#A shocking theft occurred on a deserted island survival! #Such a topic suddenly topped the hot search list.

It made the already very popular"Desert Island Survival" program even more popular.

This was also one of the highlights originally designed by the program team.

After all, if there is no competition between contestants, then the program will be dragged on for a long time, and there will be no explosive points to watch.

Once there is competition, there will be countless hot spots and topics, which is very beneficial for improving their ratings.

Therefore, as soon as this explosive point appeared, the program team directly spent money to push this topic up.

Let the program have more exposure.

Moreover, on the hot search list, the"Desert Island Survival" program team has more than just this one topic.

Another topic #Super cute girl's shelter was stolen! #also made it to the hot search list, and it was directly ranked sixth.

The two hot searches immediately attracted countless viewers.


Chen Chen was dragging his weak body towards a bamboo forest he had discovered not long ago.

"It just rained yesterday, maybe bamboo shoots will appear in the bamboo forest today……"

Chen Chen walked while muttering to himself

"I don't know if there are bamboo rats here...

I heard that bamboo rat meat is very delicious.……"

Chen Chen swallowed hard as she spoke.

She really hadn't eaten a normal meal for a long time!

However, what she didn't know was that her pitiful appearance directly made the audience in the live broadcast room feel distressed.

"The little girl is so pitiful...

I wonder how she will react when she finds out her things have been stolen.

She will definitely cry to death, right?"

"Alas~ If it were me, I would definitely fight to the death with that bastard!

Since I'm destined to be eliminated anyway, I might as well beat him up while he can't fight back!"

"So pitiful~

I hope she can gain something from this.……"

"Huh? Why do I suddenly feel that this bamboo forest is very familiar?

It seems that the contestant has been here before?"

"There are more bamboo forests on the island, and more people have visited the bamboo forests!

I just hope the little girl can catch a bamboo rat to satisfy her craving.……"


Along with countless comments, countless rewards also came.

However, it was obviously impossible for Chen Chen to know these things now.

She was ecstatic at the moment.

Because she found bamboo shoots!

"Hehe! My luck is so good!"

Chen Chen used the hatchet to dig quickly and soon cut down the fresh bamboo shoot.

But at this moment, she unexpectedly discovered that there was a small cave not far from the bamboo shoot.

"Could it be... a bamboo rat?"

Chen Chen was so overjoyed that she felt full of strength. All her weakness disappeared in an instant!

Then, she began to dig frantically with the hatchet.


While Chen Chen was digging a hole, Zhao Lu was also digging a hole.

However, he was obviously not digging a hole to catch bamboo rats, but to set a trap!

""Huh~ Done!"

Zhao Lu clapped his hands, with a sinister smile in his eyes.

After he finished his breakfast, he did not go out, but made a trap at the gate of his yard!

Yes, it was the gate of his yard.

If you want to open the gate of the yard, you must stand on the trap.

And the purpose of digging this trap is not to hunt, but to trick people!

"With this trap, no one can enter my shelter when I'm not around!"

Zhao Lu sneered.

He knew the rules of the show on the first day.

One is survival, and the other is competition.

And in this competition, it is obvious that some people will choose to steal.

After all, the program team didn't say that you can't steal, but only that you can't fight or intentionally hurt people.

Therefore, it is safer to have a trap specifically for people!

"Anyone who dares to sneak into my shelter will definitely be in trouble!"

Zhao Lu smiled very sinisterly, and then walked back to her yard along the fence - this was also the only route that would not fall into a trap!

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw Zhao Lu's trap and expression, they immediately became lively.

"Hahahaha ~ I'm really looking forward to someone falling into it!"

"I just saw cute girl Xixi being bullied in her live broadcast room, and then I saw the trap here at the master's place. What a coincidence!


I really want to see what will happen to Qian Lin if he finds the master's shelter!"

"The master is really strong!

I didn't expect that there are people who would dig a trap at the door of their own house.

If it were me, I would never think of it!"

"Although it seems that it will be troublesome to get in and out, I still think it is safe~hahahaha~"


Zhao Lu walked out of the yard slowly, carrying a bamboo basket on her back.

Then she walked directly to the grassy area not far away.

That was where she found the rabbit yesterday.

"In such a program, if you want to win, the most important thing is to monopolize resources!"

Zhao Lu said with a smile,"Resources like rabbits, which are easier to breed, must be monopolized first.

This is more important than anything else!

Because if you act too late, it may not be yours!

Today, I will completely monopolize this resource point!"

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