"Too dangerous!"

"Send someone to rescue them quickly!"

Several guests stared at the big screen in amazement.

On the big screen, three snakes were lazily staring at Chen Chen.

These snakes had white and black rings on their backs, their small heads were raised high, and they were spitting out their tongues while looking at Chen Chen coldly.

Chen Chen held the hatchet tightly with both hands, staring at the three snakes. She didn't dare to move at all.

She came out to cut trees to build a shelter, but because she was weak and mentally ill, she forgot to"stir up trouble" for a while.

So, she happened to startle the three snakes.

"This is the Bungarus multicinctus, the fourth most venomous snake on land!

The most venomous snake in our country!"

Li Wei said solemnly:"This is really a highly venomous snake!

The venom gland is small, but the venom is very strong!

If you are bitten, you will die in a few hours!

Moreover, if you can't rescue it immediately during the golden time, then you can't rescue it!

The only good thing is that this kind of snake has a relatively gentle personality.

Under normal circumstances, it will not actively attack humans.

But this contestant Chen Chen obviously frightened these three snakes.

As for whether they will take the initiative to attack, this really depends on God's will!

However, in my opinion, as long as she doesn't take the initiative to do something out of the ordinary, she should be able to escape.

After all, it has been a while since the snakes were frightened, and these snakes still haven't attacked, and obviously they won't attack."

Listening to Li Wei's words, several people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They were relieved together.

"I remember seeing a related news on the Internet, saying that someone bought a coral snake as a pet and ended up being bitten to death.……"

Liu Yu pointed at the snake on the big screen with some fear,"Is this it?"


It is precisely because of its gentle character that people want to buy it as a pet.

But no matter how gentle its character is, it is still a highly venomous snake!

It can kill with one bite, and rescue is ineffective. This is no joke!"

"And here... there are 3... just one bite……"

"I have been notified that the helicopter of the program team has already flown over."

Cao Bin suddenly took his hand off the headset,"Don't worry, everyone.

As long as we rescue her as soon as possible, there will be no problem.

If she is bitten, then we will eliminate the rescue directly. If she is not bitten, then the helicopter will return the same way."

As soon as Cao Bin finished speaking, the live broadcast room fell into silence.

Everyone was looking at the big screen anxiously.

At this moment, Chen Chen still stood there, not daring to escape or attack. One person and three snakes were just deadlocked there.

"It seems that contestant Chen Chen didn't know the gentle nature of this snake.

If she knew, she could have escaped by slowly retreating at this moment."

Li Wei shook his head with regret.

"What a pity!……"

Several people nodded and sighed at the same time


Chen Chen was just like Li Wei guessed, she didn't know anything about the coral snake.

She was afraid of snakes, so she was scared to death when she saw three snakes that looked like venomous snakes.

For a moment, her mind went blank, and she just subconsciously took a defensive posture.

She even forgot to run away and ask for help.

Fortunately, this"downtime" state did not last too long. Not long after, her brain resumed working again. She began to think about how she should escape.

"I can't ask for help now.

I have to find a way to escape first.

What if I run away?

Anyway, this kind of venomous snake usually won't kill people with one bite.

If I get bitten, I'll press the help button~"

Thinking of this, Chen Chen began to slowly retreat little by little.



She felt as if she could hear her own heartbeat.

Fortunately, the three poisonous snakes in front of her did not move at all, and they were still swimming lazily in the same place.

Moreover, the three snakes seemed to have noticed that Chen Chen was retreating, so the vigilance in their eyes became less and less.

"Phew~ Looks like I can escape this time……"

The tension in Chen Chen's heart also began to dissipate gradually.


"It seems that Chen Chen is going to run away.

Cao Bin's tone also became very relaxed.

"What a lucky girl.~"


Xiao Lin also nodded,"It's really like this"

"It seems that she will be fine this time.

I hope she can learn from her lesson and explore the road carefully next time~"

Li Wei also took a long breath,"Snakes are generally afraid of people, so you need to use a long wooden stick to scare the snakes, which is safer.

Chen Chen is really lucky this time...

Eh! ?"

Just as Li Wei was speaking, a new situation suddenly appeared on the big screen.

The big tree not far in front of Chen Chen suddenly began to tremble violently.

Moreover, there were constant monkey calls from not far away.

Encountering such a special situation, the three snakes were frightened again and began to swim.

As soon as the three snakes moved, Chen Chen also moved subconsciously.

Of course, she was not stupid enough to attack actively, but chose to retreat suddenly.

However, her retreat happened to retreat to a big tree.

Her body hit the tree and knocked down a thick vine on the tree.

It fell softly in front of her


Seeing such a vine, Chen Chen subconsciously thought it was a snake and screamed. At the same time, he chopped the vine with the hatchet in his hand.

The three silver ring snakes were first startled by the monkey behind them, and then by the woman in front of them, and suddenly became a little flustered.

One of the snakes actually jumped towards Chen Chen!

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