"Oh, I haven't had the thin slices of yokan in Kyoto recently. I want to eat it, especially the sweet ones, but it's so far away. I don't want to go there. It's so annoying. I hope someone can help me."

Playing with his fingernails, Gojo Satoru muttered to himself as if unintentionally.

"I'll buy it for you! I'll buy you half a month's supply!"

Looking up, Tsuchimikado Arima said firmly.

"Hmm? Half a month, it seems some people are not sincere."

"……, one month, no, two months’ supply!"

"Hey, Arima, why are you kneeling? Oh, we brothers don't need to be so polite."

Gojo Satoru seemed to have changed into a different person, with a smile on his face and a reproachful tone in his mouth as he helped his 'good brother' to stand up.

This speed of change of expression made Tsuchimikado Arima's face twitch.

But he had seen it so many times that he was no longer surprised.

"Okay, Gojo-kun, let's talk business."

Tsuchimikado Arima straightened his face.

"Do you know the orphan of the Huanye family, Huanye Hongxu?"

"Hua Ye Hong Xu?���The lovely girl who always shouts that she wants to eliminate the filth in the world, I know, what's wrong?"

Gojo Satoru sat down on the green belt behind him, feeling bored.

"She recently wanted to leave Kyoto and come to Tokyo, so I thought that since you are in Tokyo, it would be a good opportunity for her to enter your school and home. As for Funo, just make sure she lives there."

Tsuchimikado Arima was also sitting on the green belt, his face full of seriousness.


The air froze for almost a minute.

"Arima, you are going to treat my place as an orphanage, and then you can have a nanny accompany you, right?"

Gojo Satoru said calmly, without any expression.

"No, you misunderstood me. What I meant was, just don't let her die."

Tsuchimikado Arima pushed his red-rimmed glasses, his eyes full of coldness.

In order to end the thousand-year battle between Onmyoji and filth, he could calculate and even abandon anyone.

For the sake of justice, we will do anything!

"Give a reason"

"A year ago, when you didn't show up in Yin and Yang Realm, I had already noticed that there seemed to be some destiny hidden in Kanano Akane. But after you came to Yin and Yang Realm, the entire Tianxing was hazy and unclear, so I thought that since Kanano Akane was coming to Tokyo, I hoped that you could keep an eye on her and not let her die."

Gojo Satoru was silent, and glanced at Tsuchimikado Arima.

What destiny was hidden, he naturally knew, the fate of the two stars.

End the filth and disaster!

And Tsuchimikado Arima was also silent, he was waiting for Gojo Satoru's response.

If the other party really disagreed, then he could only send one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals to Tokyo.

"I also want Kikufuku from Kyoto"


Tsuchimikado Arima was stunned, but then he immediately reacted and grinned.

"I'll buy you the best for two months."


Scratching the back of his head, Gojo Satoru sighed.

To be honest, he just wanted to be an ordinary teacher, but why did he feel like he was back in the world of sorcery?

"Then I'll leave first. Gojo-kun will probably come to Tokyo in about a week or two. I'll let you know when the time comes. Thanks for your help. Bye."

Patting the ashes off the drum, Tsuchimikado Arima took out the transfer talisman while speaking.

After saying the last sentence, a burst of white light flashed from his body and he disappeared.

‘Ding Dong——’

At the same time, all the information about Kanono Kou appeared on Gojo Satoru's phone.

Family relationship, date of birth, age, movement trajectory, spell ability, etc.

Flipping through Kanono Kou's information, Gojo Satoru rubbed his smooth chin and muttered to himself:

"That's fine, let's train her the same way we trained Xiao Hui before."To put it nicely, it's the same way we trained Fushiguro Megumi before, but to put it bluntly, it's just letting her go.

Standing up and stretching, Gojo Satoru was ready to go home.

After all, if he was a little later, his sister might be worried.

‘You can't leave me, I can't forget you, without you, I'm like a fish dying of thirst——’

Sure enough, just as he was thinking, his cell phone rang.

Seeing the caller note"Mamoru-chan", Gojo Satoru answered the phone.

"Hello, my lovely sister, what's wrong?"

"Brother, please bring me a few bottles of Coke when you come back, we are out of Coke at home."

"Wuuuu, Umaru-chan, you don't even care what time your brother comes home. It makes me so sad. Wuuuuu"

"……Brother, don't do it late at night"

"Okay, okay, I got it. I'll be back soon."

"Yeah, I'll wait for you, hurry up."

After hanging up the phone, Gojo Satoru looked up at the round moon tonight and prepared to go home.

If you want to buy"Fatty Happy Water" at a convenience store, you'd better buy a box. After all, if you buy a few bottles, I'm afraid it will be gone in a day or two.

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