"be lost……"

"Ha ha ha ha——!"

As Yukinoshita Yukino's weak voice fell, Gojo Satoru immediately laughed mercilessly.

"Hey, this is your home, right? How can I get lost in your home? Hahahahahaha——"


Yukinoshita Yukino could only blush and remain speechless.

But the only thing she was thankful for was that she was facing away from Gojo Satoru, so at least Gojo Satoru couldn't see her current appearance. Her cheeks, red as a monkey's butt and hot as boiling water, undoubtedly showed Yukinoshita Yukino's inner shame.

But, just as she closed her eyes and prepared to calm down,……

"Hahahaha, you are blushing! You are definitely blushing! The most beautiful girl in Sobu High School, the Ice Queen, is actually blushing!!! This is so interesting! No no, I have to take a photo to record it for you, hahahaha——"


The bad teasing sounded in her ears, which made Yukinoshita Yukino, who was still feeling lucky a second ago, immediately grit her teeth in anger.���He opened his eyes and saw Gojo Satoru with a funny smile on his face.

""Go to hell."

After angrily cursing, Yukinoshita Yukino turned around and faced Gojo Satoru again.

But Gojo Satoru obviously would not miss the opportunity to tease the girl. He immediately ran in front of her and teased her again with that funny smile.

"No way, no way, are you still angry? Um~ No, it should be half angry and half ashamed, right? Hahaha."

The merciless laughter sounded again.


Yukinoshita Yukino's forehead was bulging with anger, and her hands were clenched tightly.

If she could, she really wanted to punch the hateful face of the white-haired monster.

The laughter lasted for a minute.

Gojo Satoru could no longer laugh, but his face was still full of teasing, and he waved his hands weakly and said,

"No, no, I can't laugh anymore. If I laugh any more I feel like I'm going to die from laughing."

"You deserve it."

Yukinoshita Yukino said.

A minute was enough for her face to return to her usual calm, but if you look closely, you can see that the delicate earlobe is still blushing.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino doesn't want to admit it, this is indeed an embarrassing thing in her life.


Gojo Satoru cleared his hoarse throat and said teasingly while looking at Yukinoshita Yukino who was pouting in front of him.

"So, girl, if you can't find your way home tonight, are you going to sleep at my house? If you go, I think Kokoro and Umaru-chan will be very... oh, yes, and Vanilla will definitely welcome you."


Yukino Yukinoshita immediately refused coldly.

Although there was the temptation of vanilla, if she really couldn't find the way home in her own apartment, she would definitely be laughed at by Gojo Satoru for the rest of her life.

Hearing the rejection, Gojo Satoru shrugged indifferently.

"Well, then, if you don't want to go, then don't go.……"

Changing the subject

"A poor girl can't get home and has to sleep on the street~~"

After saying that, Gojo Satoru whistled, as if it was none of his business.


Yukinoshita Yukino's face darkened instantly.

As expected, it's better to kill this white-haired monster.

But how to go back...

Yukinoshita Yukino thought a little confusedly.

In fact, since she was a child, Yukinoshita Yukino knew that she had a characteristic, that is, a poor sense of direction. Simply put, she is a person with poor sense of direction, a complete and utter poor sense of direction.

Once she encounters a slightly complicated terrain, she will lose her way.

When she went to Gojo Satoru's house for the first time, Yukinoshita Yukino almost got lost, but she happened to meet the security guard at that time. The security guard also saw that the other party was a first-time visitor, and kindly led Yukinoshita to the downstairs of Gojo Satoru's house. (To read the extremely exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Now in the apartment where she lives, it is pitch black, and Yukinoshita Yukino once again has the attribute of poor sense of direction.

"Really, I should have known not to bring this guy in."

Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at Gojo Satoru on the side, thinking with a little regret in her heart.

How about calling my sister over?

No, no.

With such an idea in her mind, Yukinoshita Yukino immediately shook her head and dismissed it.

If it was just Gojo Satoru's teasing, she didn't know why she could accept it, but if she was facing Yukinoshita Haruno, she couldn't accept any of his words.

"So, what should I do?"

Yukinoshita Yukino immediately lowered her head and pondered.

What Yukinoshita Yukino didn't know was that while she was thinking, Gojo Satoru on the side suddenly disappeared for a few seconds, and then reappeared in the same place, but compared to the flashlight in his hand just now,

"Yukino, you got lost in your own apartment. It must have been too dark to see clearly, right?"

"What else?"

Yukinoshita Yukino subconsciously answered 693's question, but after she finished, she suddenly realized that she had found a blind spot.


It's too dark, I can't see clearly, so I'm lost...

Oh, why am I so stupid.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked annoyed.

She should have thought of it earlier, there is a flashlight on her mobile phone!

"Really, after knowing this scumbag teacher for so long, even my thinking has become dull."

Yukinoshita Yukino naturally put the blame on Gojo Satoru.

With a flashlight, you can find the way home.

Yukinoshita Yukino naturally took out her mobile phone quickly and just turned on the flashlight.

A faint light came on.

Click - a small push sound also sounded at the same time.

Yukinoshita Yukino, who was very close, naturally heard it and wanted to see what it was.



Looking at the road and buildings that suddenly became bright, Yukino Yukinoshita's face was very exciting.

Of course, if it was just an ordinary flashlight, it wouldn't be enough to shock her. But have you ever seen a flashlight that instantly emits light for a hundred meters and a width of dozens of meters?

This is simply dawn!.

: 『тʀuᴇ oмɴıᴘoтᴇɴт』

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