Gojo Satoru was talking to Kitagawa Umi about how the car accident happened.

After some chatting

, they learned that the other party was trying to save a puppy and was hit by a car on the way to school. His left foot was dislocated, but the rest was fine. He would be basically recovered in two or three days.

""Teacher Gojo, do you think I'm stupid? I got into a car accident just to save a puppy. If the accident was more serious, I might not be here."

Kitagawa Umi was a little depressed.

On the day of the accident, her father also rushed over from Osaka, but scolded her severely, saying that you got into a car accident just to save a broken dog, are you stupid?

Although the scolding was very unpleasant, Kitagawa Umi knew it.

Her father was too worried about her, so he lost control of his emotions and scolded her.

Afterwards, the other party also bought a lot of snacks and fruits, and seemed to be silently expressing his apologies.

Looking at Kitagawa Umi's slightly confused look, Gojo Satoru was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke

"There is nothing wrong with saving a life. You did a great job, Kitagawa-san."


Kitagawa Umi looked at him with some surprise.


A change of tone

"When saving others or a life, you must think carefully about whether you can save the other person without sacrificing yourself, and put your own life first."

"Teacher, I don’t want you to do that, and I also don’t like those who are selflessly devoting themselves to saving others. You should know that there are still many people who care about you in this world."

Gojo Satoru's tone was very complicated.

At the same time, he was also sincerely warning Kitagawa Umi.

This world is not as peaceful as usual, and accidents can happen at any time. These warnings must be engraved in the heart.

If the next accident happens in Huoye, Kitagawa Umi will also save others without hesitation.

Isn't this just putting his own life at risk?

Kitagawa Umi also looked thoughtful, as if he was also pondering what he had just said.

""Aligato (Thank you, Gojo-sensei)!"

She suddenly smiled, very beautifully and happily.

The knot in her heart that had been suppressed for a long time seemed to be untied.


Noon, 12:10

"I should leave soon, too. Do you want me to bring you some lunch? Kitagawa-san.

Gojo Satoru stretched and prepared to leave for lunch.

But when he saw the bandage on his student's left leg, he subconsciously asked,

"Lunch? No need to trouble you, Mr. Gojo, the nurse will bring it over in a while."

Kitagawa Umi was a little bit sorry about Gojo Satoru's departure, as they had just been chatting very happily.

But thinking that she would be discharged from the hospital in two or three days, she couldn't help but feel excited.

By then, she could fulfill her idea of cosplaying!

"Okay, I'll go first.……"

Gojo Satoru stood up and was about to leave when he suddenly paused and looked out the window.

"What's wrong, Mr. Gojo?"

Kitagawa Umi tilted his head in confusion.

"Iie (No), I just might not be able to go to lunch for the time being."

Gojo Satoru walked by the window, looking at the hospital gate with his eyes, and said in a calm tone.

In his six-eye perception, there was an extremely disgusting aura emerging. This power did not come from the filth in the disaster field, but from another power.


He muttered.

In this world, it is not just Onmyoji and filth, there are also many monsters, and there are also demons.

Of course, this kind of demon is not the demon in the myth.

These demons are all from the world called the void, and the leader of the demons is called Satan.

At the same time, humans naturally have an organization dedicated to curbing demons.

Exorcist private school.

In fact, Onmyoji can also eliminate demons, but the main enemy of Onmyoji is still filth after all.

Of course, if the manpower is too idle, the Onmyoji will naturally send people to help the exorcists.

""What happened outside?"

Seeing Gojo Satoru looking out the window, Kitagawa Umi was a little curious.

But because of her left foot, she had no choice but to sit up straight and stretch her head to see what was happening outside the window. But before she could see what was happening

, Gojo Satoru suddenly turned around and closed the window with his right hand.


Kitagawa Umi pouted in disappointment when she didn't see what she wanted to see.

"Don't be curious!"

Rubbing the other's long golden hair, Gojo Satoru said with a smile.

"Gojo teacher is really……"

Feeling the big hand caressing her head, Kitagawa Umi's face turned red and she mumbled.

(Today's fourth chapter.)

(My neck is so sore. I've been writing from 12:30 until now. I feel like I'm going to collapse.)

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