"Oh oh oh, come on, store manager Lu Yu!"

Aisha sat down obediently, and then applauded Lu Yu and cheered him on.

Lu Yu glanced at Aisha and suggested to Chi You:

"Let's fight in another place!"

"Huh? Somewhere else is uninhabited? "

Chiyou is good at talking in this regard.

"No, somewhere else without this guy."

Lu Yu shook his head and pointed at Aisha.

"This guy's luck is abnormal, I'm worried that something will happen in the end and he will be robbed of his head."

No matter how small the probability is, it must be strangled in the cradle.

As for Aisha's protesting voice saying "I won't do this", Lu Yu chose not to hear it.

"Hahaha, I'm fine!"

Chi You has no opinion on changing the battlefield, but he has an opinion on Lu Yu's words.

"But it's not a good thing to be too confident, don't think that you will win if you have so many magic weapons. You know, even Emperor Yan or Emperor Huang don't have the ability to deal with me alone! The exchange of strength and weakness is only a matter of moments! "

Chi You's words were indeed true, but they were based on not knowing Lu Yu's full strength.


Let's change the venue first!

Lu Yu snapped his fingers, and the ability of the Lord of Space was activated, directly transferring Lu Yu and Chi You to a desolate infinite land.

"It's a great place to fight."

Looking at the wide rocky plain at his feet, as well as the crater not far away, Chi You felt that the terrain chosen by Lu Yu was not bad.

The only problem is -

"It's a little farther away!"

It's about 300,000 or 400,000 kilometers from the earth.

Chiyou looked up, and sure enough, he saw a blue-white planet.

Now, they are directly on the surface of the moon!

The god of disobedience does not need to breathe, so he can maintain normal activities in the universe.

Lu Yu's orange top physical fitness is also enough to support him in the cosmic environment for a long time.

Therefore, for such two people who have surpassed common sense, it is also a matter of course to choose the location of the battle on the earth's satellite.

"I am Chiyou, copper-headed and iron-fronted, and I am alone!"

Chi You called out the spirit of words to strengthen himself, and under the agitation of the mana, the whole person became much taller, and a faint metallic luster appeared on the surface of his body, and then quickly disappeared.

"Fullmetal Hero God?"

Lu Yu saw that Chi You's ability was quite similar to the Monkey King's steel and iron bones, or Qi Gefei's steel protection, which was the representative of the steel hero god.

The mythological system of the god killer mainly regards all the mythological goddesses of the Earth Mother as one line, and the steel born from the Earth Mother God as another line, and in most myths, the hero god of steel is famous for resisting and even slaughtering the Earth Mother God.

This process is seen as a corresponding change in the transition from matrilineal to patrilineal society.

Lu Yu casually took out a long sword-type treasure from the king's treasure, and then directly liberated it.


This is the sword that appears in the Nibelungen's poetry, the prototype of the sword in the stone - the sword in the tree.

The liberated sword in the tree unleashed a torrent of light that destroyed everything directly from the tip of the sword, and the A+ rank Noble Phantasm was liberated and could easily destroy a crater.

The torrent of light slammed straight into Chiyou's body, and the surface of Chiyou's body once again resurfaced with metallic brilliance.

In the end, apart from tearing his clothes, he didn't make any waves.

"It's a defense of steel!"

Lu Yu didn't mean to be surprised.

The defense of the steel attribute is incomparably strong, and Salvatore Toni's steel protection in the original book can even defend against the next surprise attack of the solar power, and it is almost unharmed, you must know that the defense of steel is generally weak.

"This attack doesn't hurt or itch!"

Chiyou laughed a few times, then gently swung the bronze sword, and the mana exploded.

Just like the ability he used to repel Woban before, the bronze sword with a golden light cannon struck Lu Yu.

Lu Yu didn't dodge either.

Under the orange level versus mana, the golden light cannon was directly cut in half.

The remaining torrent of magic power bombarded Lu Yu's body, but it was smashed by Lu Yu casually.

"Although I don't have the ability to defend or anything, if you want to hurt me, at least you have to cut off the continent-level power and come again!"

Lu Yu taunted back.

His physicality is orange though.

But there is also a huge gap between orange and orange.

For Lu Yu, who can easily blast the island and shake the entire planet with all his strength, the natural defense of his body is also at the level of super-spec.

"So exaggerated?"

Hearing Lu Yu's words, even characters like Chi You were a little dumbfounded.

"Are you really human?"

"Genuine human beings!"

Lu Yu nodded.

"How can there be such an exaggerated human being? Monsters better than me! "

After muttering a word, Chi You activated his mana again, creating a large cloud of smoke out of thin air on the battlefield, and his body was hidden in the smoke.

It was like a fog concealment technique, but in a few seconds, the battlefield within dozens of kilometers was filled with confusing smoke.

Since it is on the moon with no atmosphere, no atmosphere means no wind.

In the case of extremely slow initial velocity, the diffusion of smoke follows the phenomenon of spherical diffusion and is obviously able to persist for a long time without interference from external forces.

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