"Oh my god!

Is this the legendary roasted spider?!

It's really scary!"

"Fortunately, I had already eaten, otherwise, I would have lost my appetite.……"

"How scary!

But I still want to ask, what does this roasted spider taste like?"

"I heard it tastes like walnuts, I don’t know if it’s true...

But even I wouldn’t eat it...

It’s too disgusting!"

"I would rather eat locusts than spiders……"


Wang Di's live broadcast room exploded instantly when he ate the spider.

And in Lei Rui's live broadcast room, the barrage also exploded instantly.

Because he was also doing a big move at this moment - eating insects!

"In fact, these bugs taste very good.

Moreover, they are rich in nutrition and protein."

Lei Rui frowned and whispered while eating the roasted bugs.

"However, I am still not used to eating it raw. After all, it does look disgusting.

If there is no other way, I will definitely not eat this kind of thing.

However, there are many insects in the rainforest.……"

Lei Rui smiled bitterly and shook his head,"It would be great if there were some wild fruits!"


In the more than 400 live broadcast rooms, more than half of the contestants were eating those"special foods".

They were living a miserable life.

While these people were living a miserable life,

Zhao Lu and Chen Chen had just finished the"picking" work of clams, harvested a bunch of clams and some seaweed, and were planning to get some other food.

"What are we doing now?"


You watch the fire and refine the salt. I'll go down to the sea to take a look.

If I throw something up, you can help collect it."


Chen Chen nodded and sat down obediently.

"Be careful!"


Zhao Lu waved his hand, then took out everything from his pants pockets and put them next to Chen Chen, then walked towards the beach.

He dived into the sea and began to dive rapidly into the depths of the sea.

With full-level"swimming skills" and"diving skills", he was as comfortable in the sea as a bird in the air.

Looking at the seabed that he had never seen before, Zhao Lu felt very fresh.


Suddenly Zhao Lu found something very strange, and he could not help but swim over there quickly.

As soon as he swam over, he found that it was actually a big turtle!

The turtle's shell was more than half a meter in diameter!

I don't know how many years it has lived.

"How can I eat this thing?"

After seeing this turtle, Zhao Lu immediately had this question in his mind.

It's not that he doesn't know how to cook, but the pot is not big enough.

It can't be stewed in one pot!

"Looks like I need two grills.……"

She swam to the turtle, grabbed it in her hand, and then swam hard towards the shore.

The turtle was still sleeping, but after Zhao Lu grabbed it, it woke up immediately.

It stretched out its head and claws, and kept struggling and biting around, but it could never touch Zhao Lu.

In the end, it could only watch helplessly as Zhao Lu lifted it above her head and swam to the shore little by little.

With a splash~ accompanied by a sound of water, Zhao Lu emerged from the sea.

Chen Chen, who had been paying attention to this side not far away, exclaimed when he saw this.


You caught such a big turtle!

But how should we eat it?"

Zhao Lu:"……"

It is true that"great minds think alike"!

Holding the big turtle, Zhao Lu quickly walked to Chen Chen, tied it up with vines, and returned to the sea again. He had not explored the sea carefully just now, and after seeing the big turtle, he gave up exploring.

So this time he planned to explore it carefully.

Because this is a shallow sea, there are not many seafood on the seabed. There are some shallow water fish swimming around here, and there are also a few black things on the seabed. Some of these black things are long and some are spherical.

"Sea cucumber? Sea urchin?

They are all good stuff~"

Zhao Lu swam over quickly, picked up the sea urchin and sea cucumber, swam back to the beach quickly and threw all these small things to Chen Chen.

Then she continued to explore.

There were some crabs and shrimps on the seabed.

However, the crabs were too small and the shrimps were not easy to catch, so Zhao Lu gave up directly.

There were not many things on the seabed, which might be because other contestants had swept it in advance.

Finally, Zhao Lu caught a few scallops and abalone, which was considered to be the end of this exploration.

"Chen Chen, help me make the fire bigger."

After going ashore and packing up, Zhao Lu saw that Chen Chen's pot of salt had also been refined, so she waved to him.

"Let's go back after dinner.~"

"Eh? What are we eating?

This big turtle?!

But how do we eat it?"

"You will know in a moment~

Help me wash the clams, sea cucumbers and abalone with sea water, then rinse them twice with coconut juice. I will kill the turtle."


Zhao Lu said, and then he carried the big turtle to a big rock not far away. He smashed the big turtle against the big rock with great force, knocking it unconscious. Then he picked up the hatchet and started to split the shell.

It must be said that the turtle shell is really hard.

Zhao Lu chopped it for a long time before he completely opened it.

Finally, he dug out the meat from the turtle shell, washed it with sea water, and threw all the inedible things into the sea.

Then he returned to Chen Chen with the turtle shell.

Wash the turtle meat with coconut juice, then put all the turtle meat, clams and sea cucumbers in the pot, poured coconut juice on it, and started to cook it over high heat.

Then he set up a stone next to it and grilled the abalone and scallops on it.

"Our lunch today is turtle stew!"

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