wonder he was so dismissive of the Crucifixion.

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