A circular light curtain suddenly lit up, enveloping all the hunters on the surface of the sea and the monsters in the sea.

The hunters' faces changed dramatically, and they gathered together in an instant.

"Damn!W41, what are you doing

!"None of the detectors found anything abnormal, and we made sure there was no one around, how do I know what's going on!"

Oh no! All the detection equipment is out of order, and the communication system is blocked!"

"The hunter was a little panicked, his face was extremely gloomy, but he didn't dare to attack rashly.

There are still countless monsters in the sea below, and the effect of paralyzing drugs is limited, and if the movement is too loud, the monster will wake up.

But they didn't want to move, but the doctor wouldn't give them a chance.

A large number of laser rays burst out, and the eyes were not only at the hunters, but also at the monsters in the sea!

At this moment, all the hunters cursed, and hurriedly dodged, and launched an attack towards the light curtain that surrounded them.


terrifying energy cannon roared wildly, but it only made the light curtain flicker slightly, and there was no sign of it being broken.

The hunter took out his black knife and stepped forward to slash, but he still couldn't help the light curtain, and was even hit by dense artillery fire, looking very embarrassed.

The sea boiled, and the monsters were awakened by the bombardment, and let out a terrifying roar.

The water glowed red again, and the monsters rushed straight out of the sea, killing the machines that attacked them and the twenty king-level hunters.

But the hunter was not an ordinary king after all, and reacted quickly, and all kinds of advanced weapons were sacrificed, killing tens of thousands of monsters in an instant.

But these monsters who were bombarded were all weaker monsters, and those monsters with king-level strength were not harmed at all, but were enraged by it.

Seeing that this was not good, the hunter cast various abilities wildly, and threw the same bomb that the hunter used to explode himself into the sea below.

"Open the supreme shield, defend with all your might!" all

hunters had shields on them, and a few seconds later, with a loud bang, the light curtain that the Doctor had used to encircle the hunters was swelled by the force of the explosion.

But even with the power of twenty bombs exploding at the same time, it still couldn't break through the doctor's

light curtain! But the monsters in the sea water were hit hard, all the monsters below the king level died, and most of the king-level monsters were also lost!

The light dissipated, surrounded by the light curtain, all the sea water was exploded and evaporated, and the surrounding sea water was blocked by the light curtain and could not pour into it.

Blood oozed from the corners of the mouths of the twenty king-level hunters, and even though they had special precautions against the bomb, they were still injured.

Looking downward, there were still thousands of monsters at this time!

These monsters came to their senses and roared again and killed the Awakened.

Twenty pairs of nearly a thousand, there are monsters comparable to the existence of a ninth-order king-level hunter, if it weren't for the hunter's sophisticated equipment, I'm afraid they would be torn to pieces in an instant! The hunter

also took the medicine, and the equipment that could be used was also used, and even exploded with a bomb again, but the number of monsters was reduced by less than a hundred.

"Who the hell set up this damn blockade light curtain

!" "If we don't find a way to rush out, we'll probably die here!" "

No, you're going to die here today." The

hunter's conversation blended into an out of place voice.

"Who!" they

turned their heads sharply to see a metal-covered robot staring at them coldly, two energy cannons bursting out of its palms.

"It's you!Damn, you dare to break the protocol!"

the hunter cursed, dodging the blow.

"What bullshit agreement, I don't know. The

robot spoke coldly and slew at the hunters again.

At the same time, the blockade light curtain suddenly shrank from it, separating the monsters below from the hunters.

Twenty king-level hunters were completely suppressed by the robots, and they were beaten to the point that they had no power to fight back.

This robot is the Doctor's battle form, Jiang Yuan has not joined the battlefield at this time, and is still watching the battle in the sky.

But he heard everything the hunter said, word for word.

Dr. Mecha has been pestering the Hunter and has never killed a single one of them, is this a disguised way to provide him with information

?"You want to kill twenty of us alone?Even if you are a Mecha, you can't help but look down on us too much!" "

Do you really think we're exhausted?We've been waiting for you to appear!


"Mere Mecha, do you really think you're invincible?" We've already figured out how to deal with you!"

the twenty hunters suddenly soared in combat power, and the feeling of exhaustion from before was swept away.

It turned out that they had deliberately shown signs of defeat in order to lure out the masterminds behind the siege of them.

The hunter suddenly took out a hedron and swallowed it, his eyes instantly shining with colorful light, and stared at the doctor with a cruel smile.

The Doctor sneered and said, "I see, but this thing is useless to me, because I'm not the kind of spicy chicken

you say you say at all!" "Whether it's useful or not, try it and you'll know!" The

hunter roared angrily, and instantly killed the doctor.

The doctor smiled disdainfully, and actually raised his hand to catch the black knife that attacked.

A halo of colorful light instantly followed the black knife to the doctor, but it was only a flash and did not cause any damage.

The hunter froze, his eyes full of disbelief.

The doctor said indifferently, "I said, this thing is useless to me. "


The hunter's head suddenly burst open, red and white splashed everywhere, and everyone present didn't see how he died!"


" "He's an eighth-order king!How is this possible!

" "And why wouldn't an attack on the machine species work for him!"

The doctor glanced at the hunter as if he was mentally retarded, and said, "I said that I wasn't that kind of spicy chicken, why don't you believe it now?"

The eyes of this eighth-order hunter bulged in an instant, and the next moment their heads burst open.

The rest of the hunters were almost frightened, and retreated in horror.

A strange wave spread, and the special nanomachines that had just flown out of the hunter's brain were all destroyed in an instant.

This is the wave that the Doctor copied when Jiang Yuan once killed the hunter, and now it works perfectly.

The doctor nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the rest of the hunters, and the form disappeared again.

One hunter after another was killed, and the Doctor didn't even give them a chance to blow himself up.

Twenty hunters, all of them were killed

by the Doctor! Jiang Yuan came to the Doctor's side and took the items obtained by the Doctor's killing of the hunters.

"You heard what they just said. The doctor said quietly.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, "I heard it, mechanical species..."

"Think about it yourself, I can't say it for the time being." The doctor directly interrupted Jiang Yuan, and then rushed towards the monster below.

Jiang Yuan frowned and looked at the doctor's back thoughtfully.

He took out all the contents of the king-level hunter's box, and used the nano suit to disassemble and fuse all the hunter's equipment.

These king-level hunters have very few black crystal origins, and they are basically origin pills.

But the lowest Origin Pill was a first-order king, and Jiang Yuan began to absorb them one by one, and the evolution points rose wildly, reaching 5,000 soon.

"I can finally evolve to the king level!".

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