(It is better to use soldout here~)

The detached red energy ball did not jump far away, but suddenly exploded in mid-air.

The terrifying power poured out, and the filth on the left was directly turned into ashes, and countless pentagrams bloomed one after another.

At the same time, the strong wind formed by the explosive power also swept the whole place.

The snow-white hair was blown into a mess


The low-level filth had no intelligence and rushed over in droves.

Now they only wanted to devour the cursed power of this human!

【[Unlimited Technique]

Gojo Satoru clenched his right fist and grabbed the rhino-shaped filth with his left hand.

With one swing, it turned into residue!

Even the wind from the fist completely removed the filth that followed closely behind.


A humanoid filth suddenly jumped from behind the filth group.

In the air, it stammered with its ugly mouth.

Obviously, this was also a real snake-level filth.

The strong black arm directly hit Gojo Satoru's body.

However, Gojo Satoru did not move at all, but the ground behind him was torn apart in an instant, and countless debris and soil flew in the air.

"Finally, another real snake-level ant has come?"

Goujo Satoru held the opponent's arm with a cruel smile.

With a force from his left arm, the filth in the air was instantly pulled down and fell directly to the ground. Then a big foot suddenly kicked over.


The pentagram blooms, and the filth is directly removed

"You bunch of ants, you are really in the way!"

Gojo Satoru was tired of killing the filth that rushed over.

After all, there were too many filth, and it was simply an endless stream.

"I'm tired of playing!


【Unlimited · Forward Rotation Technique · Cang]

He raised his right hand and hooked his five fingers.

A terrifying vortex appeared!

Countless filth struggled to fly into the air, colliding one by one, and even the surrounding buildings gradually emitted a rumbling sound.

Finally, a series of pulling sounds rang out.……


The tall building was also attracted to the air.

(I controlled it deliberately, after all, the main course was the samurai filth.)



Inside the barrier, whether it was Onmyoji or Komari, they all swallowed their saliva with dull eyes.

Looking at the five-pointed star that kept flashing in the sky, like fireworks, and the dozen or so high-rise buildings that were tightly packed together, they seemed to have seen a doomsday scene.

"Is this... Kami (god)?"

Finally, an Onmyoji couldn't stand the explosion in front of him and sat on the ground with his whole body weak.

‘Whoosh, whoosh——’

The other Onmyojis were also breathing in the air in big gulps.

It seemed that this could ease the excitement in their hearts.

On the other hand, Tenjo Kiyomi still had his usual poker face.

After all, when Gojo Satoru fought with them a year ago, the scene and power that exploded were even more terrifying than this.

"Komaru, is he really Gojo-nii?"

Looking at Gojo Satoru who was facing away from them not far ahead with a dull look in her eyes, Ebina Nana said with a trembling heart.

Komaru was silent for a second, then nodded in affirmation.

"He is my brother."

The familiar feeling is not wrong, it is her brother.

However, Gojo Satoru, who has this god-like power, feels so strange at this moment.

After all, in her impression, her brother is just a salted fish, a salted fish who loves sweets.

"So brother, the job you are talking about is to deal with these monsters, right?……"

Komari felt a little uncomfortable and distressed.

In her mind, such power can only be obtained through long-term fighting, just like in a game, leveling up one level at a time.

(Gojo Satoru: Ah, Komari, you think too much, I am just hanging on the wall)

I must have secretly healed my wounds in the middle of the night.

"elder brother……"

Umaru-chan's eyes were filled with tears.

Natsukawa Masuzu didn't say anything, but her blue eyes were fixed on the doomsday scene in the sky.

She was in love and thought Gojo Satoru was so handsome at that moment!

"Is this the power of Onmyoji? It's too scary. I would believe you if you said he could destroy a city by himself."

"Brother, your vision is too narrow. A country, one person destroys a country, OK?"

"Father and mother, I am in love. I want to pursue this Onmyoji?"

"……, Mazi, I am your boyfriend, right! ?"

"Oh, you're my boyfriend."

"Ah, what a cold tone."


Hundreds of ordinary people were discussing excitedly.

The topic was all about Gojo Satoru.

So sometimes it feels good to show off your power in front of others!

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