"That, teacher……"

A timid voice came over.

It was Miura Yumiko who ran over.

Her little face was a little scared, but more surprised.

"What's wrong?"

Tilting his head, Gojo Satoru was a little confused.

"No, nothing."

Miura Yumiko shook her head quickly.

Her pale green eyes kept looking at Gojo Satoru, and her curiosity was almost flowing out.

When she ran over, she happened to see the scene of the Weasel Filth exploding. This scene was extremely unforgettable.

And standing inside was the girl who saved her and Gojo Satoru

"Gojo-sensei, do you need to erase her memory?"

Huan Ye Hongxu said coldly.

As a genius since childhood, she also knows the Yin-Yang technique of erasing memory, although she doesn't use it often.

""Eh? I don't want to!"

Hearing that she was going to erase her memory, Miura Yumiko exclaimed and waved her arms hurriedly.

Erasing memory, this is scary to hear.

In response to the other party's refusal, Kanono Hongxu did not speak, but just looked at Gojo Satoru silently.

Miura Yumiko also looked over with a nervous look.

In the comments of the two women, Gojo Satoru seemed to be very distressed and touched his cheek

"If I don't erase your memory, what will you do if you tell others about it later?"

"No, teacher, please believe me, I will never tell anyone."

Miura Yumiko said seriously.

"What if you reveal my identity or Xiao Hongxu's identity? After all, Xiao Hongxu will come to Sobu High School in the future."

"Absolutely not, teacher! If you really don't believe me, I can do anything, as long as it doesn't erase my memory."

""Eh~, anything."

Gojo Satoru deliberately dragged out his voice, looking at Miura Yumiko's curvy body.

Although there was a blindfold, Miura Yumiko could feel that he was looking at her body. Her fair face turned red, and she hugged herself with her arms and whispered

"Sexual things are also not allowed."

She still cherishes her body very much.

Even if it was Hayato Hayama, whom she liked, she didn't let him touch her fingers or look at her. Gojo

Satoru smiled in his heart at Miura Yumiko's resistance.

He walked over and rubbed her head, and said with a smile

"I'm just kidding you. After all, you are Xiaojing's student. I dare not do anything to you. Otherwise, Xiaojing will beat me to death if she finds out."


Hearing this, Miura Yumiko was relieved.

But the touch on her head made her face flushed.

As the"queen" of the school, she was suppressed by Gojo Satoru.



Breathing the clear air, Yumiko Miura was in a trance for a moment.

The journey to the disaster field just now was like a dream.

She turned her head to look at Gojo Satoru and Kanono Akio who had taken off her mask, and couldn't help but laugh at herself in her heart.

How could it be a dream?

Unexpectedly, the teacher in the school turned out to be the legendary Onmyoji.

And... looking at Kanono Akio whose little face was cold but unusually cute, Yumiko Miura never thought that her savior would soon be a student of Sobu High School, and even a first-year student.

First-year, isn't that only sixteen years old?

Becoming an Onmyoji at the age of sixteen and fighting against these monsters is too...……


Feeling a pitiful gaze, Hua Ye Hongxu directly locked onto Miura Yumiko.

This made her a little confused.

"Let's go, cute blond student."

Gojo Satoru put his right hand on Kanano Hongo's shoulder and waved to Miura Yumiko.

What is a cute blond student?

Miura Yumiko complained in her heart, then crossed her arms and said proudly

"My name is Miura Yumiko, teacher, you must remember it well."

"Hi, hi (yes, yes) I remember, Yumiko-san.

As soon as the words fell, Gojo Satoru and Kanono Kou disappeared at the same place.

【No Limits·Forwarding Technique·Teleport】

Only Miura Yumiko was left with a shocked expression.


She rubbed her temples as she felt her view of reality completely collapse.

‘Ding, ding——’

At this time, the phone in her pocket rang.

She took it out and saw that the caller ID on the screen was"Hayato". Miura Yumiko answered the call and put it to her ear.

"Hello, Yumiko, are you okay? I just made several calls, but the prompt tone kept saying that you were not on the server. Are you okay?"

Hearing this caring voice, Yumiko Miura should be very happy in her heart, but now she is very calm.

"It's okay, Hayato, I have something to do, you guys go play first, I'm going home."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Looking up at the still bright sky, Miura Yumiko's eyes were confused for a moment.

It turns out that there are really Onmyoji and monsters in this world


After blinking again, Hua Ye Hong Xu found himself in a high-end apartment. Gojo

Satoru opened the refrigerator with ease and turned around to say

"Would you like black tea or coffee?"

"Uh, coffee will do."

Huan Ye Hongxu answered subconsciously. Gojo Satoru nodded.

It was true that his mental state was a little depressed, so drinking some coffee would be good.

Seeing her future teacher pouring coffee, Huan Ye Hongxu felt a little hesitant and didn't know what to do.

But when she saw the huge sofa behind her, she sat down.


At this moment, a puff of smoke suddenly exploded.

A shikigami that looked like a combination of a cat and a fox landed in the palm of Kanano Hongxu's hand in mid-air.

""Ah, you slept so comfortably, Master Hongxu~, eh, where is this?"

The shikigami looked at the unfamiliar environment with some confusion.

"Huang Fen, don't scream."

Patting the other's head, Hua Ye Hongxu whispered.

This made Huang Fen scratch his head in confusion.

"Here, your coffee, Xiao Hongxu."

Gojo Satoru came over after pouring the coffee and placed it on the table.

"Hey, white-haired boy, what is Xiao Hongxu? Call me Master Hongxu!"

Without waiting for Hua Ye Hongxu to speak, Huang Fen pointed at Gojo Satoru and shouted with an unhappy face.

I call him Master Hongxu, why do you call me Xiao Hongxu?

"You white... umm..."

He wanted to speak again, but was immediately blocked by Hua Ye Hongxu.

"Sorry, Gojo-sensei, this is my Shikigami. Hey, Huangfen, don't tell me, this is Gojo-sensei, Gojo Satoru, my teacher from now on."

Gojo, Satoru?

Huangfen, whose mouth was covered, blinked.

Wait, isn't this the name of the strongest person in the Yin-Yang world?

A yellow drop of cold sweat flowed from Huangfen's forehead.

Wait, I just woke up and cursed the strongest person in the Yin-Yang world, Gojo-sensei, what should I do? Waiting online, very urgent!

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