""Yes, this is saltpeter."

Zhao Lu nodded, and then began to boil the coagulated pig blood in the pot.

After the bright red pig blood was boiled into dark red and cooled, he began to prepare to use saltpeter to make ice to preserve these easily perishable foods.

Fortunately, this piece of saltpeter was quite large, otherwise, it might not be possible to freeze these easily perishable things well.

"" Boom!"

The sky first brightened, and then there was a loud explosion.

Many animals outside the yard were"scared" away.

Soon, it began to rain in the rain forest.

The rain kept falling, making the rain forest much cooler.

"Those beasts are finally gone!"

After hearing no movement outside, Chen Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was completely relieved.

The group of beasts"sieging the city" just now really scared her.


Zhao Lu clapped his hands and packed up the things in front of him.

He had just frozen all the things that were not easy to preserve.

Then he put them in the newly made wooden box and stuffed the wooden box with cotton to keep it warm.

"Looks like we're going to eat these tomorrow.~"


Having meat to eat is a good thing!"

Chen Chen smiled foolishly, then made a cup of honey water and drank it while looking at the rain outside.

"Follow me and you will have meat to eat every day~"

"That’s right~

They’ve already started throwing things out~"

Chen Chen glanced at Zhao Lu,"If the other contestants saw this, they would be so jealous!"

"Haha~ No one eats those things, so why not throw them away?"

Zhao Lu was not just talking about the snake meat.

There were also the bee pupae that were thrown away not long ago, and the pig intestines that were just thrown away.

Pig intestines are indeed good things. If you wash them and scald them with hot water, they are also very good ingredients.

But Zhao Lu just doesn't like to eat this thing, and Chen Chen doesn't like it either.

So they just threw it away.

As for scraping them and using them as casings to make sausages, Zhao Lu was not interested.

How troublesome is it to scrape the intestines?

After scraping them clean, you still have to chop meat stuffing to make sausages!

If you have that time, what else can't you do?

So, the pig intestines were thrown away directly.

"I never thought that I could live such a luxurious life on a deserted island!"

Chen Chen smiled and shook his head, then continued to work.

The two chatted in the rain while working on their own.

The woman spun yarn and wove cloth, while the man cut wood into beams.

It was quite warm and happy.


However, there are not many people who live as happily as Zhao Lu and Chen Chen.

Because it rained heavily not long ago.

That rain has washed away many people's shelters, making them less rainproof.

Now this rain has fallen again, and many people's shelters have lost their ability to protect against rain and began to leak continuously.

The continuous heavy rain directly took away 3 contestants.


The night in the rain passed quickly.

Because of the rain, Zhao Lu slept very comfortably. When he got up the next day, it was already around eight o'clock.

Compared with the"sunrise and work" life of the previous two days, this can be considered as"sleeping in".

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that he got up early the day before to tap rubber.

He stretched and looked at the weather.

He found that it was still raining outside.

However, it was not heavy.

Turning around, he found that Chen Chen was still sleeping, so Zhao Lu did not wake her up, but put on a bamboo hat and went out to wash and clean the farm.

When Zhao Lu came back after work, Chen Chen had already gotten up and was brushing his teeth and washing his face in the yard.

""Zhao Lu! This toothbrush of yours is really useful!"

Chen Chen said vaguely,"It doesn't shed any hair at all!"

"Of course~"

Zhao Lu smiled, then took out the pig liver and pig blood and prepared to make breakfast

"What a pity~

There are really too few ingredients and seasonings, otherwise, I wouldn’t be so entangled."

Zhao Lu sighed silently.

A good cook cannot cook without rice. Without any seasoning, she can only stimulate the original fragrance of the ingredients.

After breakfast, Zhao Lu continued to dig the foundation.

A heavy rain in the evening had wet the soil, and it would be very easy to dig at this moment.

In order to prevent possible typhoons in the future, Zhao Lu temporarily deepened the foundation of the new house by half a meter.

Chen Chen was constantly spinning. A small half of the paddy had turned into rice, which was enough to eat temporarily, so she continued to spin.

The whole morning was spent busy in this drizzle.

The two had charcoal grilled pork belly for lunch.

The delicious pork belly was wrapped in fresh lettuce and put in the mouth to chew together. Chewing is a very rare enjoyment.

Although there is no sauce, it is very delicious with the flavor of salt and pepper.

In the afternoon, the drizzle began to become heavier.

However, this degree of rain is nothing for Zhao Lu, who is very strong.

So he continued to work in the rain.

Digging the ground on rainy days can not only avoid the worry of dust, but also enjoy the special treatment of soft soil.

It can be said to be the best time to dig the ground.

After the previous efforts and the busy day.

When it was almost dark in the afternoon, Zhao Lu finally dug out the big pit.

The large foundation, which is about 50 meters long, 40 meters wide and covers an area of about 2,000 square meters, was dug out by him.


Are you going to build a palace?!"

Chen Chen stared at the huge pit in front of him in amazement,"This is too much!

How did you do it?!"

"It's not bad, it's just a nice house.

I didn't even look at how many days I worked on it!

I was busy for so many days, and it was only completed today. If it wasn't this big, I would have worked in vain."


You are awesome...

But what is that ditch?"

Chen Chen raised his hand and pointed at a small ditch not far from the big ditch.

The ditch was about four meters in diameter and was a round ditch.

"Could that be the palace pond?"

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