"How is that possible?"

Zhao Lu smiled and shook her head, then pointed to the herbal shreds on the side.

"Do you know what happens when you mix oil and alkali?"



Ordinary coconut oil toothpaste is made of coconut oil and baking soda.

However, we don’t have baking soda, so we can only use these herbal powders instead."

Speaking, Zhao Lu pointed to the most numerous and finest pile of herbal powder.

"This is something that is almost as alkaline as baking soda.

So, this thing can be used to replace baking soda."

Zhao Lu said, and took out a sturdy wooden stick, and then tied a simple wooden tray to one end of the stick. He also tied a heavier stone with a rope as a weight.

Suddenly, a very simple scale was ready!

Pour the coconut oil onto the broad leaves, and then weigh the coconut oil and the powder used to replace baking soda separately, and finally adjust the weight of the two to roughly the same degree.

Then mix the two together and stir quickly to make the coconut oil into a paste.

Add other Chinese herbal powders to make the coconut oil toothpaste have good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Finally, pour the finished toothpaste into the bamboo tube that has been prepared long ago, and the coconut oil toothpaste is ready!

"You can try this toothpaste tonight~"

Zhao Lu smiled and handed the toothpaste to Chen Chen, then he came into the house and took out some glutinous rice - this was what he found when he was harvesting rice.

Although the amount was small, only about two or three pounds with the shell, it was enough.

"Aren't you going to make soap?

Why did you take out the rice?"

"There is no rush for soap yet, but I will use an egg to confirm whether the lye I prepared can be used.

This is not rice, this is glutinous rice."

Zhao Lu handed the glutinous rice to Chen Chen.

"Please help me peel the shells, then add some water and boil them in a pot. Don't use too much water, and finally cook them into a paste."


Chen Chen nodded. Although she didn't know what Zhao Lu was going to use this thing for, she didn't ask.

Because she would know sooner or later.

After Zhao Lu explained these things, he went out with the engineer shovel.

He was going to cut down some more trees.

By the way, he would dig out a few more bird nests to see if he could find a bird egg.

In the tropical rainforest, the most abundant thing is big trees.

Similarly, there are many kinds of birds.

However, it is really hard to find eggs in bird nests.

Zhao Lu has been away recently, and every time he sees a bird nest, he will climb a tree to take a look, but he has never found any bird eggs.

So although he had already prepared the wood ash alkali solution, he never had the opportunity to test whether the alkali solution meets the standards for making soap.

Walking in the rainforest, listening to the chirping of various insects and birds, Zhao Lu felt very peaceful in his heart.

"Working from sunrise to sunset, resting from sunset to sunrise, this idyllic life is really a kind of enjoyment.

The only drawback is that it is a bit hot.……"

Zhao Lu sighed with some emotion.

This was completely different from the city he had lived in before. After the novelty wore off, he still felt very comfortable.


Zhao Lu suddenly stopped when she saw the marks on the ground, and walked over quickly to take a closer look.

"Is it a pheasant?"

After a while, he came to the conclusion that this was the trace left by a pheasant.

Moreover, it was very fresh, and it was obvious that the pheasant was not too far away from here.

Seeing this, Zhao Lu temporarily stopped the idea of continuing to cut trees, and followed the traces left by the pheasant to find the location of the pheasant.

Following the traces, Zhao Lu saw the pheasant in a"shack" made of plants after a while.

To be precise, it was a female pheasant.

"This guy is quite good at choosing a place~"

Zhao Lu was slightly surprised when he saw the"natural hut" and the pheasant resting in the hut.

Then, he touched a stone and walked towards it carefully.

When he reached the right distance, he threw the stone over.

"With a"bang", the pheasant was knocked unconscious.


I got a pheasant!"

Zhao Lu smiled happily, cut a few vines nearby, and then came to the pheasant.

However, just when Zhao Lu wanted to tie up the pheasant and take it away, he unexpectedly found that there were three eggs under the pheasant's butt!

"There are actually eggs! What a pleasant surprise!"

There is a big difference between a rooster and a hen. Although Zhao Lu had already discovered that this pheasant was a female, he really didn't expect that this chicken actually had eggs!

"This time, we don't have to look for eggs everywhere anymore."

After collecting the eggs, Zhao Lu was no longer in a hurry to cut down the tree. She first sent the hen and the eggs back.

"I'm back!"

"So fast?"

After hearing Zhao Lu's voice, Chen Chen turned around and saw the pheasant in Zhao Lu's hand and the egg in another hand!


It's actually eggs and pheasants!

Is this a hen?"


We can make soap now."

Zhao Lu found a cage, put the hen in it, and then took Chen Chen to a bamboo tube.

This bamboo tube was soaked in plant ash water when he first came. Now it has been 6 days, and the alkalinity is almost enough.

He took a slightly smaller egg and put it into the bamboo tube. As a result, he found that the egg suddenly sank, then slowly rose, and finally floated in the alkaline water.

""It's done!"

Chen Chen was even more excited than Zhao Lu.

As a girl who likes cleanliness, being in this tropical rainforest is really a torture!

So, when she thought about having soap to use, she felt an indescribable excitement.


Zhao Lu nodded, then began to filter the alkali water with cotton cloth and weigh it with a simple scale.

After that, he mixed it in a ratio of 3:5 between alkali and oil - because he couldn't determine the alkalinity of the ash water, he could only mix it in this approximate ratio.

"Do you want some soap?

One of those really nice smelling, all-natural, coconut soaps?"

"I do!"

Chen Chen didn't think too much and nodded directly. Then he found that Zhao Lu's smile was a little strange, and he couldn't help but feel cheated.

"What are you going to do! ?"

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