When the three subordinates successfully evolved into king-level zombies, something unexpected happened to Jiang Yuan.

In addition to the white hair, Caesar and Nightingale also awakened skills, but they are all passive skills with a 10% increase in single stat value.

Although it is an attribute increase, 10% is really a bit of a chicken rib, compared to being directly exploded by a skill of white hair!


[Informed, the general awakening skills of all-round zombies are like this, and other special skills may appear only if they continue to evolve, and the host is not at the same level as ordinary zombies, and they cannot be compared. What

does this mean, Bai Mao's grade is also very high?

Jiang Yuan squinted at Bai Mao's skills.

Evolution Amplification: When you get evolution points and attribute points, you can get an additional 50% benefit.

Blood Fury: All attributes are instantly increased by 100% for 1 hour (can grow with the increase of attributes), exceeding the time limit will cause the body to collapse.

Copy: When fighting, there is a chance to copy a random enemy skill, which lasts for one day, and has a small chance to permanently solidify into a self skill (this skill has no effect on the host).

Jiang Yuan: "..."

This is special, how do you feel that Bai Mao is almost a bug with himself?

These three skills, Jiang Yuan all have similar skills, but they are not as effective as his skills.

No, that copy skill is in a sense more powerful than his own plunder!

Jiang Yuan could only comfort himself: "Fortunately, I have the privilege of being in control, her skill is my skill, and I can use

it too..."

"Honey, something seems to be talking to me. Bai Mao suddenly frowned slightly, and said with some irritation.

Jiang Yuan's pupils shrank, and he said in a deep voice: "What did you say?"

Bai Mao replied: "I can't hear clearly..."Jiang

Yuan frowned, looking at Caesar and the nightingale.

"You two, do you have any special feelings?"

Caesar and the nightingale looked at each other, and after closing their eyes for a long time, they found some abnormal sensations, but they were not as strong as the effect that White Hair first perceived, and it was impossible to describe it at all.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yuan let them continue to devour and evolve.

The resources he took out were enough for the white hairs to advance to the third-order king level, and he wanted to see if the white hair's feeling would be stronger after the level was raised.

After devouring all the resources, Bai Mao evolved to a fourth-order king-level zombie with the help of the devouring amplification effect, while Caesar and Nightingale were only third-order king-level.

"Can you hear it clearly now?" Jiang Yuan asked again.

"I only heard one. Bai Mao frowned and said, "zun, a sound, I don't know what the word is." "


are so many possibilities that just one word can't get useful information.

It seems that Bai Mao must first evolve into a ninth-order king-level!

While thinking about it, Jiang Yuan suddenly raised his eyebrows, and directly took out the instrument to operate the base, changing the direction of the base's progress.

The fifth machine of the doctor, who was busy renovating the base, immediately sent a communication: "Why did you suddenly change directions?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "I found the people under the Apocalypse!" Just ahead, Lao Liu, the subordinate of the Apocalypse, was leading a group of king-level awakened people to move forward quickly, and finally found the traces of the Apocalypse

, Jiang Yuan didn't mind delaying a little time to check it.

Although the base has not yet been completely renovated, some special functions can already be used.

A large screen appeared in front of Jiang Yuan's eyes, on which the traces of Lao Liu and the others appeared.

At this look, Jiang Yuan's mouth couldn't help but be crooked.

Lao Liu actually followed up with the people of the Transformation Family!

One hundred people from the Apocalypse camp and one hundred people from the Evolution House were moving in the same direction together.

Jiang Yuan was curious about what they were going to do.

After a long time, they entered a deep mountain, and Jiang Yuan sensed a large number of places that were blocked by the origin of the black crystal, as well as the breath of hundreds of thousands of human awakened people!

"Doctor, put some robots to monitor here, especially those of the Apocalypse, and it would be better if we could hack their base system!"

"I must operate the black system myself, so let's help you monitor it first." "

A large number of robots the size of a grain of rice were released and made invisible in mid-air, completely monitoring the mountains below.

Now that he had found the enemy's lair, Jiang Yuan was not in a hurry, and changed direction and headed in the direction of the Dawning Base.

Time passed slowly, and finally arrived at the Dawn Base.

But it's peaceful, there's no sign of anything wrong, and the Awakened are still living their lives as normal.

Jiang Yuan's brows furrowed, since there was no abnormality in the Dawn Base, could it be that his split body was destroyed by the Awakened?

After a moment's hesitation, Jiang Yuan beckoned to Bai Mao.

"Xiaobai, come here.

Bai Mao's eyes lit up instantly, and he appeared in front of Jiang Yuan in an instant, staring at Jiang Yuan with heart in his eyes, his face full of excitement.

Jiang Yuan: "..."

The temptation of zombies is really fierce...

took out a zombie drifting needle, and Jiang Yuan pricked Bai Mao with a needle.

The white-haired scarlet eyes changed instantly, and in an instant they became the appearance of normal humans, but there was also a strange flush on that face.

The corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth twitched slightly, Bai Mao usually looks like a top-notch forest girl, but after bringing this flush, the taste changes suddenly...


"!" Jiang Yuan said angrily, "Listen, I may need you to infiltrate the Dawn Base as a human awakener!" Bai

Mao is the only zombie under Jiang Yuan who can speak, and this must be put to good use.

"Doctor, the identity of the white hair is fine, right?"

"Ordinary rich kids, there's no problem.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said, "You go and investigate the blood pool first to see if it is a monster from the underground cave."

"Okay. The

Doctor's figure vanished in a flash, and he quickly flew towards the Dawning Base.

An hour later, the doctor returned, and the results of the investigation were that there were no anomalies in the blood pool and nothing had happened in the underground cavern.

But among the human race, there has been an emperor-level awakener!

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, so it seems that it was the emperor-level awakened person who discovered the split, and then killed the split?

Things were full of doubts, and Jiang Yuan could only wait silently for Xiao Zi to come back the next day.

Hiding in the base, Jiang Yuan silently waited for Xiao Zi to be resurrected, while he was educating Bai Hai how to get along with normal humans.

There's no way, Bai Mao is too cruel, Jiang Yuan is afraid that she will accidentally kill people...

Time passed, and when Jiang Yuan was studying the function of the bricks, Xiao Zi's consciousness finally woke up.

The memories of the split body were shared in an instant, and Jiang Yuan finally knew the truth about the death of

the split body! It was killed by the emperor-level awakened person of the human race, but before that, the split body was first imprisoned by a force that gushed out of the ground! The split body

was discovered by the human race when it was desperately trying to break free, and the time of imprisonment was not long after Jiang Yuan's resurrection.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly: "It seems that things are not simple..."


The author has something to say:

It's really short

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