
Discrete explosions rang out.

The hundreds of cans on the ground, which are so common that they would be ignored, have been turned into bombs under the effect of superpowers.

The firelight illuminates Kuroko Shirai's eyes.

The experience of surviving death made her heart beat faster.

The person who held her hand made her heart beat faster.

She looked up.

Sure enough, it was the one who saved himself at the post office that day!


Shirai Kuroko jumped directly into Lu Yu's arms with a happy face.

An unhealthy flush appeared on his face, and he looked like some kind of fanatical fan.

Or to put it simply, a bit like a pervert.

"Kuroko, I knew that it would be my brother who would save me!"

She said with a look of intoxication.

“...... I saved you too!"

Mikoto Misaka on the side, seeing Shirai Kuroko like this, was suddenly a little speechless.

"Why haven't I seen you so enthusiastic. "

She didn't have any jealous thoughts, but the difference between Shirai Kuroko was too obvious, which made her want to complain.

"My brother is not an existence that can be compared to Misaka-senpai, please be a little self-aware!"

Although I am still very grateful to Mikoto Misaka.

But in front of Lu Yu, Shirai Kuroko was unwilling to show weakness.

"What are you talking about?

was by the contemptuous eyes of Shirai Kuroko, a school girl.

Mikoto Misaka was about to say something, when she suddenly met Lu Yu's eyes and saw the white coat on his body again.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I didn't want to talk about you!"

In Japan, where age and rank are different, it is impossible not to use honorifics for elders or senior students.

So Mikoto Misaka, a good student, immediately apologized obediently after finding out that Lu Yu belonged to the teacher's first level.

"It's okay......"

Lu Yu shook his head, not taking it to heart.

For such a big reaction from Shirai Kuroko, he didn't expect it.

Suddenly, he said "Brother", he thought it was Misaka's sister who sneaked out to play.

But now is not the time to ask this.

Lu Yu put Shirai Kuroko down, and then said to the two girls.

"You two can get here, and I'll take care of the rest. "

With Mikoto Misaka's strength, maybe Harusheng Kiyama, but he may not have beaten a fantasy beast that can be upgraded and infinitely regenerated.

Hearing his words, Kuroko Shirai and Mikoto Misaka shook their heads at the same time.

"Brother-sama, although you saved Kuroko, Hei is very happy. But this is the job of the Discipline Inspector and the Guard, and there is no need for you to take the risk to help!"

Kuroko Shirai said firmly.

Although it looks like a pervert on the surface, Shirai Kuroko also has her own pursuit of justice.

She believes that only vigilantes who are specially trained and know how to deal with special incidents will be able to stop crime.

Outsiders, no matter how powerful they are, if they don't have professional qualities, can make the incident more complicated and even cause greater losses.

- Just like before, she was confident that she could subdue a bank robber.

So even in the face of his favorite brother, Shirai Kuroko still treats everyone equally, thinking that the work of maintaining law and order should be handed over to the Discipline Inspector and the security officer.

"And,Brother, you're the permanent director of the school city.,How can you risk this place!"

After the post office incident, the arriving guards recognized Lu Yu's identity.

So she was in a coma at that time, and after waking up, she also knew Lu Yu's identity through the guards.

"Although you are a person with spatial ability, but Kiyama Haru is not so easy to deal with, and it is too self-conscious for you to want to deal with her alone-wait, you say he is the director of the school city?!"

Mikoto Misaka was halfway through complaining, and when she heard Kuroko Shirai's words, she was shocked.

As a good girl, even if her ability has reached the LV5 level, Mikoto Misaka has always regarded herself as an ordinary student.

This is equivalent to an ordinary student who suddenly met with the mayor, and he was still complaining about him just now.

Thinking of this, she immediately covered her mouth and didn't dare to speak.


"Knowing that I am a director and dare to stop me, you are not afraid that I will transfer you to clean the toilet. "

Lu Yu glanced at Shirai Kuroko amusedly.

"My brother wouldn't do that......"

Shirai Kuroko shook his head confidently at first, but he didn't get a response from Lu Yu.

The swing of her double ponytail gradually slowed.

Lu Yu was still silent.

Shirai Kuroko's body suddenly stiffened.

Then with a desperate face, he looked up at Lu Yu.

"Brother...... You're not going to do that, are you?!"

Lu Yu didn't respond to him, which made her completely panicked.

If she was really sent to clean the toilet, how could she still uphold her justice!

"So, are you still stopping me?"

Lu Yu touched Shirai Kuroko's head for a long time, pulling her double ponytails left and right.

"Brother, you're too despicable!"

Shirai Kuroko didn't expect Lu Yu to threaten her with his authority in a grand manner.

"I'm sorry, that's what adults do!"

Lu Yu showed a sly smile.


It seems a bit mean really, but well done!

Mikoto Misaka on the side wanted to say something, but she didn't dare to say anything under Lu Yu's eyes.

This is probably the limitation of the positive characters.

There is no means or consciousness to resist the official persecution of those who have not yet become villains.

The identity of Director Lu Yu has little effect on people like one party and Weiyuan substance, but it has a great effect on Mikoto Misaka and Kuroko Shirai.

“...... Did you become a director?"

Haruo Kiyama, who had been ignored for half a minute, suddenly spoke.

Shocked both Kuroko Shirai and Mikoto Misaka.

Huh, why didn't she attack her side with such a good opportunity just now?

The two girls who thought of this found that Kiyama Haru still did not use the ability, but focused their eyes on Lu Yu.

Do these two people know each other?

Kuroko Shirai and Mikoto Misaka looked at Lu Yu suspiciously.

"Yes, Researcher Kiyama, I didn't expect to meet again in this situation. "

Lu Yu greeted him.

He looked surprised, as if all this in front of him was not his design.

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