"Wow! This is your shelter.……"

Chen Chen felt that the shelter was very"luxurious" when he looked at it from the outside.

He was even more surprised when he went inside.

The room in the main shelter was clean and tidy, with a bed and a table.

There were many things like bamboo tubes on the table, and under the table, there was a pile of unshelled rice. There were a few live fish in the wooden barrel next to the table!

There were more than a dozen fish being smoked in the smoking room, and it seemed that they were almost done.

The farm was full of cages.

Some contained rabbits, and some contained bamboo rats.

There were also 5 coconut crabs in the corner!


Bamboo rat!?"

Chen Chen was stunned when he saw the bamboo rat in the bamboo cage.

"Why do you use bamboo cages to hold bamboo rats?

Aren't you afraid that they will run away?"

Chen Chen was very curious.

In her impression, bamboo rats are something that cannot be controlled even with a cement box, let alone a bamboo cage!

But what made her even more curious was that Zhao Lu obviously used bamboo cages to hold these bamboo rats.���Living!

"How did you do that?"


"Yes, yes...

I have been curious about this for a long time!"

"Will the answer be revealed today?!"

"I don't know if my guess is correct.……"

In the live broadcast room, countless people also roared with curiosity.


In front of countless viewers and Chen Chen's curious eyes, Zhao Lu finally slowly told the secret.

"This is actually very simple.

It is not difficult to cage bamboo rats. There are two things that they care about most. One is something to grind their teeth on, and the other is a good environment.

In various farms, many breeders do not pay attention to these two points at all, so there are so many bamboo rats digging holes everywhere to escape.

But if you pay attention to these two points, bamboo cages can easily hold these bamboo rats.

However, it is very troublesome to raise bamboo rats in bamboo cages, and others cannot copy it.

I use bamboo sticks coated with bait as teeth grinding sticks, and use homemade air fresheners to purify the air in the farm.

At the same time, change the cages of bamboo rats frequently to prevent them from escaping because of the bad smell of the cage.

Those who like to use cement grids to raise bamboo rats have not taken this into account.

The urine of bamboo rats has a strong smell. When urine is placed in cement grids, it is easy to produce odor, which will cause bamboo rats to escape desperately.

This is also the reason why cement grids cannot hold bamboo rats."

"That sounds like trouble.~"


Zhao Lu shrugged,"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, there's no iron cage here.

It's too much trouble to make a smooth wooden cage."

"Wooden cage?!"

Chen Chen looked at Zhao Lu in surprise,"Can a wooden cage hold a bamboo rat? ?"

"Of course it can~"

Zhao Lu smiled and pointed at the teeth of the bamboo rat,"Look at its teeth, this kind of teeth can't bite through a smooth surface.

You can imagine using your front teeth to bite your mobile phone screen vertically to see if you can bite it.

The principle is the same.

So, as long as the wood is polished smooth without edges and corners, and made into a square box with an opening on the top, it will have no way to bite and naturally can't escape~

Many farms now use this type of cage, of course, not pure wood, but cheaper materials, after all, this is cheaper than iron cages."

"Wow! Is it so amazing?

However, I feel that the wooden cage is not difficult to make.~"

"Of course it's not difficult to make, but it's troublesome.

This requires thick wood to make the board.

Just think about it, I use this small hatchet to look at the big tree, cut the board, and polish the board. Isn't it tiring?"

Zhao Lu said and pointed to the trap at the gate of the yard.

"But now it is much more convenient.

After all, when that bastard is eliminated, we will have an ordnance shovel to use.~"

"Hehe~ You're right!"

Chen Chen smiled like a cute fox,"As long as we don't care about him and starve him for two days, he will give up on his own!"

According to the rules, when someone is around, you can't touch that person's things.

Although Qian Lin is in the trap now, he is nearby, so he can't touch his shovel, otherwise it will be considered a violation of the rules.

"There is no need to go through so much trouble~"

Zhao Lu smiled meaningfully,"Didn't he steal your things?

If you behave well, I can make him withdraw in great pain.~"

"Hey! How to do it!"

"Not telling you~"



Tell me something.~~"

"Let's deal with the things first~"

Zhao Lu waved his hand, and then began to deal with the things he had just obtained.

He asked Chen Chen to put the mango in the shelter and put the cotton on the stone platform not far away to dry.

He began to deal with the beehive.

First, he quickly cut out a bunch of bamboo tubes with lids, washed them, and put them aside to dry for later use.

Then he picked out the pupae in the beehive, and then cut off the honeycombs without honey.

Finally, he cut the beehive into small pieces, and then began to squeeze, squeezing all the honey inside into the bamboo tubes.

In this way, 23 bamboo tubes were filled, and finally all the honey was squeezed out.

Smelling the honey fragrance in the room and looking at the pile of bee pupae, Zhao Lu smiled with satisfaction.

"This is really a lot of honey.~"

"Wow! Are you done?"

Chen Chen also completed her task. Seeing Zhao Lu finished squeezing the honey, she immediately came over with a smile.

Then she pinched a piece of honeycomb and put it in her mouth to chew, and her eyes narrowed sweetly.

"Mmm~ So sweet~"

"Hahaha~ If you want to eat, take some with you and eat on the go.

I'll take you there to play a trick on you~"


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