Shibuya, Tokyo.

As one of the 23 districts of Tokyo, Shibuya is an extremely unique administrative district with densely populated famous department stores, fashion stores, restaurants, coffee shops, amusement facilities, and entertainment facilities.

It is a district that is listed as a"24-hour sleepless street" like Shinjuku, and it is also known as the"street of young people".

Similarly, here are all kinds of people, scouts, cosplayers, gangsters, and all kinds of people may be encountered on the street.

In a commercial building, on the third floor, the Pokémon Center


As soon as she entered, she saw Mewtwo in a jar near the door, and her eyes lit up immediately.

"So cool, Komari-chan, do you think this is alive?! It looks so realistic, it looks like it’s alive."

Nana Ebina excitedly shook Komari-chan’s arm.

"How could she be alive? Lailai."

Seeing her best friend's innocent look, Koumaro smiled helplessly.

"Let's go in and take a look."

"" Hmm!"

The two women walked in holding each other's arms.

���There are so many tourists around that if you don't pay attention, you might get separated.


In a small villa,

Hiratsuka Shizuka and Gojo Satoru sat face to face, neither of them spoke, just looking at each other.

"Are you, Gojo?"

Looking at the handsome man in front of her, Shizuka Hiratsuka's face was extremely strange.

After knowing each other for nearly half a year, it was the first time she saw Gojo Satoru without his eye patch.

I have to say, he is really handsome!

"It's me, Xiao Jing. Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Grinning, Gojo Satoru's face was full of expectation.

He seemed to want to see the other person's surprised look.

"Oh, no surprise."

Hiratsuka Shizuka immediately retracted her expression and said calmly

"Hey! I want to see Xiaojing's surprised look. Xiaojing, you are so boring.……"

Gojo Satoru instantly collapsed and fell on the sofa.

Boring, tired, I hope this world will be destroyed soon.

Ha, idiot.

Hiratsuka Shizuka smiled secretly in her heart.

Although she was indeed surprised by Gojo Satoru's appearance, she was already past the age of judging by appearance.

"But Wu, why did you come to see me this time?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka asked curiously, but seemed to be thinking about something, and immediately covered her chest and said vigilantly

"No sexual things are allowed."

"What do you think of me? I was just too bored, so I came to play with you, have lunch, and race with you."

Gojo Satoru, who was lying on the sofa, said weakly.

"I can have lunch, but I have to go to my father's place this afternoon. He seems to have something to tell me. Sorry, Hawu.

Hiratsuka Shizuka thought for a moment, then said apologetically.

"It's rare that I rode Kawasaki out, and you're going to your father's place. Forget it, it's okay."

Hearing this, Gojo Satoru was even more helpless.

He was like a 'fish dying of thirst'.

Tired, really tired.

Let's go to Akihabara for a walk in the afternoon.

Looking at her man like this, Hiratsuka Shizuka couldn't bear it after all. After struggling for a while, she slowly said

""Okay, I'll compensate you."

After saying this, her face turned red.


I won't be sleepy if you mention this.

Although thinking this way, Gojo Satoru remained silent and motionless.

This look of being in a bad mood made Hiratsuka Shizuka understand the meaning directly.

"Really, I have to take the initiative, how can a girl take the initiative."

She muttered silently in her heart, and retracted her feet and took off her slippers.

Her lips were pressed... for a long time...

Shizuka Hiratsuka took a deep breath of air, and her lips still retained the other's tuoy

"Xiao Jing, your breath-holding skills need to be improved. It's only a few minutes."

Gojo Satoru, who was pressed down, said lazily.

What do you mean by a few minutes?

Hiratsuka Shizuka curled her lips and then stretched out her right hand to wipe the saliva from her mouth.

"Okay, I'll make it up to you. What do you want to eat for lunch?"

She took out her cell phone.

"It's all right. Just add dessert."

"Let's eat Chinese food then."

Shizuka Hiratsuka was browsing Chinese takeout restaurants on her mobile phone.

(Woohoo, this chapter is banned. It's too detailed. Woohoo.)

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