Zhao Lu looked at the scene not far away and smiled with interest.

As an old hunter with full-level skills, he would subconsciously walk downwind with every step he took.

In order to ensure that his"smell" would not be blown into the noses of animals that might be hiding around.

At the same time, he also applied some spices on his body to cover up the smell.

So that every time he gets close to the beast, he won't be discovered by the beast.

Even if the opponent is a tiger.


He saw the tiger again.

Moreover, it was a tiger ready to hunt.

The last time he saw a Bengal tiger was when he was hunting bison.

Unexpectedly, not long after, he saw a tiger hunting again.

"The live broadcast is more exciting than watching the animal world."

Zhao Lu complained silently, and then quietly grasped the bow and arrow.

The tiger in front of him had the same target as Zhao Lu - the sambar deer.

As the name suggests, the sambar deer prefer water.

They like to bathe in the stream, especially when the rain is not thorough and the weather is very hot.

At this moment, there are 5 sambar deer bathing under the waterfall.

A deer stood by the river and ate grass, while secretly looking around vigilantly, as if it was a deer specially sentinel.

Not far from them, downwind, the tiger was quietly approaching these sambar deer.

The sambar deer may be too involved in the game, or the tiger is more capable, so they have never noticed the tiger's approach.

As a result, the danger is getting closer and closer to them.


I can't just watch the show this time.

Let me add some fun to you."

Zhao Lu laughed softly, and then aimed the bow and arrow at the sambar deer that was on guard.

Aim and shoot!


With a light sound, the sambar deer that was originally on guard and eating grass was suddenly pierced through the eyes by a feather arrow, which shot into the brain and destroyed it, and died instantly!

Seeing such an amazing scene, the sambar deer that were bathing and the tiger that was about to rush out were all dumbfounded.

But no matter what, tigers and sambar deer are also animals with relatively fast reactions.

Therefore, although they were surprised by such a scene in front of them, their legs did not stop moving.

After seeing their companions die, the sambar deer ran out like crazy.

And the tiger chased frantically behind.

The sambar deer and the tiger disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As for him, the culprit, no one paid attention to him for a while.

Zhao Lu didn't care when he saw this. After all, his original purpose was not the tiger.

But the sambar deer on the ground.

"Dinner is ready~"

Zhao Lu processed the sambar deer directly by the river, and then carried the processed sambar deer with a prize of 100 kilograms back to the temporary camp.

""What happened just now?"

Xiang Mo asked with some confusion when she saw Zhao Lu coming back.

As for the prey Zhao Lu was carrying, she was not surprised.

If Zhao Lu came back without any prey, she would be really surprised.

"It's okay, it just made some noises when hunting."

Zhao Lu waved his hand casually, then began to cut up the venison and roast it.

The deer he shot was neither fat nor skinny, but of medium size, with delicious meat. He took out the best part of the meat and used it for roasting.


I found that this kind of barbecue with this finger orange sauce is really delicious!"

Xiang Mo narrowed his eyes, chewed the food in his mouth gently, and felt the happiness that he could not enjoy at ordinary times.

"It's so comfortable ~

It feels like going out for a picnic"

""Outing! Outing!"

Xiao Hui waved his wings and echoed Xiang Mo's words loudly.

He had no meat to eat, but he was eating fruit and was in a very good mood.

He felt that since he followed the group of people in front of him, he no longer had to worry about being hungry.

This also made him less and less regretful of his initial decision.

""Huh? What are you doing?"

Because Xiang Mo ate slowly and"enjoyed the food" while eating, she continued to eat after Zhao Lu finished.

At this moment, she saw Zhao Lu cooking something and immediately approached her with some confusion.

Zhao Lu was constantly frying venison. When she saw Xiang Mo coming over, she just glanced at her casually and continued to work.

"I'm processing the meat for tomorrow's breakfast."

Looking at the full pot of venison, Xiang Mo's mouth was watering.

"Is it delicious?"

"It doesn't taste good now, but it will taste good tomorrow.~"

"So what are you going to do with the remaining meat?

Why are you just leaving it here?"

"Of course, my meat is still useful~"

Zhao Lu smiled mysteriously without further explanation.

He did not smoke the meat because he had no intention of bringing it back to the shelter.

There was too much meat over there, so he had better find a way to digest the meat here.

"I don't know what it's for, but I think it won't be long before the meat becomes inedible."

Xiang Mo curled his lips, looked at the venison not far away with some reluctance, and then ignored it.

He turned around and continued to play with Xiao Hui.

Zhao Lu continued to process the meat in the pot.

Zhao Lu and his group naturally couldn't finish nearly 100 kilograms of venison.

So, he fried the meat directly.

Then he covered the pot and continued to fry over high heat. After a while, he took the pot down and used the resin he had obtained not long ago to coat the edges of the pot lid.

He sealed the pot lid tightly.

An artificial vacuum environment was created.

"In this way, it can be kept overnight~

At least, it tastes better than smoked meat."

Zhao Lu smiled gently, and then planned to continue processing���However

, at this moment, he suddenly heard a strange sound.

The sound was intermittent, sometimes loud and sometimes soft, very strange.

"Did you hear any sound?"

Xiang Mo also heard some sound, and his face turned pale,"Could it be... could it be a ghost... a ghost! ?"

"How could there be a ghost?"

Zhao Lu shook his head and listened quietly.

Soon, his brows furrowed.

Because he seemed to hear a cry of"Help!"

"What the hell?!

Are the words of those three bastards true?"

At this moment, he thought of the secret he heard from the three bastards who were eliminated by the vampire fish not long ago - there was a person in the valley who was shouting for help all day long.


In the valley, Madcao was very depressed at the moment.

Because he found that he, the"darling of the goddess of fate", an extremely lucky existence, seemed to be facing a very serious problem of life and death.

"Oh my god!

Where on earth did it come from! ?"

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