Okumura Yukio clenched his fists and lowered his head.

This was indeed their negligence. If it really caused the death of tens of thousands of people, the Exorcists would not be disbanded, but this matter would definitely be used as a sore spot in the future.


Tian Ruo Qingxian snorted coldly.

With his left hand, he took out a talisman that exuded an ancient aura from his bosom.

And this talisman was only obtained by the recognition of the ancestor shikigami.……

‘After using the White Tiger Mirror Talisman

, his spell power and strength will increase by more than ten times, which may break the barrier.

The previous attacks, although seemingly able to break it, were actually illusions, and each time they were quickly restored.

"Tsk, where is that brat?"

A white-haired fool who was always grinning flashed through his mind, and Tian Ruo Qingxian felt helpless.

Such a big thing has happened, why hasn't this fool come yet?

Forget it, leave him alone.

Holding the 'White Tiger·Mirror Talisman' between his fingers, Tian Ruo Qingxian was ready to use the power of the spell to activate it.

But a voice suddenly came from his ear.……

"Is the useless uncle preparing to turn into a little white cat again?"

"This is the White Tiger!"

Tian Ruo Qing Xian replied subconsciously, and was stunned. He turned his head and saw that Gojo Satoru and Nino had come out from the barrier at some point.

"Hey boy, why are you here so late?……"

Tian Ruo Qing Xian frowned and asked in confusion.

At the end of his speech, he glanced at Nino.

"I am one of the trapped people. Why did you come so late?"

Gojo Satoru said unhappily.

Although this barrier was strong enough to resist the attack of the 'Twelve Heavenly Generals·White Tiger', it could not stop Gojo Satoru from leaving. He simply disturbed the atoms in the space and teleported out.

As for why he came out, it was naturally because he sensed the breath of the cursed power of Tenruo Qingxian.

But unfortunately, I didn't see the useless uncle's little white cat form.

"Now that you can come out, it will be easy."

Tian Ruo Qingxian said, and silently gave up a place, and slowly uttered a word.


"It's so simple, but you can't even break it."

After saying that, Gojo Satoru raised his leg and walked over.

Under everyone's gaze, his right hand touched the blood-colored barrier.

The cursed power was mobilized.……

【No Limits·Reversal Spell·He】

Scarlet stream of light appeared in the palm of his hand.

For a brief second.

The sound of explosion rang out, and the strong airflow made everyone's clothes creak, and even their eyes narrowed unconsciously.

When everyone opened their eyes, they saw that the original huge blood-colored barrier had disappeared without a trace.

I thought it was just a hole, but I didn't expect that it would destroy the entire

"Yes, it's that simple."

Gojo Satoru spread his hands, looking innocent.

"As expected of you! Master Gojo!"

"To be honest, I think Yin Yang is the strongest and not worthy of Gojo-sama. It should be added to Exorcist's Strongest, right? Nakata"

"That's right, if the exorcist can't handle it, we can only rely on our Onmyoji Gojo-sama."

"Oh, I think we should protect reality from now on. Just sit there and drink tea every day."


The Onmyoji spoke in a sarcastic tone, implying the exorcist.

This made Okumura Yukio and his group look unhappy.

""Okay, shut up."

Tian Ruo Qingxian's cold voice came out.

All the Yin Yang Masters immediately shut up.

They knew they couldn't stay here, they had to save people and make up for their mistakes.

""Master Amanaka, and Master Gojo, we will go ahead."

Okumura Yukio bowed and led a group of exorcists into the amusement park.


On the other side,

Hayakawa Aki exhaled a breath of foul air and looked at the broken barrier with a strange look in his eyes.

"Is this because the Yin-Yang Master and the Exorcist have arrived?"

He thought to himself.

"Qiu Jun!"

Ji Ye ran over from a distance.

"Are your people okay?"

"They are fine."

Hayakawa Aki shook his head.

The ghouls did not simply appear in the area in front of Gojo Satoru, but also appeared in various places in the amusement park.

But fortunately, in addition to Hayakawa Aki and Himeno, there were many Onmyoji trapped inside the amusement park.

Because of the low level of the ghouls, there were no deaths at all, only dozens of injured humans.

"You, didn't pull out that knife, did you?"

Jinye looked at the knife behind Hayakawa Aki with complicated eyes.

In response, Hayakawa Aki just shook his head.

To deal with those simple ghouls, it is easy to deal with them with only physical skills and foxes.

""Hey, are you all right?"

At this time, there was a burst of hurried footsteps and shouts from a distance.

It was the exorcists.

Two exorcists ran over.

Seeing the exorcist's iconic long clothes, Hayakawa Aki and Himeno also recognized each other's identities.


"Nino, you should go back first.

Seeing that Tenruo Qingxian had already gone in, Gojo Satoru said to Nino beside him.

"Then, you must be careful, Gojo-kun."

Nino bit her lip, her face full of worry.

"If you kiss me again, I will be careful."

Gojo Satoru leaned forward with a smile and tapped his cheek with his index finger.

"Ah~ You are really cunning."

Nino's face was red, and her tone was dissatisfied.

But her body was quite honest...

She moved closer.


Within a second of contact, Nino pouted and said

"Okay, you promised me, be careful."

‘Wife, you are really silly and cute.

Gojo Satoru rubbed Nino's head in a funny way, making her keep saying,"I just like to touch my head, I won't grow taller in the future."

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