"Don't talk, I'll drip something on you."

Zhao Lu said, and took out a strange-looking plant from her pocket, crushed it, and dripped a drop on her head and Chen Chen's head.

Then she began to quickly apply it on her body.

"Here, apply it on your body."

Just after applying it on herself, Zhao Lu took out another plant of that kind.

"Come on, this is to cover up your scent.

Honey badgers have a very keen sense of smell, we need this to deceive him"

"Huh? Then why haven't we been discovered by it now?"

"When observing the enemy, of course you have to stand downwind.

We are downwind now, so it certainly can't smell us.

But it may not be the same once it catches up with us.

Hurry up and apply it!"

"But it’s not convenient for me!"

"Sorry! It's too late."

Zhao Lu apologized, then crushed the plant and began to smear it on Chen Chen.


Chen Chen yelled softly.

Although she was a little panicked by the sudden shock, she still knew the seriousness of the situation. As soon as she yelled, she stopped forcibly, so as not to alarm the honey badger.

"Okay, let's go, hold on tight."


Chen Chen blushed and said"hmm".

Zhao Lu didn't pay much attention. When he saw the honey badger move, he quickly followed.

Not long after, they arrived at the honey badger's nest. He walked carefully along the way and was not discovered by the honey badger.

If his body had not been strengthened and Chen Chen was not too heavy, he would not have been able to walk so easily.

"What good luck!

I found the honey badger's nest."

Zhao Lu silently memorized the location of the nest and then started to walk back.


You ran all this way just to take a look at its nest?

And then you do nothing else?"

Chen Chen asked curiously,"What is your purpose in doing this?"

"Haha~ Tell me, why is the honey badger called the honey badger?"

"Because... because……"

Chen Chen couldn't figure it out.

She knew about the honey badger only because she had watched some videos about it. She only knew that the honey badger was fearless and dared to confront anyone she met, but she didn't know anything else.

Suddenly hearing what Zhao Lu said, she really couldn't think of an answer for a while.

"Because its favorite food is honey.~"


Chen Chen was shocked when he heard this answer.

"Are you looking for honey?"


Remember its nest first, and next time I come here by myself, I will check it out."

"Choo Choo Choo……"

Just as Zhao Lu was about to go back, a very urgent bird cry suddenly sounded in the air.

Turning around, she found a bird slightly larger than a sparrow.

The bird's upper body was dark gray-brown, its lower chest and abdomen were white, and its throat was black.

There were white stripes on its wings and a yellow spot on its shoulders.

The beak was pink.

It was flying up and down at the entrance of the honey badger cave.

"Huh? What is that bird doing?"

"That's the black-throated honeyguide, a friend of the honey badger.

I didn't expect there would be such a bird here."

"The honey badger's friend?"

Chen Chen was a little confused.

She had a limited understanding of the honey badger. She only knew that this thing had a bad temper. It was the kind of thing that would fight you if you provoke me, no matter who you were. If you didn't provoke me and I didn't want to provoke you, that was fine. If you didn't provoke me but I wanted to provoke you, then I would fight you. I really didn't know what kind of animal could be its partner.

Before Zhao Lu could answer, the honey badger came out of the cave again. As soon as it came out, it supported itself on its hind legs, stood upright, and kept biting the black-throated honeyguide with its mouth.

However, I don't know if it was because the black-throated honeyguide was more flexible, or because the honey badger didn't want to attack at all, the honey badger bit for a long time but didn't cause any damage to the black-throated honeyguide.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

The black-throated honeyguide called a few more times, then leaped into the air, looking at the honey badger as it flew northeast.

The honey badger did not say a word, but just followed it silently.

"Should we follow them?"

As soon as Chen Chen finished speaking, Zhao Lu had already caught up with him.

"Of course!

Now, let's get our honey~"


Chen Chen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized,"Black-throated Honeyguide...

Is this bird specifically used to inform honey badgers where the honey is?"

"Hey, you're not stupid.~"


I'm actually pretty smart!

I just don't understand this aspect.~"

"The black-throated honeyguide can remember every beehive within 250 square kilometers, making it a good helper for beekeepers and honey badgers.~"

"so smart?"

"That’s right, don’t you see, this is 250 square kilometers!"



Zhao Lu and Chen Chen were chatting quietly while chasing the honey badger quickly.

Soon, the two came to a relatively open area.

In the center of this open area, there was a big tree with a diameter of about 1 meter.

For some reason, there was a big hole in the center of the tree.

Countless bees were going in and out here.

Obviously, there was a beehive in that big hole.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Lu did not rush to take action, but hid aside and watched quietly.

He planned to wait for a suitable opportunity to take action.

Although he was not afraid of honey badgers, he was afraid of bees!


Just as Zhao Lu was about to take a good look at the honey badger stealing honey, she suddenly noticed something and turned to look to the left.

She saw a huge creature walking slowly towards her.


Chen Chen almost screamed. Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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