"This is... a fever?!"

Zhao Lu frowned.

He had already maxed out his"Chinese medicine" skill.

And"looking, smelling, asking and feeling" is the specialty of"Chinese medicine".

So, just by taking a look, he knew that Chen Chen was not in a good condition.

Moreover, it was most likely a fever.

So he quickly walked to Chen Chen's side and reached out to touch his forehead.

"Hiss~ It's so hot!"

Zhao Lu frowned again.

Seeing that Chen Chen was still sleeping, she didn't wake her up. She just took out her hand and put it on her wrist to feel her pulse.

"Looks like I need to get her some medicine.……"

Zhao Lu was taking the pulse and thinking about what medicine to use.

Chen Chen was also awakened by his actions.


What are you doing~"

Chen Chen felt a headache and was weak all over. He felt very uncomfortable.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Zhao Lu sitting next to him, with her right hand on his pulse, eyes closed, brows furrowed, and he didn't know what she was thinking.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but have some teasing thoughts in his mind.

"Doctor Liu, what's wrong with my health?"

"To reply to the queen, you are pregnant!

8 males and 4 females, it has been more than a month.

I estimate that in two months, two weeks and two days, you can give birth!"

"Go to hell!

Do you think I'm a pig?"

"But I am indeed a veterinarian~"

Chen Chen:"……"

"Let me tell you, the best course I learned was postpartum care for sows.

I am very good at taking care of sows!"

Chen Chen:"……"


Seeing Chen Chen's dark face, Zhao Lu couldn't help laughing

"It seems that you don't have a big problem. After all, you are in good spirits.~"

"Hey, can you do this?~"

"Don't worry, I was originally a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, but later I changed my profession and became a veterinarian.~"

"Shouldn't a veterinarian become a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner? ?"

"I am special~"


"Because I take care of sows!"

Chen Chen:"……"

"Are these two related?!"

""Okay, okay~

Have a good rest, it's not a big problem~"

Zhao Lu smiled and patted Chen Chen's head, turned around and made her a cup of honey water, and then walked out.

When a person is sick, if the mental state is very good and positive, the disease will be cured faster.

It was for this reason that he"tease" Chen Chen.

Zhao Lu killed two bamboo rats and made a stew with bamboo shoots and mushrooms.

Then he killed a live crucian carp, rubbed two handfuls of rice, added some mushrooms, bamboo shoots and wild vegetables, and made a small pot of fresh fish porridge for Chen Chen.

"There is porridge in the pot.

It is warmed by the fire. If you are hungry, get up and eat it.

There is honey water by the bed. You can drink some later.

I put a wooden basin in the room. If you want to go to the bathroom, just use the wooden basin.

When I come back, I will call someone in advance. Don't worry.~"


Watching Zhao Lu busying around, Chen Chen felt warm in his heart and his face turned slightly red. He didn't know if it was because of the fever or something else.

"Should I do something?"

"No need~

You should take care of yourself first."

Zhao Lu said, and strode out.

It was still raining outside, but not as heavy as last night.

If last night was a rainstorm, today would be moderate rain.

Zhao Lu wore a windbreaker, a bamboo hat, and carried a small bamboo basket, and walked quickly through the forest.

He first went to the place where Wu Long got lost yesterday. He got two sleeping bags and two pots.

The pots were okay, but the sleeping bags were wet and dirty, and they couldn't be used now. It was still early, so Zhao Lu went back to get some wood ash and washed the sleeping bag by the river.

Fortunately, the sleeping bag was a thinner one, which was easier to wash.

So it didn't take long for him to wash the sleeping bag.

"Chen Chen! Am I in?"

"Ah! OK!"

Zhao Lu called out at the door, and after hearing Chen Chen's response, she strode in.

She happened to see Chen Chen eating.

"This porridge is delicious!" Chen

Chen said with a smile, and then he saw the pot and sleeping bag that Zhao Lu was holding.

"That bastard is eliminated too! ?"


Zhao Lu found a wooden stick, hung the two sleeping bags next to the fire, and slowly roasted them.

"When the sleeping bag is dry, you can sleep in it. I'm leaving now."


Zhao Lu said, and then went out again.

While exploring new resources, he searched for suitable medicinal materials.

It was not until noon that he finally found all the medicinal materials he needed.

At the same time, he also found a very good resource point and some good things.

As for other resources, he did not look for them in detail. After all, it was still raining and it was inconvenient to do anything.

"Chen Chen, I'm back"

""Oh... OK."

Chen Chen's voice was a little strange, but Zhao Lu didn't think much about it.

In his opinion, when you are sick, your mood and voice will change a little.

As a result, when you go in, you find that Chen Chen is holding a wooden basin with a red face, ready to go out to clean up!

Seeing Zhao Lu come in, Chen Chen didn't say much, just blushed and walked out quickly.

"What's there to be ashamed of?"

Zhao Lu scratched her head in confusion, but didn't care. She turned her head and looked at the table not far away.

She found that the table was piled with cut cotton strips - these were the cotton strips that were cut after all the cotton was integrated together.

"This is really well done~"

Zhao Lu looked at it casually and couldn't help but praise it softly.

Just then Chen Chen walked in quickly, Zhao Lu turned around and smiled at the cute girl.

"Didn't I tell you to have a good rest?

Why are you working secretly again?"

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