In the room.

With a toothbrush in her mouth, Komari quickly unbuttoned and took off her hamster pajamas.

With her white little feet showing blue veins, she ran to the bathroom and started combing her hair.

For her, not washing her hair before going out has long been a common thing.

Of course, she still has to wash her hair every two days, after all, her hair will be greasy by then.

As a girl, cleanliness is the most basic thing.

She grabbed the mouthwash cup, took a few sips, wiped off the foam left at the corners of her mouth, and then Komari began to rummage through the closet.

But there were a lot of clothes, and it took her about a minute to find them.


The sound of changing clothes

"Well, good luck on the first day of the new semester."

Putting on a black uniform, Koumaro pursed her lipstick-coated lips.

Koumaro already looked pretty without any make-up.

Now with a uniform and some make-up, she looked even more gentle, comfortable and stunning.

In front of classmates or acquaintances, they would think she was a beautiful girl who had a lot of housekeeping skills and studied music during the holidays to enrich herself.

But, in fact... she was a social loser at home.

When she got home, she would be lazy and eat a lot, and her philosophy was to eat and have fun. She had to rely on her brother for everything, and she was also a very hidden brother complex.

After tidying up her clothes in front of the mirror, Koumaro picked up her handbag and prepared to walk out of the room, but after taking two steps, she suddenly stopped.

"Oh, right, the amulet."

Remembering that she had put the amulet on the bedside table before going to bed, Koumaru quickly went over to pick it up.

This amulet was given to her by Gojo Satoru a year ago.

He told her that no matter where she went, whether she was going out or going to school, she must wear the amulet.

As for what the amulet was for, Koumaru didn't ask much, it was undoubtedly just for blessing safety.

After putting the red amulet into her pocket, Koumaru opened the door and walked out

"Hey, where's my brother?"

I didn't see Gojo Satoru in the living room as I expected.

There were only small Western desserts and steaming hot tea on the table.


Sobu High School, Teacher's Office

"Why, you came to Sobu High School? ? ?"

Looking at the smiling white-haired monster in front of her, Shizuka Hiratsuka's eyes twitched wildly.

Before, she learned from the teacher group that a new teacher would join Sobu High School. But she never expected that the new teacher would be Gojo Satoru!? Gojo Satoru, how much money did you give to the principal


"What? Xiaojing, being a teacher is my dream, my... Wait, what the hell is this look of disdain on your face? I'm so sad that Xiaojing actually dislikes me. Sob."

It seems that what Hiratsuka Shizuka said really hurts him.

Gojo Satoru took out a handkerchief from somewhere and gently wiped his eyes, as if tears were about to flow out.

Looking at the naughty Gojo Satoru, Hiratsuka Shizuka's mouth twitched a few times, and he could only wave his hand helplessly.

"Okay, okay, stop acting. We’ve known each other for almost half a year, don’t I know you well?"

"Tell me, what exactly are you doing here at Sobu High School? Is there something important?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka's expression began to become serious.

Others may not know Gojo Satoru, but doesn't she know him well?


Half a year ago, she was suddenly pulled into another world.

In that world, the air revealed decay and depression, and the sky was made up of dark red.

And most importantly, there was a group of monsters in that world, and when they saw her, they rushed towards her madly.

Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't beat even the smallest one.

After running for a long time, she finally ran out of strength.

Just when she was about to despair, a man suddenly appeared.

He was wearing black clothes, and his eyes were covered by a black eye mask. His snow-like white hair was blocked by the eye mask and fell back. The half of his face exposed under the eye mask was extremely handsome.

Although she didn't know why the man suddenly appeared, Shizuka Hiratsuka could only think that he was probably the same as her. He was suddenly pulled here by external forces.

She had no strength left, and didn't expect the other party to save her. She just subconsciously shouted for the other party to escape from here quickly.

But, the man just said lightly.

"It's okay."

What does it mean to be okay?

The next scene.

A scene that Shizuka Hiratsuka will never forget in her life appeared.

That man appeared in front of her in just a blink of an eye.

Then he gently pushed the monster that had already pounced on her.

The street exploded...!

Dust all over the sky, the sound of the explosion, and the sudden appearance of the pentagram.

Even after half a year, Shizuka Hiratsuka can still recall every detail and every bit of it.

And the man who suddenly appeared is...

Gojo Satoru!


Seeing the serious look on Hiratsuka Shizuka's face, Gojo Satoru also put away his handkerchief and his expression gradually became serious.

As expected?

Hiratsuka Shizuka's heart skipped a beat.

He really came here for something important.

"Xiaojing, actually……"

Gojo Satoru spoke slowly.

Here it comes...

Hiratsuka Shizuka subconsciously held her breath, ready to listen to the other party's important story about coming to Sobu High School.

"I'm just bored, so I became a teacher."


Hiratsuka Shizuka was stunned.



"Ah, I'm bored and I'm a teacher."

Gojo Satoru held his cheek with an innocent look.

"Give me Nishiuchi, Gojo Satoru!!!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka instantly flew into a rage and swung her fist, hitting the white-haired monster's head.

"I was wrong!!!"

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