
Zhao Lu said with a smile, causing Chen Chen to roll his eyes.


I will definitely know when you are done!"

Zhao Lu smiled and continued to lay bricks quickly.

Not long after, a square pool appeared on the stone platform.

After building the pool, Zhao Lu did not stop.

Instead, he took the bricks and glutinous rice lime mortar, selected a few points on the stone platform, and began to build columns with bricks.

Four bricks form a layer.

The bricks are staggered, leaving a hole about ten centimeters wide in the middle.

Five layers are built in this way.

Two such brick columns are built at each point, which makes Chen Chen more and more confused.

"Brother~~ What on earth are you going to use these things for?"

Chen Chen's voice was so sweet, and combined with her appearance and expression, it would really make anyone who saw her feel soft-hearted.


"you guess~"


Chen Chen's face suddenly darkened, but she did not back down.

"Judging from the structure, it should be used to store sticks as a shelf, right?

But what kind of shelf is it?"

"you guess~"


Chen Chen's face turned completely black.

But Zhao Lu almost died of laughter.

The deserted island was very boring, and Chen Chen was the only person he could chat with, so he often teased the other person.

""Humph! You are bad!"

Chen Chen snorted coldly and turned away.

He came to the big rock and silently husked the rice.


The pool is used to make paper~"


Chen Chen was slightly stunned when she heard this. She really hadn't thought of this.

Because on a deserted island, paper is not a necessity.


Do you still want to continue using the shit stirrer?"


You're the one using a shit-stirring stick!"

Chen Chen was embarrassed.

But she was happy in her heart.

Her family was indeed poor, but no matter how poor they were, they couldn't be so poor that they would use leaves to do it.

So, she was really not used to using leaves every day.

Moreover, she was also panicking in her heart.

After all, this was a tropical rainforest with too many fungi. If you don't pay attention to personal hygiene, it will be very miserable.

Skin diseases are all minor.

"Toothpaste, soap and paper~

Our lives are really becoming more and more refined.~"


Zhao Lu smiled and nodded, then clapped her hands and stood up.


Just chatting, he had already used up all the bricks.

"Just let it dry and you can use it!"

Zhao Lu quickly walked to the pottery that she had made a few hours ago, gently squeezed it, and found that it was completely dry.

""The weather is good, this thing dries really fast~"

Zhao Lu sighed silently, then put the pottery in the brick kiln and started firing. After lighting the fire, he went to carry back a basket of yellow mud and a basket of clay. He began to use the yellow mud to make tiles - these tiles will be used to make the roof of the house in the near future. He also used clay to make pots, pans, and other things.

Time passed quickly, and before he knew it, it was time for lunch in the afternoon.

Looking at the pile of rice that Chen Chen had already peeled, Zhao Lu suddenly had an idea.

"Shall we have rice tonight?

And some coconut oil, and make something stir-fry?"


Chen Chen's eyes lit up when she heard that.

Stir-fried vegetables! Rice!

These were things she had been dreaming about for a long time but had never eaten before!


I never thought that I could eat stir-fried vegetables and rice on a deserted island!"

"Not only stir-fried dishes and rice, but also soup~"

Zhao Lu shook the eggs and seaweed in her hand,"Seaweed egg drop soup~

It's just right, the pepper I picked is also dried, I will grind it into powder later, and I will have pepper to use~"

"Oh my god!"

Chen Chen almost drooled when she heard this.

This was something she had never dared to think about when she came to the deserted island!

"I'll go wash the rice!"

Chen Chen said, and he took the pot to the river.

Zhao Lu began to think about what ingredients he should use for the evening cooking.

He went through all the ingredients he had, and then he also took the ingredients to the river.

At present, Zhao Lu only had ginger, and the spices were only cinnamon and pepper, but it was not difficult for Zhao Lu, a chef with full cooking skills.

As for seasonings, salt is enough!

Zhao Lu killed two rabbits very rarely, but they were both male rabbits.

He cut all the rabbit meat with a knife and cut it into shredded meat slices, and kept the four rabbit thighs.

The rest The ingredients were only mushrooms and black fungus.

Although there were few things, they were enough.

After cleaning the turtle shell caught in the morning, Zhao Lu heated it and poured in oil. He used this as a pot and started cooking with a wooden spatula.

With his full-level cooking skills, he could bring out the original flavors of all the ingredients even without any seasonings.

Moreover, not only that, he could also cook while taking care of the roasted rabbit legs beside him.

Brush the rabbit legs with oil with the washed rabbit hair, then turn them slightly, and then weigh them twice on the turtle wok.

Chen Chen was stunned by the skillful movements.


Are you really not a chef?!

Why am I so hungry now?!

It smells so good!"

"Haha~ Of course I'm not a chef~

I'm a veterinarian~

What I'm best at is postpartum care for sows.

I can give you free care in the future~"


For the sake of delicious food, I won’t argue with you!"


When Zhao Lu was waving a wooden spatula to cook, the viewers in the live broadcast room were all jealous.

"I cried!

Master and Mole Xixi were on a deserted island, eating better than me!

I was eating instant noodles here, but they were having a stir-fry!

Two dishes and a soup!

It was so unfair!"

"What an exquisite life!

Two dishes and one soup!

Think about Lao Wang next door roasting spiders. People are really incomparable!

No, I want to go to Lao Wang's live broadcast room next door to give him a reward!

He is so pitiful!"

"Woohoo~ I am so pitiful!

I only have two steamed buns for dinner, and I dare not even eat a bowl of noodles!

It is too expensive!

Look at you guys, two dishes, a soup and rice!

Is this really a deserted island! ?"

"I really cried...

Others were eating all-natural dishes cooked with coconut oil, while I was eating"delicious dishes" cooked with gutter oil, chicken essence and MSG!


"Look at the chef's skills!

I'm really hungry just looking at them!

I can't wait, I'm going to have a bowl of rice!

Today I'm going to have mushroom fried meat bowl of rice!"

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