[Safely absorbing, 10%

of the absorption progress...] "???"

Nima, how can there be an absorption progress?

The surface of the jade bone seemed to suddenly evaporate into a pile of green mist, constantly surging towards Jiang Yuan's body.

This scene was seen by the light and shadow and the doctor, and both of them stiffened suddenly.

The next moment, Light and Shadow directly ignored the doctor's attack and attacked Jiang Yuan like crazy.

He pulled Jiang Yuan aside, but no matter what he did, the jade was tightly attached to Jiang Yuan, and it couldn't be separated at all.

"How long will it take to absorb the system!" Jiang Yuan shouted in his heart.

[10 seconds.]

"Paralysis! It looks like I'm going to die once!" Jiang

Yuan was helpless for a while, he didn't feel it when he crossed over, but this time was different, it shouldn't be comfortable...

He put everything on his body into the storage space, then gave up struggling.

The strange light and shadow had been completely crazy, and he desperately wanted to get the jade bone off Jiang Yuan's body, but he was never able to do it, so he could only watch the jade bone evaporate and become smaller and absorbed by Jiang Yuan.

Physical attacks are ineffective! Mental attacks are not only ineffective, but also rebounded

!"Return! give!I!" A

roar exploded in Jiang Yuan's mind, Jiang Yuan was slightly stunned, this was the first time this light and shadow had spoken, and it seemed to be a consciousness exchange.

What is the origin

of this light and shadow, as I call it?, at this point, the doctor suddenly spoke, "Ignoring me, I am really being underestimated!"

He looked around, pondered for a moment, and seemed to have made some decision.

The next moment, the doctor was covered in golden light, and rushed towards the light and shadow.

Jiang Yuan: "Doctor

, this is trying to play hard, maybe he won't have to die this time!"

"Doctor, get him!" Jiang Yuan yelled excitedly.

The golden light in the sky suddenly converged towards the doctor's body, and in just a second, the doctor's appearance changed drastically.

From the outside, the difference between the doctor and the strange light and shadow is only the color, and the strong golden light makes the doctor become a golden man.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the strange light and shadow to focus all his attention on Jiang Yuan, he suddenly hugged the light and shadow from behind, and the golden light on his body wrapped the light and shadow and Jiang Yuan like flowing water.

"Find a way to get me out!" Jiang Yuan exclaimed excitedly.

Who knew that the doctor didn't give any face at all, and said directly: "No way, carry it yourself!"

Jiang Yuan gritted his teeth angrily, he seriously suspected that the doctor did it on purpose!

The light and shadow struggled in obvious pain at the moment when he was hugged by the doctor, and the doctor's body was actually no longer lost at such a close distance, obviously the doctor had exploded some more strength.

But the weird thing is that the doctor is still an ordinary human breath in Jiang Yuan's perception, which is not scientific at all!

] [Ding, the absorption is completed, and the conversion process is being processed, and the current progress is 1%...]

Jiang Yuan: "..."

Are you teasing me here? Why does it take time to absorb this, and it takes time to convert and process?

The strange light and shadow tore Jiang Yuan's body like crazy, and even opened his mouth to bite it.

Jiang Yuan heard the scolding of light and shadow, but this thing may not be very good at scolding, it is all words like some shameless thieves, and it sounds a little stammering, it feels like it has not communicated with people for a long time, and it is a little Xi unaccustomed.

"Doctor Four, if you solve him in a while, he is not dead, let's see you in Montenegro!"

Jiang Yuan grinned, the absolute immunity skill was about to end.

It's time....


as the doctor was figuring out what method Jiang Yuan planned to use to escape, he suddenly saw that Jiang Yuan's body began to crumble, and there was no scum left in the instant annihilation...

The doctor was stunned, and so was the light and shadow.

Light and Shadow really felt that the spiritual bombardment just now directly destroyed Jiang Yuan's consciousness, and Jiang Yuan's physical body was also annihilated by countless attacks that followed in the next second.

But he didn't believe it, he thought that Jiang Yuan had used some special method to confuse him!

Not only did he think so, even the doctor thought so at first, but he suddenly thought of the word resurrection that Jiang Yuan said, and he was a little suspicious.

Don't... Light

and shadow frantically searched for Jiang Yuan, but was restricted by the doctor.

The golden light soared, and the entire weightless space could no longer see any color other than gold, and the space here finally began to collapse...

Jiang Yuan would not know all this, and at this time, he was in endless pain.

He had truly experienced a death

! It was very painful! It was indescribable pain! And

it was terrifying! At the moment when he was bombarded by strange lights and shadows, he seemed to see the Infernal Hell! He saw countless terrifying arms pulling at him, and they wanted to drag him into hell with great resentment.

In a short moment, Jiang Yuan felt as long as tens of thousands of years, and he had been experiencing unimaginable horror!

Just when he was about to completely collapse, a force suddenly appeared and dragged him out.

At that moment, Jiang Yuan felt that he was being targeted by some existence!

When he came back to his senses, he had already appeared in the urn, and his body had completely regenerated and entered a state of weakness.

But Jiang Yuan remained motionless, his hands were propped up on the ground, and the trembling on his body could not be stopped at all.

Even though he knew that he had been resurrected, the horror in his eyes did not subside in the slightest.

[Ding, force cool start.] Jiang

Yuan's body stopped trembling in an instant, and his eyes gradually returned to normal.

Jiang Yuan got up slowly, without saying a word, the lid of the urn opened, and he instantly appeared in the Black Mountain space.

Silently put another arm into the urn, Jiang Yuan looked at the urn in front of him, his expression was calm and a little terrifying.

"This feeling... I don't want to go through it again


"Don't talk, it's not your proposal yet!""

We decided together, and... And we did succeed. That's

right, he did succeed, Jiang Yuan couldn't deny the words of the second consciousness.

But just that feeling... Jiang Yuan didn't even dare to think about it....

Jiang Yuan's desire to become stronger has never been so strong

!"System, how long does it take for the jade bone conversion to process!"

[Ten days.

"How much benefit can I get?"

[All.] This

answer made Jiang Yuan a little surprised, this time the system actually didn't eat kickbacks?

[The host slandered the system, it was to think...]

"I'm sorry! I don't have a good brain! Please don't be like me!"

Jiang Yuan has learned to answer!

After sorting out his mood, Jiang Yuan glanced at the urn with palpitations and turned to leave.

The side effect of the resurrection was that he was in a state of weakness for three days, and Jiang Yuan couldn't be sure if the Doctor No. 4 machine had taken down the strange light and shadow, and was going to let the Doctor No. 1 machine go out to check the situation.

But as soon as he walked into the doctor's laboratory, his eyes instantly widened.

"Clone Subject 1031, the survival time increased to 31.26 seconds after injecting Jiang Yuan's own blood, and the head is still

the first to collapse...""Hmm, Jiang Yuan, when did you come back?" Jiang Yuan

: "..."

The doctor is actually trying to clone him?!


The author has something to say:

I came first, short and weak.

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