
Zhao Lu glanced at Chen Chen with a little embarrassment.

After finding that he was still fast asleep, the embarrassment was slightly alleviated.

There was nothing she could do. Who made him react so strangely?

"Fortunately, the camera is not on at this moment!"

This was Zhao Lu's first thought

"I must have eaten too much leeks yesterday!"

This was Zhao Lu's second thought.

He had a habit every morning when he got up, that is, to solve personal problems first.

Then he came back with a toothbrush and a toothbrush cup to brush his teeth and wash up.

He naturally had a reaction when he woke up in the morning, but he didn't take it to heart.

Because every day after solving personal problems, the natural reaction in the morning would disappear.

But today was very strange.

After he solved his personal problems, the reaction also disappeared naturally.

But when he came back to get the toothbrush and toothbrush cup and accidentally saw Chen Chen, he reacted again.

"What a ghost!"

Zhao Lu sighed silently, then took her things and walked away carefully.

If she was seen, it would be really embarrassing.

"Fortunately, Chen Chen slept soundly.……"

When Zhao Lu left the room and started to wash up, those reactions disappeared naturally.

Feeling that she had become normal again, Zhao Lu felt relieved. She quickly washed up and started to clean up the farm.

"It seems that many things need to be supplemented.……"

Zhao Lu looked at the"air freshener" and bamboo rat bait stored in the farm and found that they were almost used up.

The"anthelmintic powder" was also used up. The last bit of medicine was used up just two days ago. It was time to restock it.

"Although it is still raining, it will rain in the next few days. It seems that I have to go out in the rain."

Looking at the weather outside, Zhao Lu couldn't help but frowned.

He found that the weather was very abnormal recently. It was basically raining, and the wind was not small.

"Is a typhoon really coming?

It seems that I have to build my house quickly."

After making a silent decision, Zhao Lu began to prepare breakfast.

Because it is not convenient to store food in this place, they have been eating pork these days.

Today is no exception.

It is still pork.

Therefore, there is no need to process the ingredients. Just wash the meat and then wash the side dishes.


Why do you always get up so early?"

Chen Chen rubbed his hazy eyes and looked at Zhao Lu strangely.

"Every time I wake up I find you got up before me?"

"Because... the early bird catches the worm~"

Zhao Lu then answered and continued to wash the vegetables.

He just glanced at Chen Chen and found that he was a little restless again.

There was no way, the tropical rainforest was too hot and Chen Chen was not wearing much.

After washing the vegetables quickly, Zhao Lu started to cook.

Because there was less coconut oil, lard was used this time.

They ate roasted breadfruit.

After all, you can't always eat rice!

Moreover, the amount of rice is not as good as breadfruit.

"Huh? Why do I feel like there are so few leeks today~"

Chen Chen was eating and suddenly looked at Zhao Lu with some confusion.

"This dish of stir-fried pork and leeks is basically all meat, with barely any leeks.

Why don't you put more?"

"Now the main thing is to consume meat.

If you don't eat more meat, it will go bad."

Zhao Lu said with a little embarrassment. He found that he had eaten too much leeks.

"Eat quickly~

I have to go out today, you can make bricks and tiles in the shelter~"

"What's matter?"

"Something is missing, I need to go out and find it"


Then you should pay attention to safety~"

"Don't worry~"

Zhao Lu responded, and then started to eat quickly.

He found that whenever he saw Chen Chen, he would have some embarrassing reactions.

This made him feel very embarrassed.

So, he ate very quickly today.

Not long after the battle ended, he went out with a bamboo basket and a hatchet on his back.

Chen Chen didn't care when she saw this, she thought Zhao Lu was in trouble.



After walking out of the shelter, Zhao Lu took a long breath and felt very comfortable all over.

"It seems that I really need to eat less leeks in the future."

After sighing silently, Zhao Lu set off.

He did not rush to find medicinal herbs, but first went to the breadfruit tree, mango rubber tree and banana tree to have a look.

These have been regarded as his own resource points, and naturally he does not allow others to peek.

When he came to these resource points, Zhao Lu began to search nearby, first looking for marks left by others.

For ordinary people, as long as they come, there will be marks left.

Then he looked at various trees to see if there were any signs of other people.

He was very familiar with his"traces", so as long as other people came and picked his resources, he would definitely be able to find clues.

"This is the first time I've found that this trap is quite useful."

Looking at the trap left by the more cautious contestant not long ago under the breadfruit tree, Zhao Lu felt a little emotional.

"It seems that I need to modify this trap a little bit, so that those uninvited guests can be more unlucky!"

Zhao Lu smiled coldly.

Although no trace of the enemy was found, it is always right to be careful.

After inspecting all his resources, Zhao Lu set out and began to look for the herbs he wanted.

Looking for herbs is a very boring job.

After all, this thing is not easy to find. If you are unlucky, you may not find it after searching for a long time.

This is why he was anxious to replenish it after discovering that the supplies were running out.

In the vast sea of trees, Zhao Lu searched for several hours and still found nothing.

Seeing that it was about to have lunch, but he still had nothing, and he couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

"Damn it, what happened today!?

Why didn’t I find any herbs at all!?"

Zhao Lu felt it was very unscientific.

If he had found a lot, only the last few���If he couldn't find any herbs, that would be normal.

But he didn't find any herbs, which was a bit abnormal.


As she was walking, Zhao Lu suddenly found some strange marks on the tree.

Some of them looked like they were left by someone accidentally!

"Anyone around here?"

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