Chen Chen and Zhao Lu soon arrived at Chen Chen's"shelter".

Zhao Lu was very surprised to see the mess in front of her.

"This... you live here!?"


When Chen Chen heard this, he immediately thought of Qian Lin's"ugly face", and the resentment in his heart suddenly emerged again.

"It's all because of those two bastards!

They robbed my banana plantation, stole my cooking pot and sleeping bag, and finally destroyed my shelter!"


Zhao Lu looked at Chen Chen's angry look, especially the dirt on her head and face, and her messy hair, and she wanted to laugh.

"Okay, don’t be angry, how about I help you get revenge later?"

"Really! ?"

"Of course, Miss Mole~

Is your hair smooth now?


"Don't call me Miss Mole!

I don't have any hair either!"

"Okay~Miss Hairless Mole!"



"Miss Mole is going to be angry!"

"Miss Hairless Mole... cough cough cough... sorry, my thoughts have strayed.……"

"The master is indeed a veterinarian, he is really good at smoothing hair!"

In the live broadcast room of Zhao Lu and Chen Chen, there was a burst of excitement again.

As for Zhao Lu's honey collection, these people were not surprised.

It was a basic operation!


Chen Chen bared his teeth and put on a ferocious look, trying to scare Zhao Lu.

But Zhao Lu looked like she was just being coquettish.

He had no choice but to take care of her feelings.


I'm just kidding, don't be angry.

Besides, cats are usually the ones that get angry, but you're not a cat, you're a mole.

So it's obvious that I was just kidding.~"


Chen Chen was speechless for a moment.

Looking at Zhao Lu's slightly smiling eyes, how could he not know that he was still teasing him?


So, she snorted in a very arrogant manner, and then began to pack her things.

Although she was packing, the things she could pack were only 5 mangoes.

However, when she saw the mangoes, her thoughts were diverted directly. She didn't bother to continue"pretending to be angry" and said directly to Zhao Lu:"By the way!

Let's go to the mango tree first~ and pick all the ripe mangoes!

By the way, you can also remember the location of the mango tree so that it will be convenient for you to pick them next time.~"


Zhao Lu nodded after hearing this, then picked up the rattan on the ground and began to weave a rattan basket.

The rattan on the ground was as thick as an adult man's little finger.

This was what Chen Chen had found to build a shelter.

As for why it was so thick, Zhao Lu knew it was because she hadn't found any thinner rattan.

"Come on, you lead the way~"

"You just knit as you walk?"

"Don't worry, it's okay.~"

"Oh well~"


Just as Zhao Lu and the others were walking towards the mango tree,

Qian Lin was already digging a hole in the bamboo forest and was getting a little impatient.

"" Shit!

How come there is nothing again!"

Qian Lin felt very upset.

Anyone who dug for an entire afternoon under the scorching sun and in temperatures of 38 or 9 degrees Celsius and found nothing would be upset.


Qian Lin wiped his sweat and sat on the ground to rest.

He felt something was wrong.

He had dug five bamboo rat holes.

Logically, he should have seen a few bamboo rats.

But he didn't even see the shadow of a bamboo rat.

"Is it because my method is wrong?

Qian Lin scratched his head and began to doubt himself.

"Forget it, let's explore this bamboo forest first.……"

Since he had doubts about his ability to catch bamboo rats, Qian Lin decided to explore the bamboo forest first, look around and think more, and then go dig bamboo rats.

So he started walking in the forest.

However, after a while, he found some strange places.


There are traces of bamboo being cut down here.

Could it be that girl who did it?"

Looking at the traces on the bamboo, Qian Lin couldn't help but frown.

His intuition told him that it couldn't be done by Chen Chen.

Because the traces on the bamboo clearly told him that the man cut the bamboo in half with one knife!

Chen Chen definitely didn't have such strength!

"One knife? Was it cut by a machine?"

Qian Lin couldn't help but smile bitterly. He really couldn't believe that human power could achieve such a level.

"No, not a knife.……"

Suddenly Qian Lin was stunned for a moment, then he looked at the mark carefully and took a deep breath.


This guy actually hit the same part of the bamboo with several cuts, and the force was exactly the same. Is n't this too scary! ?

One, two, three, four, five... a total of five cuts!

Shit, this bamboo is the same!

This one is the same!"

After walking around the cut bamboo forest, Qian Lin was shocked to find that the cracks on the bamboos here were exactly the same!

If he didn't know that electric saws were not allowed here, he really thought someone had used an electric saw to do this!

"This is terrible!

This is definitely not done by that chick!

So, there are other people here?

And, is he a big shot?"

Qian Lin got excited when he thought of this.

It takes three years to learn good things and three days to learn bad things.

He stole something from Chen Chen once, so he liked the feeling of getting something for nothing.

Now there is someone who is much stronger than Chen Chen nearby, how can he not have some other ideas?

"If I were to steal him... hehehehe……"

Thinking of this, Qian Lin laughed.

Then the bamboo rat stopped digging and began to look for marks nearby.

However, after searching for a long time, he still found nothing.���Somewhat annoyed

"Could it be that the man had no habit of marking?

He could find the place he wanted without marking it?"

Qian Lin couldn't help but have such a scary thought in his mind.

"Forget it! I won’t look for it anymore!

Anyway, your shelter must be not far away!

Then I will just look for a suitable place to build a shelter nearby!"

Qian Lin's eyes rolled, and he immediately had an idea.

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