Another eye patch?

Gojo Satoru muttered in his heart.

Since coming to this world, many people he met would ask him if this eye patch really does not block his vision and can he see outside clearly?

Or ask if this eye patch has any special effect, so he always wears it.

But, only Gojo Satoru himself knows.

This eye patch is actually... useless.

He just wants to look cool and stylish.

As for whether it blocks vision.

Could it be that he treats his six eyes as decorations?

Observe the surroundings in a 360-degree angle without blind spots, lock onto the enemy no matter how far away, and even see the atoms in the space, to perform precision operations without limits.

(The six eyes can be regarded as zooming.)

Unless his eyes are destroyed, he can't see anything.

"Oh~ Can I see clearly what's happening outside with the blindfold on?……~"

Gojo Satoru deliberately stretched out his voice, and even pulled the blindfold with his right hand.

���When you are about to take off the eye mask……

"This is a secret for men, Chitanda-san, don't be curious."

Gojo Satoru put down his hand and smiled playfully.


You shouldn't expect it.

Although they have only been together for more than ten minutes, everyone in the class has basically figured out the personality of their homeroom teacher.

It is obvious that he just likes to tease them and keep them interested.

"All right then."

Although Chitanda Eru felt a little disappointed when she didn't get the answer she wanted, her curiosity about Gojo Satoru was aroused even more.

This Gojo teacher was really curious!

"Then please welcome the next Pokémon... uh, the next student."

Gojo-sensei, you definitely want to talk about the next Pokémon, right? Absolutely!


""See Qiming, please teach me more."

The pale-faced girl said coldly and sat down.

This made the students around her shrink subconsciously.

Why did the air suddenly become cold?

"Mizaki Mei……"

Gojo Satoru tilted his head slightly in confusion.

In his six-eye perception, although this child has cursed power, the cursed power radiating from his body is very small.

However, the left eye with the eye patch radiates a lot of cursed power.

(Although he traveled through time, Gojo Satoru did not know Mizaki Mei.)

"Acquired transplant?"

After only half a second of observation with his six eyes, Gojo Satoru got the answer he wanted in his mind.

It seems that he has to find time to have a good talk with his lovely student.

After all, recently, or since he came to this world, the birth of filth and various monsters has gradually become more frequent.

For example, Hiratsuka Shizuka.

She was born with strong cursed power and was fine in the first 27 years, but was pulled into the disaster field by the filth half a year ago.

If Gojo Satoru hadn't happened to be at the intersection, Hiratsuka Shizuka would have been chewed up and absorbed by the cursed power at that time.

"Hey, I remember there is a classmate Kitagawa Umi in our class, right?"

After a quick glance, Gojo Satoru was a little confused when he didn't see the blonde girl he remembered.

When he used the unlimited teleportation to come to the rooftop of Sobu High School, he checked the names of the students in his class.

Although it was a pity that his class was not full of protagonists or supporting characters as in the novel, there were also a few people he knew in his previous life.

One of them was naturally Kitagawa Umi.

A beautiful girl who liked cosplay.

Before he traveled through time, certain audio platforms were all about Kitagawa Umi. What

's even more outrageous is that Gojo Satoru, a fighting show, can actually"link" with Kitagawa Umi from the daily show.

Curse puppets, right?

"Kitagawa-san, is there any Kitagawa-san? If yes, please raise your hand and let the teacher know."

Suddenly, the classroom fell silent.

"Ahem, it seems Kitagawa is late. Well, really, how can this kid be late at the beginning of the school year?

Gojo Satoru smiled awkwardly, put down his hand awkwardly, and pretended to criticize the other party in a serious tone.

"Um, that, Gojo-sensei……"

At this time, a weak female voice sounded.

It was an ordinary-looking girl who raised her hand.

"What's the matter, Tomatsu-san?"

Gojo Satoru asked

"That is, Kitagawa classmate accidentally got into a car accident today and was admitted to the hospital. She may need to rest for a while before being discharged. I am her junior high school classmate, and she asked me to pass the message to you."

"Oh~ So that's how it is. I'll call and ask about your concern later. Thank you, Tomatsu, please take a seat.

Tomatsu nodded quickly, with a little red on his cheeks.

Although he looks like a dark-bellied head and even has some kind of social bull syndrome, he can't stop the other person from being handsome.

Although only half of his face is exposed, it can be seen that Gojo Satoru is definitely a handsome guy.

Let Tomatsu and Gojo Satoru talk to each other alone, she is really shy.

(I have also read a lot of videos of up masters. Most of the up masters think that Gojo Satoru wears an eye mask just because he thinks he is handsome. There may be a noise reduction effect, but it is negligible.)

(Some also think that the eye mask is specially made.)

(However, if I set it here, it is useless. I just think it is cool. In addition, Gojo Satoru in my book is getting stronger day by day. If you want to reduce noise, you can control it freely.)

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