A few days passed in a flash, and it was Friday.

When Gojo Satoru returned to the office, he saw Shizuka Hiratsuka scolding Hachiman Hikigaya.

"Hey, isn't this the dead fish eyes classmate? Why was Xiao Jing dragged here again?"

Sitting on the chair, Gojo Satoru said with a teasing look on his face.


Hearing this, Hikigaya Hachiman looked straight at the white-haired teacher.

"So, you know I have dead fish eyes, did you just call me dead fish eyes classmate this time? I have a name, Hikigaya Hachiman" he complained

""Okay, okay, Satoru."

Hiratsuka Shizuka waved her hand, and then looked at the student who gave her a headache again.

"What do you think about what I just told you, joining the club?"

""No, Mr. Hiratsuka."

Hikigaya Hachiman was very resistant to joining the club and directly refused.

"Besides, I also have a club."

"What club?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka was a little surprised.

Didn't this guy join any club?

"Home Ministry"

"……So please join a club for me."

""It's better not to."

Looking at the two bickering, Gojo Satoru smiled.

But suddenly he seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up.

After searching under the table, he found a relatively new student handbook.

"Dead fish..., cough cough, Hikigaya-san."

Gojo Satoru interrupted the conversation between the two and attracted their attention.

"You definitely wanted to say Dead Fish Eyes, didn't you? Definitely!"

Hikigaya Hachiman seemed to have turned into a ruthless rant machine, constantly ranting.

"Don't worry about it."

Gojo Satoru turned to the first page of the student handbook.

"Hikigaya-san, it is clearly stated here that students must join the club, especially the second-year students. If they don't join, their parents will come over."

As if afraid that Hikigaya Hachiman would not believe it, he handed it to him directly.

After taking the student handbook, Hikigaya Hachiman saw that the first clear rule was indeed as he had just said, and immediately frowned.

He didn't know much about the student handbook. He had not even looked at the student handbook issued the year before last.

"Tsk, what a hassle."

Scratching the back of his head, Hikigaya Hachiman looked impatient.

"So, you have to join the club. After all, Hikigaya doesn't want to invite his parents, right?"

Crossing his legs, Gojo Satoru was like a big devil.

Hikigaya Hachiman was sweating profusely.

Thinking of the disappointed look in his lovely sister's eyes, he got up without hesitation and pleaded,

"Please let me join the club"


Gojo Satoru agreed with a smile.

But seeing the puzzled look of Hiratsuka Shizuka next to him, he blinked his left eye, as if to say not to expose it. He asked Hikigaya Hachiman to leave and come back after school.

Hiratsuka Shizuka sat on Gojo Satoru's body like a rider.

Anyway, there were only two of them in the office.

She asked curiously

"I don't think there is a rule in the student handbook that requires students to join clubs."

"Oh, look at it yourself. How old is this?"

Gojo Satoru said as he handed the student handbook to Shizuka Hiratsuka.

When Shizuka Hiratsuka took it and looked at it, she saw the glaring 10-year system on the cover.

""Puchi, if Hikigaya saw this, he would scold you to death."

She couldn't help but laugh.

You took the 10-year student handbook and deceived the 22-year students. You are worthy of it, Gojo Satoru.

"What? Xiao Jing, I'm not doing this for you, but you're still saying you're going to kill me."

Gojo Satoru said with a wronged look on his face.

"Cry, cry, so wronged"

"……So, can you put your claws down when you say you feel wronged?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka rolled her eyes.

There were two restless claws wandering around her body, making her feel itchy.


In response, Gojo Satoru only smiled.


Time passed quickly and school was over.

Hikigaya Hachiman stood outside the door with a hesitant look on his face, his right hand hanging in the air. He was wondering whether he should knock on the door, but if he knocked on the door and went in, he would have to join the club.

So conflicted!!!

"Hikigaya-san, you don't want Komachi to know that your brother is a socially anxious loser who hasn't even joined a club, right?"

A faint voice suddenly appeared in Hikigaya Hachiman's ears, which made him subconsciously answer

""Ah, no!""

Eh? Wait, how could anyone know Komachi?

Hikigaya Hachiman turned his head sharply.

Damn, why is it you, the black-haired teacher again?

"So, teacher, how do you know about Komachi?"

Hikigaya Hachiman said with a vigilant look.

He never mentioned that he had a sister in school.

"Oh, don't worry about the details."

While saying this, Gojo Satoru lifted the collar of the dead fish eye, then opened the door and shouted

"Xiao Jing, look who I caught, a student with dead eyes."You can call me dead eyes, but can you please put me down?

Hikigaya Hachiman, who was being carried by the collar, had a look of despair on his face.

After a short episode,

Gojo Satoru drank coffee and looked at Hiratsuka Shizuka who was helping Hikigaya Hachiman choose a club.

But, after choosing and choosing, Hikigaya Hachiman kept saying,"This club is great, but I still choose the home club."

Finally, Hiratsuka Shizuka lost his patience and threw a fist with a dark face.

"Go to hell, you dead fish eye"

"I was wrong, Mr. Hiratsuka, I choose, I choose!"


The crisp sound of hitting sounded, and Hikigaya Hachiman touched his aching head and selected various clubs on the list.

However, after choosing and choosing, there was not even one that suited him.

Looking at Hikigaya Hachiman with a distressed face, Hiratsuka Shizuka drank coffee and regained her composure.

Otherwise, where should he be sent?

Once the idea came out, it felt okay.

"Hello, Hikigaya"


Hikigaya Hachiman looked up in bewilderment.

"No, come with me."

"Can I not go?"

Hikigaya Hachiman was full of resistance. He felt that this was definitely not a good place.

"Huh? (raises fist)"

"I will go, please let me go!"

Putting his hands together, Hikigaya Hachiman said seriously.

He didn't want to be hit by another punch.

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