
Under Yukinoshita Yukino's resentful gaze, Gojo Satoru sat cross-legged on the lawn, fiddling with his flashlight with both hands, and responded perfunctorily:

"I know you are anxious, Yukino, but please don't be anxious yet."


The corners of Yukinoshita Yukino's mouth twitched slightly, and her eyes were speechless.

"Scumbag teacher, if you turn on this flashlight again and those owners find out and chase after you, I will have no choice but to sell you out, since it wasn't me who turned it on anyway."

"Hey, hey, come on, Xiao Xue, are you trying to sacrifice your own family for the sake of justice?!"

"Haha, from a general rational point of view, we are just a teacher-student relationship, which is not enough to be regarded as sacrificing relatives for the sake of justice, so, do you understand?"

"You...you...you are awesome"


Yukinoshita Yukino shrugged and snorted proudly, looking very indifferent.

But if you look closely, you can see the smile in her bright eyes.

It is obvious that what she said just now was not just a joke.

"Really, how could you do this to Xiao Xueno? I am your teacher. How can this not be considered as sacrificing one's own interests? We are clearly……"

Gojo Satoru supported his cheek with one hand, pouted his lips and complained about Yukinoshita Yukino with dissatisfaction.

It would be fine if he didn't complain, but once he complained, it was like a Gatling gun. The object of the complaint, Yukinoshita Yukino, didn't bother to pay attention to the white-haired and scumbag teacher. She just carefully poked her head out and looked around. When she found that the group of uncles had left, she immediately felt relieved.

"But finally left."

Yukinoshita Yukino muttered softly.

They had been hiding in this garden for more than ten minutes, which was neither long nor short, but as the second daughter of Yukinoshita, she was a little uncomfortable hiding here like a thief, but unexpectedly, she also felt a little... novel?

"Buzz, buzz——"


A mosquito just flew to Yukinoshita Yukino's ear, but was immediately slapped away by the latter.

"Sure enough, it's still the scumbag teacher's fault."

Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at the originally white and smooth arm, which now had a few swollen red lumps, which made her novel feeling turn into unhappiness.


After giving Gojo Satoru a heavy snort, Yukinoshita Yukino turned around and walked away.

This made Gojo Satoru, who was standing there, confused.

What did he do again? But after thinking about it, he didn't do anything, just complained a few words.

Hiss~ Could it be that her period came? Or did the menopause come early?

Just when Gojo Satoru was full of suspicion, Yukinoshita Yukino, who had walked ten meters away, suddenly stopped, turned around, hugged the arm with a few swollen and red bumps, and said with a cold face

"Scumbag teacher, are you still leaving or not?"

"Yes, yes, yes, it's coming. Don't rush me."


Yukino's house.

Yukinoshita Haruno lies on the sofa in the living room, her long white legs crossed, stretching.

Because it's hot in summer, everyone wears thin clothes, and she is no exception. When she stretches her body, her flat body with a vest line is revealed.

It's a pity that there is no one around, otherwise you can enjoy this scenery.


Amidst this imaginative voice, Yukinoshita Haruno stopped stretching. (aifb)"Why hasn't Yukino come back yet?" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She thought a little boredly. She glanced at the time.

Eleven o'clock

"It's already eleven o'clock?!——"

Yukinoshita Haruno took a deep breath and quickly stood up, pinching her pointed chin with her index finger and thumb, her expression becoming more and more solemn.

"Could it be that Xiaoxue is her……"

An extremely bold and possible idea popped up in my mind.

White hair, very handsome, looks good, very tall, a teacher, someone from the other world...

Adding all these together, hiss - no, no, Yukino can't fall so quickly, but...

I clearly said before that I would go home after playing for a while, but it's already eleven o'clock now, should I really go home?……

"Ahhh——My Yukino, my lovely sister——"

Yukinoshita Haruno rolled around on the sofa like a child throwing a tantrum.

The sister she had raised for seventeen years was finally going to become someone else's.

After rolling around for about a minute, Yukinoshita Haruno was tired and stopped, but her face was not as sad and uncomfortable as her words said, but a complex expression.

""Blessings in advance, Yukino."

She murmured softly.

As the daughters of Yukinoshita, the two sisters could not control their own marriages, and now her younger sister has found true love. As an elder sister, she will give her blessings, but……

"Don't blame me in the future. I am doing this for the Yukinoshita family and you.……"

In Yukinoshita Haruno's guess, according to Gojo Satoru's conditions, he will definitely attract many women. In order not to let her sister be wronged in this love,

Miss Haruno decided to give it for free.

After all, a single woman is not as good as twins.

Of course, this is not only for her sister, but also for the entire Yukinoshita family and her mother. After all, in this chaotic world, having a husband from the other world will undoubtedly help them survive better.

Don't blame your sister, your sister is doing it for you too! Yukino! (Funny)


(It’s been really busy these past few days. I have too many blood relatives, so I’m either attending a reunion or attending a reunion party. You kissed me yesterday, so I’ll kiss you today.)

(Don’t worry, I’m not a eunuch. After all, the people in Penguin are urging me every day.)

Don't worry: 『тʀuᴇ oмɴıᴘoтᴇɴт』

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