
Looking at the huge barrier descending from the sky, the man in a black suit with his hair tied up looked serious.

He was Hayakawa Aki.

A member of Tokyo Anti-Magic Special Section 4

"Senior Ji Ye, have you ever encountered this situation before?"

Hayakawa Aki turned around and looked at the woman sitting on a chair behind her smoking a cigarette.

The woman had a patch on her right eye and was half-bent over, smoking a cigarette. From time to time, her left eye flashed a gleam of light, as if she had guessed something.

"No, I have never encountered such a situation, but I am sure that this should not be the power of the devil. Ah, the devil I am talking about is the devil in hell."

She said slowly.

As if she was afraid that Hayakawa Aki would misunderstand, she explained it in detail.

It is not the power of the devil?

Hayakawa Aki frowned and crossed his arms.

In addition to the devils in hell, there are only the filth in Huoye and the devils in the void.

However, Huoye has been forced to survey by the Yin-Yang masters, and it is impossible for such a loophole to appear. Then there are only the devils in the void.

However, the only puzzling thing is, what is the purpose of lowering the barrier to lock tens of thousands of people in the amusement park?

"Qiu Jun, contact the other members of the Anti-Magic Class. Of course, if it is best, contact Makima first and explain the current situation to her."

After throwing the cigarette on the ground and stamping it out, Ji Ye smiled and patted his partner on the back.

"But I'm sorry for dragging you to the amusement park today, and then you encountered this mess."

"No, I'm glad we can come to the amusement park."

Hayakawa Aki immediately shook his head and refuted.

In response, Ji Ye also nodded in agreement.

If an accident really happened, the two of them could also help ordinary people escape.

Taking out his mobile phone, Hayakawa Aki looked through the phone book and saw the note of 'Machima' and clicked on it directly.

‘Buzz, buzz——’

Long time no answer

‘Sorry, you are not in the service area at the moment, please try again later——’

Hearing the notification sound in his ear, Hayakawa Aki calmly took back his phone and said

"There is no signal. It should be because of this barrier.

He was not surprised that his phone had no signal. He had already guessed it in his mind and just wanted to try it out with a fluke mentality.

""Oh, it's true."

Ji Ye was also scratching his head in distress.

There was no support, and no way to escape. What should I do?

"If it doesn't work, I'll pull out this knife and try……"

"Shut up, what are you talking about? You are not allowed to draw this knife."

Haikawa Aki hadn't finished his words when he was scolded back by Jiye, who had a serious face.

The atmosphere between the two of them cooled down instantly.

After a minute,

Jiye calmed down and said with a hint of pleading in his words.

"Aren't you still seeking revenge on the Gun Demon? What if you overuse this knife and fall down? Listen to me, Qiu Jun, only use it when it's really necessary, okay?" Hayakawa

Qiu was silent.

His left hand subconsciously touched the knife wrapped in black cloth behind his back, and after a few seconds, he nodded.

"I understand."

This knife, no, it should be said that it is more like a nail.

Another object of his contract is the cursed demon. After stabbing the target three times, the cursed demon's ability will be activated at the cost of life.


Ji Ye also breathed a sigh of relief.

She really didn't want, or even hoped, that the other party would use this knife.

If possible, she wanted to tell Hayakawa Aki to quit the Anti-Demon Special Class and live a stable life, but this was basically impossible.

Because Hayakawa Aki had an enemy, and he joined for that enemy.

And that enemy was the long-lost gun demon.

""Look up at the sky!"

Suddenly, Hayakawa Aki exclaimed.

Ji Ye also looked up quickly.

In an instant, her pupils gradually dilated, her face became dull, and the cigarette box she had just taken out of her hand fell directly to the ground without noticing.

I saw.

A huge magic circle appeared in the sky. This magic circle encompassed the entire amusement park. The whole area was emitting dark smoke, and there was a dim blue light in the smoke. It seemed that this magic circle had not been activated yet.

In just one second, the people in the entire amusement park made a commotion and screamed continuously.

Some people wanted to run out of the amusement park at the fence, but they were hit all over their heads as soon as they rushed over. No matter how they knocked, there was an invisible barrier blocking them.


On the other side,

Gojo Satoru held the frightened Nino in his arms.

All around, there were screams of fear, and even a trampling incident. Several people were trampled to death, but they didn't care.

"Gojo-kun, what on earth is that thing in the sky?" With her whole body lying in Gojo Satoru's arms, Nino's voice was a little trembling.

How could this feel more terrifying than her last time?

"It's just a formation, don't worry."

Gojo Satoru still looked calm.

He recognized this formation the first time he saw it. Someone wanted to summon the demons from the void world, and the blood bait was naturally everyone in the amusement park.

Once this formation succeeded, Gojo Satoru doubted whether Satan could be summoned.

But, it shouldn't be.

It might only summon powerful demons and a large number of demons at most.

"But who came up with this?"

Gojo Satoru thought secretly.

He was a little confused. Who would have gone to the trouble of setting up this formation?

Just to massacre tens of thousands of people and summon the demons from the void?




The magic circle in the sky suddenly rang loudly.

The noisy crowds in various places in the amusement park suddenly quieted down, all with tense expressions, and many people even prayed.

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