‘Tap, tap, tap - X2'

Two sets of footsteps came from outside the main living room.

Then, two figures appeared in front of the three people.

It was Gojo Satoru and Chitanda Eru.

Chitanda Eru, except for a slightly pale face, had completely recovered her spirit. Gojo

Satoru, who was behind him, put his hands in his pockets, looking bored.

""Dad, Mom."

Chitanda Eru shouted happily.

Her voice was no longer hoarse and weak as before, but lively as before.

""Eru, who is this?"

Chitanda Tadayoshi, who hadn't noticed anything unusual, looked at Gojo Satoru with some confusion. He could n't help but feel sour in his heart.

Could it be that this is my daughter's boyfriend?

Chitanda Eru also reacted immediately. When she was about to introduce him, Gojo Satoru spoke first.

"I'm Chitanda's homeroom teacher. I heard she was sick, so I came to visit her."

""You are Eru's homeroom teacher. Hello, thank you for your hard work. Please take a seat."

Chitanda Tadayoshi warmed up instantly when he heard that it was just the homeroom teacher.

This change in attitude made his wife, who had been married for many years, speechless.

""Eru, let me introduce you to you."

Chitanda Tadayoshi pulled Chitanda Eru to Kikyo and said solemnly

"This is Miss Kikyo, a very powerful witch"

""Hello, Miss Kikyo."

Chitanda Eru said respectfully.

Kikyo nodded and looked at her.

But within two seconds, her beautiful eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

This made the father and daughter a little worried.

"Ms. Chitanda, do you feel that you are not as uncomfortable as you were in the past few days? It seems that you are even better."

Her voice was very cold and elegant.

Chitanda Eru thought for a while, and then nodded hesitantly.

Indeed, after getting up from Gojo teacher's arms just now, the whole person felt like he was better.

I thought it was an illusion, but this illusion could not last forever. After carefully feeling it, it seemed that I was really better.

Kikyo took a sip of tea, stood up, and while picking up the bow-shaped object wrapped in white cloth beside her, she spoke

"Your young lady is fine now. I don't know who cured her in advance. However, just in case, I will stay here for one night."


Healed in advance?

The Chitanda family was stunned

"Eru, have you come into contact with any of these people before?"

"I, I don't know……"

Hearing her father's question, Chitanda Eru hesitated.

However, her big eyes occasionally glanced at Gojo Satoru, who was playing with his phone leisurely.

Considering the people she had contacted and the time she had been in his arms, there was only one person who could help her heal.

That was her homeroom teacher...

Gojo Satoru.

But the protagonist now sent a message to respond to Hiratsuka Shizuka


Outside the courtyard,

Chitanda Eru finally couldn't hold back her curiosity, raised her head, and asked seriously:

""Teacher Gojo, are you the one who helped me heal that Miss Kikyo mentioned? I'm very curious!"

Gojo Satoru did not respond to this, but just rubbed the slightly messy hair of the other party and said

"If you think it is, then it is. Take good care of yourself. Chitanda-san"

"Gojo-sensei, I hate you."

Hearing this vague answer, Chitanda Eru's face puffed up like a pufferfish.

"You can obviously tell me"

"Hehe, Kanaka (goodbye)."

Gojo Satoru left.

Seeing the white figure completely disappear from his sight, Chitanda Eru slowly returned home.

However, the curiosity in his heart was about to burst.

Gojo teacher, I will definitely dig out your secret!


Walking on the road, Gojo Satoru did not use teleportation to go directly back to Sobu High School, but walked into an alley.

Leaning against the wall of the narrow alley, he laughed softly.

"Being followed by a beautiful girl is a good thing, but I have to go back now. If you continue to follow me, I will have to call the police~"

There was silence for a while.

Kikyo, wearing a shrine maiden costume, suddenly appeared in the alley, holding a wooden bow and arrow in her hand.

"Are you, an Onmyoji?"

Kikyo's face was a little hesitant and puzzled.

Since she was born, she has been staying in the mountains, learning the Onmyoji techniques that have been passed down. She has never seen other Onmyojis. Even when she went down the mountain, she would go home quickly after completing her work.

She even thought that she was the only one in the world who had special powers.


Gojo Satoru blinked and looked at Kikyo curiously.

"Don’t you know about the world of yin and yang?"

"……I don't know."

Kikyo blushed.

""Fuck, a village girl."

Gojo Satoru exclaimed.

Hearing the word"village girl", Kikyo's face darkened and she wanted to turn around and leave, but she wanted to understand the current situation of the Yin-Yang world, so she suppressed her desire to leave.

"What exactly is the Yin-Yang Realm? Is it a place full of Yin-Yang masters?

Her cold face showed a girl's curiosity.

"The Yin and Yang Realm~"

Gojo Satoru straightened his face and said in a serious tone

"It's a place where blood and flesh fly everywhere, and interests are everywhere. If you are not careful, you will be deceived, especially a naive person like you who is easily deceived."

"Is the Yin-Yang world so corrupt now?"

The brain automatically filtered out the three words 'silly and innocent', and Kikyo's expression became serious, and she lowered her head and pondered.

However, if she raised her head, she could see that Gojo Satoru had been holding back his laughter, and his face was red.

"Ahem, I'll go first~ Silly and innocent."

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared into the alley.

Only Kikyo was left thinking.


(Episode 19 has been banned again. I can’t even curse anymore.)

(By the way, Gojo Satoru doesn’t know Kikyo.)

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