Zhao Lu ran quickly in the woods.

With his full-level skills, he naturally didn't need to be careful.

So he ran very fast.

While he was running through the woods, he was looking for useful herbs.

"There are many wonderful things in the forest.

For example, various herbs and spices."

Zhao Lu said, pointing to a big tree not far away.

"I found a star anise tree over there.

However, the star anise is not ripe yet.

It will probably be ripe in half a month.

Then I will have a treat."

While speaking, Zhao Lu bent down again, pulled up a plant that looked like a weed and put it in the bamboo basket.

"This is one of the herbs I'm looking for today.

I can't tell you what it is~"

Zhao Lu said as she shuttled through the forest.

Soon, she had filled the bamboo basket with all sorts of things.


Today's harvest is good~

Not only did I harvest a lot of herbs I needed, but also a lot of seasonings and spices."

Zhao Lu shook the herbs in her hand.

"This is vanilla, which is one of the main reasons why I came out this time."

While talking, Zhao Lu came to a field of reeds.

"Miscanthus is something that both bamboo rats and rabbits like to eat.

However, bamboo rats prefer to eat the roots of Miscanthus, while rabbits like to eat grass.

These two are a perfect match.

Zhao Lu put down the bamboo basket, pulled up a lot of Miscanthus and walked back.

After a busy afternoon, it was almost evening when Zhao Lu returned to the shelter.

He did not rush to cook, but turned his back to the camera, took out some herbs, and then quickly crushed them into mud with a wooden stick.

Then he took the strange herbal mud to the farm and spread it evenly on the ground.

"This is an air freshener.

After using this, the smell of the room has become much better.

Zhao Lu smiled and began to feed the rabbits and bamboo rats with silver grass.

She also inspected all the bamboo rat cages and found that none of them had been bitten.

Seeing this, Zhao Lu also smiled.

"Still quite well behaved~"

Putting down the remaining reeds, Zhao Lu went to the fumigation room to take a look, and then walked out with two bamboo baskets on his back.

First he went to a place full of loess and filled the bamboo baskets with loess, and then he went to the river and mixed the loess into yellow mud.

Putting the two baskets full of yellow mud on the stone platform not far from the shelter yard, Zhao Lu began to build a simple wooden shed not far from the stone platform. The simple wooden shed was easy to build, and it only took Zhao Lu half an hour to build it.

Then he began to make brick molds and make bricks with yellow mud.

Brick making is a boring job. Although Zhao Lu's brick making skills have been maxed out, it was not until it was almost dark that all the yellow mud was used up.

"Phew~ Done~"

Zhao Lu clapped her hands and stood up with a smile.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Zhao Lu quickly picked two coconut crabs that were in poor condition, carried the pot and ran to the stream.

"Without cement or something like that, coconut crabs are hard to raise.

So they can only be raised with their claws tied like this~

But this will easily kill these coconut crabs~"

Zhao Lu sighed helplessly

"Of course, the most important thing is that the growth cycle of coconut crabs is really too long!

It takes 20 to 30 years.

There is really no need to breed them.

After washing the coconut crabs, he put the pot on the rack and started to cook.

He turned off the camera and ran to the stream to take a bath. He also washed his clothes and dried them with fire.

When he finished all this, the coconut crabs were cooked.

"Next, it’s time for food show again!"


While Zhao Lu was savoring the delicious food,

Chen Chen was looking fiercely at the bonfire not far away.

"Finally found you!"

Looking at the two people by the fire and the two pots on the fire rack, Chen Chen was so angry that her teeth itched.

However, she could only be angry and had no other way.

The program team did not stipulate that theft was not allowed, but it stipulated that fighting and robbery were not allowed.

In other words, theft is reasonable.

However, if the other party is present, you cannot touch anything of the other party.

Otherwise, even if it is robbery, you will be eliminated directly!

She found the shelter of these two people in the afternoon, and then squatted here, waiting for an opportunity.

Unexpectedly, the two people were so wretched that they always left one person in the shelter and did not go out, giving her no chance to retaliate!

In the end, she waited until dark, and except for the mosquito bites on her body, she had no other gains at all.

"I'm so mad!"

Chen Chen pouted. Although there were a few mosquito bites on his face, he was still so cute.

He waved his hand and drove away the mosquitoes around him.

Chen Chen quietly stood up and walked towards his shelter.

"We'll see! Humph!"


"Lao Lin, it seems that girl won't come today"

"It's normal~"

Qian Lin smiled sinisterly,"She must be waiting for a chance to steal our things~

But she didn't expect that we didn't give her a chance at all!

Without the pot, I wonder how long she can last!

Brother Long, we will leave one person to guard the shelter for the next two days. I guarantee that within three days, that girl will definitely commit a crime!"


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