The king-level hunter's face changed drastically, not because he was shocked by the strength of the two, but because the other party shouted 'Hunter

'! "It's useless to be invisible, your breath has been locked by me! Suffer death!"

Wang Yuanliang roared, and the thunder bloomed all over his body, bursting out like a thunder god descending.

The spear in his hand stabbed towards the position

of the king-level hunter impartially, and a black crack appeared around the spear! When!

There was a crisp sound, and the figure of the king-level hunter was forced to appear, and the black knife in his hand collided with Wang Yuanliang's spear, and sparks splashed everywhere

! His eyes were solemn, and the speed of this human king-level awakened person was actually comparable to him! And he had the dual abilities of thunder and telekinesis!

Especially the spear in the other party's hand, he thought it was just an ordinary weapon that could be broken easily, but when his black knife slashed past, he didn't cut the spear off!

"The king-level hunter is just like that!"

Wang Yuanliang sneered, and the golden light flashed in his eyes.

The face of the king-level hunter changed, and his body disappeared in an instant, and he reappeared a hundred meters away.

And in the next moment, hundreds of flying needles wrapped in golden light appeared behind his original position, penetrating his afterimage.

"The response was pretty fast.

Wang Wenguang sneered, hundreds of flying needles burst out again, and he himself rushed out with a spear.

The two of them fought together in an instant, and it was a little difficult to distinguish for a while!

And Wang Wenguang, another king-level awakened person of the Wang family, had a pair of eyes that seemed to turn into stars, and a strange spiritual fluctuation erupted.

Those ordinary hunters stiffened, and their speed plummeted by more than half!

Only those hunters with abilities in the king-level squad were less affected, but they were also shocked.

"Are you wondering why you were tricked? Hey, you have advanced technology, and we also have it!" Wang

Wenguang laughed lightly, his body shuttled like a ghost, and his speed was not much slower than that king-level hunter!

One hunter after another fell, but he did not die, just as Wang Yuanliang instructed, Wang Wenguang was very careful, he just fainted these hunters.


, an Exotic Hunter from a royal hunting team pulled out a strangely shaped spear and pulled the trigger sharply.

The space distorted instantly, and ripples instantly enveloped Wang Wenguang.

Wang Wenguang's face changed slightly, and his spiritual ability was actually disturbed by this ripple

! Turning to look at the hunter suddenly, he shouted angrily: "Look for death

!" "Damn it!" The hunter's face was hideous, and he shouted: "Take advantage of now! Concentrate your fire to kill him!"

Boom boom! In

an instant, all the hunters took out their most powerful long-range weapons and bombarded Wang Wenguang frantically!

The most terrifying thing is the members of the king-level hunter squad, their weapons are originally weapons used to cooperate with the hunting king-level life!

Wang Wenguang felt a strong sense of crisis, burst into a shout, and suddenly took out something and crushed it.

In an instant, a translucent circular light curtain protected him in the middle, and those attacking attacks disappeared strangely behind the light behind the touch, appearing somewhere else!

The next moment, Wang Wenguang's body burst out, and suddenly appeared in front of the awakened person who had the ability to interfere with his spirit.


! The weapon was directly crushed by him! The undisturbed spiritual attack was released mercilessly at the hunter in front of him, and the other party screamed in pain instantly.

The next moment, a palm slapped out, and the hunter's body flashed with silver light, but Wang Wenguang's body also flashed with silver

light! A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the hunter slammed into the black translucent light curtain covering the base

, and fainted directly! "Even the commander level dares to provoke the existence of the king level!

Wang Wenguang sneered, and the terrifying spiritual attack was unleashed again, turning around and rushing towards the other commander-level hunters.

Jiang Yuan, who had been secretly observing, was shocked, why were these two king-level awakened people of the Wang family so fierce?

Although those commander-level hunters were only one knife in Jiang Yuan's opinion, he had a level 5 nano battle suit, plus the support of ultra-high three-dimensional attributes

! The

Wang family had a problem! There was a big problem!

He looked at the Wang family's commander-level level, although it was higher than the attributes of the awakened ones he usually saw, but just like that, these two king-level strong exaggerations, he couldn't even see each other's attribute points

! Jiang Yuan didn't think that this was the combat power that ordinary king-level beings should have, because hunters can generally kill the same level in seconds

! And that Wang Yuanliang has not fallen behind until now, and he has fought back and forth with king-level hunters!

Just when Jiang Yuan was deep in thought, the system's prompt suddenly sounded.

[Ding, evolution point +1, strength +1G.] 【

Ding, the host evolution point has met the evolution conditions, please choose the evolution route. Jiang

Yuan: "What

the hell is ???? Why do you still have to choose the evolutionary route? Shouldn't you be directly at the king level?

[Evolutionary route 1: Strength type. [

Evolution Route 2: Agile. [

Evolutionary Route 3: Spiritual type. [

The three types of evolution have different focuses, and the host's own awakening skills and special evolution skills will change accordingly.] [

Evolution Route 4: Evolution points are cleared, and all attributes are +100G boosted, and after the third clearance, you can accumulate 5000 evolution points again to evolve into an all-round zombie. [

Hint: The points required for the future evolution of the all-round zombie are higher than the normal evolution route.]

Jiang Yuan: "..."

This is a choice of four if you think about it!"

"All zombies will have this choice when they evolve?"

[Ordinary zombies evolve randomly, and the probability of appearing all-round zombies is about 1 in 100 billion. "

Choose four!"

[Ding, the choice is successful, the evolution point has been cleared, all attributes +100G, the current progress (1/3)]

Jiang Yuan hurriedly looked at his attribute panel.

Level: Rank 9 Commander Zombie [1/3] (0/5000

) Attributes: Strength 645G Agility 702G Spirit 514G (Purple Bonus Not Calculated)


The 100G all-attribute bonus gave Jiang Yuan a very obvious feeling, and Jiang Yuan's eyes flashed instantaneously.

He saw the attributes of the two king-level

awakeners of the Wang family! The first-order king-level awakeners were all more than 500G, Wang Yuanliang's spiritual attributes were 400G, and Wang Wenguang was 450G.

Oh, spicy chicken

! Sure enough, this corpse king is the strongest

! Jiang ☝☝

Yuan didn't rush out, with his old actor's intuition, that king-level hunter must still have some hidden means

! When Wang Wenguang stunned all the commander-level hunters and joined forces with Wang Yuanliang, it was the best time for Jiang Yuan to steal chickens! The hunters

and the Wang family couldn't escape!

Finally, when all the commander-level hunters fainted, Wang Wenguang quickly joined Wang Yuanliang to deal with the king-level hunters together.

The corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth were crooked, and the split body appeared instantly.

He took on the form of the evil pupil, wearing a wig and the mask of the evil pupil, and Xiao Zi took on the appearance of the monster of the evil pupil's younger brother.

"Xiao Zi, kill!"


The author has something to say:

I'm a good dish, alas, it's nothing but handsome.

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