"That's to drive away insects!"

Zhao Lu said, picking up a small bamboo tube and a short, thick wooden stick, and went to the stone where the herbs were drying.

With the camera on his back, he quickly selected some herbs and put them in the bamboo tube, then began to pound them vigorously.

Soon, a dark green ball of medicine, which no one could guess what herbs were used, appeared in Zhao Lu's hands.

"There are a lot of bugs on the deserted island.

Not to mention mosquitoes and flies, there are also many poisonous insects such as spiders, centipedes, and scorpions.

So, if you want to live well, you need to clean up these damn bugs."

As he said, he took the medicine ball and came to the shelter, sprinkled some randomly, and sprinkled some in the yard.

Finally, he stuffed all the remaining medicine balls in his hand into the pocket of his big pants.

"Because there is no cloth now, there is no way to make a sachet, so I can only put this herb in my pocket.

In this way, I will not be bitten by mosquitoes when I go out to work tomorrow~

This herb can last for 7 days. It is my exclusive secret recipe and it is very useful~"

Zhao Lu smiled and introduced the herb.

He realized this formula after maxing out the insect repellent skill. He said it now for advertising. In the future, when he returns to the urban world, if he wants to open a factory, he can also sell this insect repellent to make money.

He raised his hand and looked at the bracelet on his hand. A red number"499" was displayed on it."——This is the number of contestants born

"Not bad~ Only one person was eliminated~

It won't rain tonight, so it's a relatively calm night~

However, there is a 70% chance that it will rain tomorrow night, so a lot of people will probably leave then, right?"

Zhao Lu looked at the sky and silently began the weather forecast.

He chuckled and shook his head, then he began to chop wood with an axe.

A person's time is always so boring.

However, if you concentrate on doing something, you won't feel bored.

Zhao Lu spent two hours making a bed and two large wooden barrels, and then used his long sleeves as a filter cloth to purify the sea salt.

Although he drank a strengthening potion, which made his body stronger and less tired.

But after a busy day, he also reached his limit.

So, after he finished all this, he went to bed.

It was a very peaceful night.

For Zhao Lu, who had a thorn fence, insect repellent, and firelight, he slept very well that night.

Because it didn't rain that night, none of the 499 contestants were eliminated.


Zhao Lu yawned and stretched happily.

The fresh air on the deserted island made him feel very comfortable.

After waking up, he felt full of energy.

"Let me take a look at my coconut crabs~"

Zhao Lu put on her clothes, and then she came to the bamboo basket with a smile and examined her food.

"There are 11 coconut crabs left.

These two look bad, so let's eat them first.

Zhao Lu picked up two coconut crabs.

They were not too big, each weighing only about two pounds.

But they were good for breakfast.

Zhao Lu came to the stream with the pot and crabs. He washed his face first, then got a branch and dipped it in salt and brushed his teeth.

He returned to the small yard, boiled the coconut crabs, and then fetched a bucket of water and put it aside.

Then he started chopping bamboo and weaving bamboo baskets.

When the bamboo was almost chopped, the coconut crabs were cooked.

"I have an important task to do today, so I have to speed up!"

Zhao Lu quickly finished her breakfast, then carried two bamboo baskets and walked into the forest. She loaded two loads of broad leaves before returning.

"I looked at the weather and it will definitely rain tonight.

But the weather during the day will be very good, sunny.

So, I have to build my shelter as soon as possible!"

He went to the stream and carried two baskets of clay mixed with a lot of weeds, and strode towards the shelter.

Then he poured the clay on the ground and returned to the stream to continue carrying clay.

He did this six times before he stopped.

Then he began to paste the inside of the shelter with clay.

"If it would have rained last night, I would definitely not have done this.

I would have pasted the wall first, and then talked about pasting the bamboo.

But since it didn't rain yesterday, I came like this~

In short, non-professionals please don't try~"

Zhao Lu said with a smile, and his hands kept moving, pasting clay on the wall piece by piece.

In just one hour, he pasted clay on the inside of all four walls and pasted large broad leaves on the clay.

Then he climbed onto the roof, first spread a layer of large broad leaves on the outside of the roof, and then pasted a thin layer of clay, then spread large broad leaves, and then pasted a thin layer of clay, and finally covered it with a layer of thatch.

And all the gaps were covered with clay.

At this point, his temporary cabin was completely completed!

It took a total of 3 hours.

Looking at such a"simple" shelter, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded again!

"Oh my god!

Is this a shelter?!

This kind of house, I think I can live in it until the end of the show?!"

"Did no one notice a detail?

There was not a single bit of clay and leaves left, they were all used up.

And when he was making the fence and the wooden house yesterday, it seemed that he did not measure the length of the wood and bamboo, he just cut them directly, and the length was just right in the end!

What kind of ability is this! ?"

"Why do I suddenly feel that building a log house is so simple! ?"

"My friends, some things look simple but are hard to do!

Don’t think that I can do it easily, but it is really hard!"

"This is simply a miraculous operation!"


Waves of comments and rewards directly pushed Zhao Lu's live broadcast room to the top of the popularity list!

So far, Zhao Lu has received six figures in rewards.

It's only been a day!

However, Zhao Lu didn't know about this. At this moment, he made a new discovery!

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