"No no no——"

The man struggled, trying to summon the power of the devil to restore his limbs that had turned to blood.

But before he could recover, the right foot that was stepping on his mouth suddenly exerted force and pushed forward.……


The head exploded...

Blood instantly splattered on the corners of the wall, and even stained the ceiling.

"It seems that the devil is not interested."

Putting his right foot away, Gojo Satoru shook his head and said regretfully.

Now that the matter has been resolved, let's go to eat.

However, for the aftermath, we still have to call the Onmyoji branch in Tokyo and let them handle the follow-up matters.

That is, clean up the battlefield.

After making a phone call to explain to the Tokyo Onmyoji branch, and by the way checking that the person lying on the ground in the field was still breathing but unconscious, Gojo Satoru also left the hospital.

As for the"account", don't worry.

As soon as the other Onmyoji come over, the"account" will be automatically lifted.


Soon, two days passed.

Gojo Satoru had a very enjoyable time during these two days. When he was bored, he would flirt with Xiao Jing from time to time, or be harassed by Toji Nanatsu.

He accepted all the free behaviors from the other party, and his movements were quite large. However, this made Hiratsuka Shizuka so angry that he punched both of them, and the man squatted in the corner.

As for the courses of the first-year F class, he still taught Chinese.

So sometimes when he wanted to eat desserts, he would go out of school to buy them and let Hiratsuka Shizuka take his place.

This made the students in the class complain, is it teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka who is the homeroom teacher, or is it you, Teacher Gojo Satoru, who is their homeroom teacher? From time to time, he would let the former take the class and go for a stroll.


Today, Saturday, afternoon.

This is the time for Nino Nakano to meet Gojo Satoru.

At Nakano's house.

Nino changed clothes one after another with a distressed look on her face. After changing clothes, she looked at herself in the mirror. Although she looked good in them, she felt that something was wrong.

"Ahhh, so annoying."

She rubbed her hair and felt like she was going crazy.

"Forget it, just wear everyday clothes."

In order to prevent herself from going completely crazy, Nino finally gave up and chose everyday clothes.

A black dress that looked like a Lolita.

After putting it on and tidying it up a little, she tied her signature black butterfly headband in front of the mirror, nodded with satisfaction, and prepared to go out.

However, as soon as she got down the stairs to the second floor, she saw the other four sisters sitting neatly on the sofa, staring at her second sister.

"Uh - what's wrong?"

Being looked at like this, Nino couldn't stand it and her face turned red.

"Nino, are you going on a date?"

Miku asked softly.

"Hey, come on, Nino, you actually have a boy you like?"

Covering her lips, Ichika smiled and said

""Isn't he a bad boy?"

As a sister, she naturally knew the other's criteria for choosing a boyfriend.

He must be handsome, but he must look bad.

Of course, it is basically impossible for him to be a bad boy. If he was a bad boy, Nino would definitely not even look at him. If she said he was a bad boy, she would just tease him a little.

"What bad boy? I'm not going on a date, I'm just... just having a simple meal, don't think too much about it."

Nino's tsundere character broke out.

Although she had already regarded this trip as a date, she couldn't say it was a date in front of her sisters.

She would definitely be teased, absolutely!

"That's not a date, why did I just pass by your room and say,"What should I wear for this date?"

The innocent Yotsuba asked weakly.


Nino blushed, but didn't say anything more, just glared at the other person.

This made Yotsuba look aggrieved.

"I won't mess around with you guys anymore, I'm going out."

After putting on her little leather shoes, Nino hurriedly opened the door and left.


Looking at the closed door, Ichika rested her chin on her right hand, thought for a while and said

"How about we follow Nino and see what the person she's dating looks like?"

"This is not good. If Nino knew, she would definitely be angry."

May said with some concern.

"It's okay, at worst we can just coax her together."

Yihua waved her hand and said nonchalantly

"Besides, aren't you curious about what the person who can date Nino looks like?"

Curious, of course I'm curious.

Seeing that the other three sisters didn't say anything, but their eyes showed interest, Ichika smiled slightly and gestured"yeah"

"Let's set off quickly, so as not to miss Nino."

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