The final result of the battle.

Naturally, Gojo Satoru won by a crushing manner.

However, after winning, he also used his own reversal technique to reverse and heal everyone.

(In the original work, Gojo Satoru can only heal himself, but after all, the Gojo Satoru in my book is getting stronger day by day, and it is not just that the cursed power has increased.)

After that, the information about Gojo Satoru gradually spread throughout the Yin and Yang world.

‘The ceiling of spells,"the strongest yin and yang","the uncrowned king above the twelve generals", etc.

These are all talking about Gojo Satoru


Teacher's office.

Shizuka Hiratsuka smoked a cigarette and looked at Gojo Satoru with a funny face. Gojo Satoru looked like he was about to wilt.

His slender body sat on the chair, his head down on the desk, his hands falling vertically, and his mouth kept mumbling something, as if he was mumbling something,"I haven't had dessert for a long time, I need dessert to replenish my energy."’

The whole person is like a fish dying of thirst

""Hahaha, I've known you for so long, but this is the first time I've seen you like this."

Shizuka Hiratsuka said gloatingly.

In her impression,

Gojo Satoru had done a lot of inappropriate things, but this was the first time she had seen him look so depressed. I have to record this.

Shizuka Hiratsuka thought to herself.

Then she secretly took out her phone and took a photo of Gojo Satoru.


The sound of a flash and a camera came at the same time.

It's over!

This was Shizuka Hiratsuka's first thought.

She wanted to hide her phone in a drawer immediately, but her panic made her panic.

"Hey, Xiao Jing, this is not a good habit of yours. You actually took a sneak shot of me."

Hearing this teasing voice,

Hiratsuka Shizuka slowly raised her head, looked at the other person, and smiled awkwardly.

"So, I only took one photo."

She was caught secretly taking photos by the host, and even she felt embarrassed. She was also very upset. Why didn't she turn off the flash and volume when she took the photos secretly?

"Okay, okay, it's not a big deal to ask you to take a photo, but……"

Gojo Satoru smiled mysteriously, and his smile was very ambiguous

"Just what?"

"You just have to pay the price."

"? ? ? , what did you say?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka's eyes widened, her cheeks and even her crystal earlobes flushed with shame.

She didn't feel the slightest bit of disgust towards these words in her heart, only shyness.

Has this white-haired idiot finally come to her senses?

In her mind, she couldn't help but recall the few times she and Gojo Satoru had been together in the past six months.

Racing, practicing fighting skills, and even dragging him to the top of the mountain to drink when she couldn't sleep at night, and he just cheerfully said let's go.

When did I fall in love with this guy?

It seems like it was when he saved me for the first time half a year ago.

Just like the protagonist in anime, he saved me.

"Are you...confessing your feelings?"

She clenched her fingers and stammered."

I agree with your confession, so just say it is a confession."

However, the next scene

"Huh? What confession? I just wanted you to buy me dessert!"

Gojo Satoru looked at Hiratsuka Shizuka as if she was a fool.

"Are you greedy for my body? Tsk tsk, you are useless. I treat you as a brother, but you actually want to sleep with me."

Fuck you!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka was stunned, and even her mentality exploded.

Since it is not a confession, then you say something and I will pay the price myself.

Why don't you just ask me to buy you dessert?

The furious Shizuka Hiratsuka swung her fist without saying a word and punched the evil white-haired monster directly.

"Gojo, you have to bear it...——"

Her lips were blocked.

Blocked by Gojo Satoru. Hiratsuka Shizuka's eyes widened slightly, her expression was unbelievable, and even her fist that hit the opponent was soft and limp , as if it was being caressed.

"Huh-huh, you……"

Shizuka Hiratsuka panted heavily, looking at the other person with a complicated expression.

If she said she was unhappy, it would be a lie. If she said she was happy, her heart was very complicated.

(The Gojo Satoru in my novel is not a herbivore. Don't tell me that the Gojo Satoru in the original novel is not like this. Yes, it is indeed not like this.)

(But this is a fan fiction, and the most important thing is that the Gojo Satoru in my book is a time traveler, but he replaced him as a baby, and his personality will be similar to the original.)

(In my book, I will try my best to restore the personality of the original Gojo Satoru, but there are some differences, that is, he is carnivorous. Otherwise, why would I write fan fiction for anime.)

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